mars_task_args Struct Reference
[Task Management API]

MARS task argument structure. More...

#include <mars_task_types.h>

Detailed Description

MARS task argument structure.

This structure is initialized by the user and within the mars_task_params structure which is passed into mars_task_initialize for MARS task initialization.

This argument structure is directly passed into the MARS task's mars_task_main function at task execution.

Field Documentation

uint8_t mars_task_args::u8[32]

array of 32 8-bit unsigned ints

uint16_t mars_task_args::u16[16]

array of 16 16-bit unsigned ints

uint32_t mars_task_args::u32[8]

array of 8 32-bit unsigned ints

uint64_t mars_task_args::u64[4]

array of 4 64-bit unsigned ints

Generated on Wed Jun 25 11:07:27 2008 for MARS by  doxygen 1.5.2