From Keith Weisz on 30 Apr 1998
Mr. Dennis,
I set my Linux box up using the diald daemon for such things as
fetchmail, multi-machine internet access, etc. Works good.
However I want to set up a standard PPP connection without demand
dialing. pppd fails unless I kill diald.
Do I:
I use option number 1. -- just write a script that does the kill for you (something like:Should kill it for you. (... where $() is the same as `` in bash or Korn shell).kill $(cat /var/run/
Another alternative might be to define separate runlevels for diald mode and "manual" pppd mode. That would only be appropriate if you were using init to respawn diald (adding an appropriate line to the /etc/inittab file).
![]() |
versions | lilo | virtdom | kernel | winmodem | basicmail | betterbak |
shadow | dell | dumbterm | whylinux | redhat | netcard | macrovir |
newlook | tacacs | sendmail | dialdppp | ppp233 | msmail | procmail |