A.2.1.3 Exceptions to A.2.1.2 'FailLoginsSilently' 'LogonScript'

To retain backwards compatibility, the following exceptions are made to A.2.1.2. 'FailLoginsSilently'

Historically, the 'FailLoginsSilently' value was in HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters key and not in the NP key. Therefore, for backwards compatibility, the value in the Parameters key will supercede all instances of this value in other keys. In the absence of this value in the Parameters key, normal scope rules apply. 'LogonScript'

If a 'LogonScript' is not specified in the specific domain key nor in the domains key, the value in the NP key will only be checked if the effective 'LogonOptions' specify a high security integrated login. If a logon script is specified in the specific domain key or the domains key, it will be used regardless of the high security setting. Please be aware of this when setting this value.