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Re: Re: [oc] GNU LGPL license

> My former reply was in regards to using a "GNU" runtime library for use by
> an embedded processor within your applicaton.
> In regards to creating a GNU LGPL-like statement for use by opencores
> projects you could include clauses similar to
> n) Works that include cores obtained from opencores, but not modified
> require disclosure that said core was used and referecence to original art
> being used (e.g. adder123 v ab.cd  www.pencores.org ...)

Ouch, this leads to the famous BSD fault.
If anybody changes the license to (e.g. add123v ab.cd my_name), than the user 
needs to list all these names.

BSD stated the famous words:
"3) Parts of this work are derived from Berkley ......."
People changed this to their own company/personal name, which leads to an 
enormous list of people/companies being listed.

I can really see a company changing an OpenCores project and adding their 
name, instead of or in addition to opencores.

> o) Derivative cores are described as modifications, no matter how trivial,
> to cores obtained from opencores.org. You are permitted to freely create
> derivative cores but not use them for comercial purpose until after
> submission of the derivative core back to opencores.org

Not really, derivative cores can be based on a core from opencores, but can 
be a totaly different one or include company proprietary or patented stuff. I 
certainly want to see my cores in as much as projects as possible. The more 
users the more chance bugs (if any :-)) are discovered.

> Add the usual weasel words...
> I do have a concern about what happens if someone submits a derivative core
> back to opencores.org and that the changes includes patented, copyrighted,
> stolen, or other like pieces of intellectual property. Is there somewhere
> an equivilent to "bans" or "Public Notices" in newspapers wherein the
> changes can be openly disclosed?
> Jim Dempsey
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