From: Sabino Maggi (
Date: Fri May 05 2000 - 18:52:54 CEST
> FIAT is latin!!!!!!
> And it means: It may happen. As in "fiat lux".
> Some say, it means, it may drive... ;-)
> But what has this all to do with muLinux?
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Martin
Nothing at all. It is just fun to follow such a fine mailing list where
wines, Freud and QED/QCD can be so easily mixed up with muLinux and
And, hoping to start a new thread, I'd like to ask your
opinion/interpretation of this cryptic mail I have just received:
On Fri, 5 May 2000, <CENSORED!> wrote:
> Il giorno 15 corrente mese, con inizio alle ore 11, il dr ....
> terrà una conferenza sul tema:
> "Preservation of the U.S. Constitution; a Challenge for Metrology and Vacuum
> Technique"
> presso la sala riunioni del reparto dinamometrico.
> Sperando di vedervi intale occasione vi invio i miei più cordiali saluti
> Signed: <CENSORED!>
> Address: <CENSORED!>
which, for the non-italian speaking part of the list, means more or less:
"On day 15 of the current month, starting at 11 a.m., dr. ....
will give a talk about
"Preservation of the U.S. Constitution; a Challenge for Metrology and
Vacuum Technique"
in the meeting room of the Dinamometric Dept.
Hoping to meet you at this event, I send you my best wishes
Signed: ..."
Maybe the US residents might shed some light about the possible
connections between the US constitution and vacuum techniques.
Or maybe an expert on Freud's work might help.
Have a nice weekend
-- Sabino
"There are two things that are infinite: Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein
Sabino Maggi ! tel: (+39) 011-3919-436
IEN "G. Ferraris" ! fax: (+39) 011-3463-84
Strada delle Cacce, 91 ! e-mail:
I-10135 Torino, Italy !
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