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Re: [oc] Verilog coding style for Open Cores-RTL - Case in point SHA1

Why would you say SystemC is a gonner ?!

Synopys is part of the SystemC work group so Texas Instruments

----- Original Message -----
From: "Joachim Strömbergson" <Joachim.Strombergson@InformAsic.com>
To: <cores@opencores.org>
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2003 3:17 PM
Subject: Re: [oc] Verilog coding style for Open Cores-RTL - Case in point


Marco Antonio Simon Dal Poz wrote:
> On 20 May 2003, Rudolf Usselmann wrote:
>>>I'm new here. I see most of the projects are done in Verilog. Why
>>>Most school teach VHDL.... My university teach VHDL.
>>>I really don't want to juggle two languages.
>>You should ask your school (and the other schools you are
>>referring too), most of the industry is using Verilog.
>>Search the archives, I have posted a message a while back
>>in which the Synopsys CEO makes a statement that VHDL is
>>dead. Which is probably not quite true, but shows you that
>>the industry is at least trying to steer in to one direction ...
> AFAIK, the industry is trying to steer in the direction of discarding
> Synopsys. Please, correct me if I am wrong...

You are wrong. ;-)

There are specific areas where Cadence, Mentor et al are big and dominate,
for large parts of the ASIC design flow, Synopsys not only dominate but have
gained market share. This has both to do with the (so far) successful merger
with Avanti, but old Synopsys tools have in same cases increased market
(where it is possible - for STA PrimeTime is basically alone anyways).

If you don't trust me, please check John Cooleys trip reports for the latest
DAC and SNUG [1]. Yes, SNUG is a Synopsys event, but you can probably trust
your fellow engineers when it comes to the tool polls.

One area *not* dominated by Synopsys is FPGAs. But it's a pretty slim market
in terms of money, and the free tool offerings from Xilinx and Altera are
eating away the margins from below.

And when it comes to VHDL vs Verilog vs Superlog/System Verilog and SystemC,
if engineer like/disklike is a measure, Verilog will *continue* to dominate
for the next years and slowly be replaced by System Verilog. And, yes,
VHDL and SystemC.

DAC 2002 Trip Report - Massive amounts of info:

SNUG 2003 Trip Report - Great reading:

Med vänlig hälsning, Yours

Joachim Strömbergson - Alltid i harmonisk svängning.
VP, Research & Development
InformAsic AB / Hugo Grauers gata 5B / SE-411 33 GÖTEBORG / Sweden
Tel: +46 31 68 54 90  Fax: +46 31 68 54 91  Mobile: +46 733 75 97 02
E-mail: joachim.strombergson@informasic.com  Home: www.informasic.com

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