typedef vector<IPv4> AddrList | AddrList |
typedef vector<IPv4Net> NetList | NetList |
FinderTcpListenerBase (EventLoop& e,
IPv4 interface,
uint16_t port,
bool en = true)
throw (InvalidAddress, InvalidPort) | FinderTcpListenerBase |
~FinderTcpListenerBase ()
| ~FinderTcpListenerBase |
bool connection_event (XorpFd fd)
| connection_event |
[pure virtual]
Method called when a connection is accepted and matches permitted access conditions.
fd | file descriptor associated with new connection. |
Returns: true if instance agrees to take responsibility for file descriptor, false otherwise.
bool enabled ()
| enabled |
Determine whether listener is enabled.
void set_enabled (bool en)
| set_enabled |
Control whether listener is enabled.
IPv4 address ()
| address |
Get interface address listener is operating on.
uint16_t port ()
| port |
Get port listener is bound to.
void connect_hook (XorpFd fd, IoEventType type)
| connect_hook |
Accepts connection, checks source address, and then calls connection_event() if source is valid.
FinderTcpListenerBase (const FinderTcpListenerBase&)
| FinderTcpListenerBase |
FinderTcpListenerBase& operator= (const FinderTcpListenerBase&)
| operator= |
EventLoop& eventloop ()
| eventloop |
[protected const]
EventLoop& _e | _e |
XorpFd _lsock | _lsock |
bool _en | _en |
IPv4 _addr | _addr |
uint16_t _port | _port |
AddrList _ok_addrs | _ok_addrs |
NetList _ok_nets | _ok_nets |