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[ethmac] WishBone bug?

Hello Igor

We use the latest release of Ethmac and we encountered some problems. We don't 
use the eth_cop as the ethmac's top level (I hope that isn't the problem.) 
If you look at the attached gif you will se a WishBone transfer go wrong. At the 
marker, you initialise a wishbone transfer for address 40005a54, we give the 
data and confirms it with an ack_i. The cyc_o and stb_o signals stays high for 
another clk_cycle. This indicates a burst transfer or that you want to read the 
same address once more, but the cyc_o and stb_o goes low without a new ack_i 
signal, This is not right. 
The next transfer is for address 40005a5c. Where is the 40005a58 transfer? 
Something has gone wrong.

And when you're at it... is it possible to make burst transfers work?

/Torbjörn and Mathias


GIF image