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Re: [video] About DCT cores

> Hello All;
> I am a beginner to FPGA programming scratching around, Therefore I would
> like to ask you some questions for your assistance.. I am about to select a
> thesis project about compression systems. I need to compress 256x256
> digitized video signal and after some operations i need to decompress it by
> using IDCT.. For this I have seen Sherif Taher Eid's DCT cores under
> http://www.opencores.org/cores/dct/dct.shtml . How can I use these cores
> for my circuit?

I only took a glance at Sherif Taher's core, but never really looked at the 
code. Anyway it is a mono-dimensional 8entries DCT.

> On the other hand I have seen Video Systems project under
> http://www.opencores.org/projects/video_systems ..Can I also use this
> Core??

Whereas the DCT unit from the video_compression_systems is a true 
two-dimensional 8x8 DCT as needed by MPEG.

> Are these Cores like java classes in practice? Should i
> process these cores in the same FPGA chip that i will be using for my
> programs?

Hmm. These are verilog cores. Verilog and VHDL are universal languages that 
allow you to write target independant hardware. This means you can use the 
same code to target an Altera or Xilinx FPGA, or target an ASIC.
JAVA classes is a different kind of sport (software not hardware), but for 
comparison purposes you might think of hardware modules as building blocks to 
generate the design.


> I am bit confused, if you could help me about my questions then i will be
> very happy.
> Have a good day,
> Aris

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