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Re: [oc] RE: [pci] PCI core ( LICENSING )

On Mon, 7 Apr 2003, John Dalton wrote:

> > ..., Spice (a very fine electronical
> > simulator). It's under a BSD like licence.
> A minor point, but I don't think this is correct.
> SPICE was written by Berkeley, but as far as I know
> it is not released under a BSD like license.  Yes
> the source has been released, but the copyright messages
> in the source simply say 'all rights reserved', implying
> that permission has not been granted to freely modify or
> copy it.

Isn't this just because the original spice release was around 1975,
before copyleft licenses had been thought of - I think the assumption
was that since the source was released, people could change it, and no
more was needed than that, rather than the license statement indicating
a deliberate intention not to use the now normal BSD license...
In other words, if I'm right that's just a historical accident.


> John
> --
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