Isis 3.0 Developer's Reference (API)


Isis::InterestOperatorFactory Class Reference

This class is used to create InterestOperator objects. More...

#include <InterestOperatorFactory.h>

Static Public Member Functions

static InterestOperatorCreate (Pvl &pPvl)
 Create an InterestOperator object using a PVL specification.

Detailed Description

This class is used to create InterestOperator objects.

Typically applications which need use InterestOperators would like to use different techniques such as Standard Deviation or Gradient. If this factory is given a Pvl object which contains a InterestOperator definition it will create that specific instance of the class.

2006-02-04 Jacob Danton

Member Function Documentation

InterestOperator * Isis::InterestOperatorFactory::Create ( Pvl pPvl)

Create an InterestOperator object using a PVL specification.

An example of the PVL required for this is:

Object = InterestOperator
Group = Operator
Name = StandardDeviation
Samples = 21
Lines = 21
Delta = 50

There are many other options that can be set via the pvl and are described in other documentation (see below).

pvlThe pvl object containing the specification
See Also

References Isis::FileName::fileExists(), Isis::PvlObject::findGroup(), Isis::Plugin::GetPlugin(), Isis::Pvl::read(), and Isis::PvlObject::Traverse.

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