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[oc] Programs in Xilinx Block RAM

     I intend to incorporate the Mini-Risc Core by Rudolf Usselmann with an FTDMA (similar to ByteFlight) controller.
What I need to know is how to synthesize programs in the program memory (Xilinx Block RAM). The hex2v program generates
a .rom file which is used within the test bench for simulations but for sysnthesis how to synthesize the program within the Block RAM
or if there is a way to dynamically download programs in the Block RAM.
I am using Xilinx WebPack and XC2S200 -5C Spartan-II  FPGA.
In the $WebPackRoot/bin/nt directory there is a generatecore.exe utility. I rough guess I have that I would have to generate
the Block RAM core with the program in it and then intantiate it in the Desisgn before synthesis. The generate core utility gives the following message
Usage: generatecore [-cell <cellName>] [-component <componentName>] [-targetArch
<targetDeviceFamily>] [-library <libraryName>] [-package <packageName>]
[-outputFile <outputFileName>] [-outputDirectory <outputDirectory>] [-p
{<ppair>}] [-a {<apair>}] <simName>
But guessing and experimenting won't work (at least not fast enough). I'll be grateful if Rudolf Usselmann or any one else can 
Thanks in anticipation and kind regards