mars/error.h File Reference

[host/MPU] MARS Error Values More...


enum  {
 MARS error values. More...

Detailed Description

[host/MPU] MARS Error Values

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum

MARS error values.

These are the generic error values returned by MARS API functions.

For specific reasons for the error, please refer to the specific function reference in the API documentation.

MARS_SUCCESS  successful with no errors
MARS_ERROR_NULL  null pointer passed in
MARS_ERROR_PARAMS  invalid parameter specified
MARS_ERROR_INTERNAL  internal library error
MARS_ERROR_MEMORY  out of memory
MARS_ERROR_ALIGN  bad memory alignment
MARS_ERROR_LIMIT  some limit exceeded
MARS_ERROR_STATE  something is in an invalid state
MARS_ERROR_FORMAT  invalid format specified
MARS_ERROR_BUSY  operation returned due to being busy

Generated on Fri Dec 19 21:36:43 2008 for MARS by  doxygen 1.5.6