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The role of Mathematics in Virtual Architecture Michele
(English version) (Autumn 2005) This
paper is dedicated to some arguments that could be of interest
both for students and practicing architects. A short adventure
in the reign of mathematics and culture.The example that I have
chosen is that of the idea of space, how this idea and the perception
of space around us has changed up to the point where it has arrived
to the form of virtual architecture.
Il ruolo della cultura matematica nell'architettura virtuale
Michele Emmer
italiana) (Autumn 2005) L'articolo
parla di argomenti che possono interessare sia gli studenti sia
gli architetti. Una breve avventura nel regno dell matematica
e cultura. L'esempio che ho scelto è quello dell'idea
dello spazio, come quest'idea e la percezione dello spazio intorno
a noi è cambiata fino ad arrivare alle forme della architettura
Roma Tre 1995-2005: Architecture and Mathematics
Andrea Pagano and Laura Tedeschini Lalli
(English version) (Autumn 2005) Andrea Pagano and Laura
Tedeschini Lalli present a brief note on what has to be considered
a teaching success story. They tell of ten years of teaching
mathematics at the Faculty of Architecture of the Università
di Roma Tre, describing some new course content that has been
introduced, the methods used and, above all, the spirit that
has driven the ideas about teaching mathematics to future architects.
The experience covers the full curriculum of the student: from
first year courses to individual projects.
Roma Tre 1995-2005: Architettura e Matematica Andrea
Pagano e Laura Tedeschini Lalli
italiana) (Autumn 2005) Nel
presente lavoro Andrea Pagano e Laura Tedeschini Lalli presentano
una breve nota su quella che è da considerare una storia
di successo. Racconta di dieci anni di insegnamento presso la
Facoltà di Architettura dell'Università' di Roma
Tre. Si descrivono i nuovi contenuti introdotti nei corsi, le
metodologie di insegnamento e soprattutto lo spirito che ha guidato
le nostre idee su cosa e come insegnare la matematica a futuri
architetti. L'esperienza descritta copre l'intero percorso degli
studenti: dai corsi di primo anno ai progetti individuali.
for Mathematics: The School of Mathematics at Città Universitaria
in Rome Claudio Presta
version) (Autumn 2005) One
obvious aspect of the relationship between architecture and mathematics
is the nature of the actual places designed by architects for
the mathematical community. The School of Mathematics of the
Città Universitaria designed by Giò Ponti. Claudio
Presta examines Ponti's design to see how architecture can create
an appropriate space for doing mathematics. What is the meaning,
if there is one? What are the motives that drove the architect
to create a building expressly for the School of Mathematics
and not a simple/complex building in which the School could simply
be housed? Ponti provides an answer in following the shape of
the Greek theater for one part of the building, while the dimensions
of the other part tend towards the Golden Section.
per la matematica: la Scuola di Matematica a Città Universitaria
di Roma Claudio Presta
italiana) (Autumn 2005) Nel
rapporto tra Architettura e Matematica c'è anche, ovviamente,
la concretezza di luoghi progettati per la vita della comunità
matematica. La Scuola di Matematica di Città Universitaria
è stato progettato da Gio' Ponti. Claudio Presta prende
in esaminazione il progetto di Ponti per vedere come l'architettura
crea degli spazi addatti alla matematica. Quale è il senso
se ce n'è uno? Quali sono le spinte su cui lavora l'architetto
nella finalità di creare l'edificio di Matematica alla
Sapienza, e non una semplice/complessa costruzione in cui poi
"sistemare" la Scuola? Una delle risposte di Ponti
si trova nella forma del teatro greco. Un'altra risposta si trova
nelle dimensione che tendono alla sezione aurea.
The archKIDecture Build IT! Exhibit
Project Julie Cowan (Spring 2005) archKIDecture is an independent architecture
education project that encourages children to explore and participate
in the built environment. The archKIDecture Build IT!
exhibit teaches children the vocabulary of building so that they
can build and interact with their built environment in a personal
way that reflects and empowers them as individuals. It is also
an accessible and practical context for exploring mathematical
concepts such as tessellations, ornament design, symmetry, scale,
proportion, and composition in a tangible and stimulating way.
From Natural Forms to Models
Mari Alati, Liliana Curcio, Roberto Di Martino, Lino Gerosa,
Cinzia Tresoldi
(English version) (Spring 2005) The course presented at the Istituto Statale
d'arte, a high school for visual and design arts, is a guided
tour of the world of forms of seashells. The main goal of this
course is to present to the student prevalently scientific methods
of interpretation of forms.
Dalle forme naturali ai modelli
Mari Alati, Liliana Curcio, Roberto Di Martino, Lino Gerosa,
Cinzia Tresoldi
(versione italiana) (Spring 2005) Il percorso didattico di cui tratteremo
ci propone un viaggio guidato nel mondo della forma delle conchiglie,
condotto all'interno della didattica di una scuola di design.
La finalità primaria di questo lavoro è quella
di proporre agli studenti metodi di lettura della forma a carattere
prevalentemente scientifico.
Designing a Problem-Based Learning
Course of Mathematics for Architects Francisco
Javier Delgado Cepeda (Spring 2005) In the past nine years, the teaching model
of the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores
de Monterrey has rapidly evolved, taking into account the development
of abilities, attitudes and values without forgetting the development
of knowledge. The mathematics for architecture course was redesigned,
using problem-based learning and an intensive application of
computer technology to overcoming those difficulties. Now, the
main purpose is to develop a mathematical, physical and technological
culture in students of architecture to allow them to analyze
and solve complex problems related to mathematics in architecture
and design. The course was planned and implemented for the first
semester of the architecture program and is actually related
(through curriculum integration) to future courses which require
specific mathematical applications.
The Geometry of Frank Lloyd Wright
Linda Keane and Mark Keane (Spring 2005) Mark and Linda Keane describe a seminar
that seeks to answer these questions with evidence of a renaissance
of work in the twenty-first century that emanates or owes allegiance
to mathematical explorations configured in Wright's body of work.
This seminar, The Geometry of Wright, offers students in the
state of Wisconsin the opportunity to learn about Wright's life,
those who influenced him, and those whom he influenced. The combination
of history, theory, mathematics, and design activities in this
seminar offer students an opportunity to become aware of Wright's
use of geometry, understand its roots and precedents, and apply
them to a project of their own. This whole language approach
to learning embeds appreciation of mathematic principles and
encourages students to apply geometric relationships in their
own search for proportion and form.
Reconstruction of Forms through
Linear Algebra Elena Marchetti and Luisa Rossi
Costa (Spring 2005) Lines
and surfaces are boundary elements of objects and buildings:
it is very important to give the students a mathematical approach
to them. Elena Marchetti and Luisa Rossi Costa present linear
algebra (by vectors and matrices) as an elegant and synthetic
method, not only for the description but also for the virtual
reconstruction of shapes.The aim of our activity is to facilitate
-- and, at the same time, to develop -- the comprehension of
crucial mathematical tools involved in the realization of forms
and shapes in arts, architecture and industrial design and in
computer graphics. Another important aspect of linear algebra
to be pointed out to the students is its application in graphics
software packages, which work with transformations that change
the position, orientation and size of objects in a drawing.
Methods for Evaluation in Mathematics
for Architecture and Design Hernán Nottoli
(Spring 2005) In
mathematical teaching, there exists a dichotomy between two entities.
On the one hand, there are the methodologies for imparting mathematical
knowledge; on the other hand there are different mechanisms for
evaluating students. Hernán Nottoli analyses some aspects
that we consider relevant with respect to how knowledge is verified
and ranked in evaluation tests in the case of mathematics in
architecture and design schools, provides statistical evidence
of experiences in the Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Design
at the University of Buenos Aires, and provides an example of
the kind of exerise that has been used with success with his
own students.
The Education of the Classical
Architect from Plato to Vitruvius Graham Pont (Spring
2005) Plato divided
science (episteme) into 'science of action' (praktike)
and 'science of mere knowing' (gnostike). His argument
is the first known attempt to distinguish what is now recognised
as technology, as distinct from more purely rational science.
Aristotle coined the compound term technologia and thereby
established this new department of science within the general
system of knowledge. Plato did not develop his novel characterisation
of the architect any further, for the ancient Greeks did not
consider architecture a fine or estimable art. The best available
source of Greek architectural pedagogy is the Roman Vitruvius.
Graham Pont discusses Vitruvius's distinction between the 'practical'
side of architecture (fabrica) and the 'theoretical' (ratiocinatio),
and examines the mathematical preparation of ancient architects.
Teaching Geometry to Artists J.M.
Rees (Spring 2005) JM
Rees discusses his experience teaching geometry to artists. The
aim is to introduce scientific ideas to arts students through
the visualizations that are such an important part of discourse
in science. I describe the intellectual context, define selected
concepts using geometry (classically, a liberal art) and introduce
elementary mathematical formulae--all relying on graphic visualizations
to make fundamental ideas clear. My goal is to provide a means
by which visually sophisticated persons may think with
geometry about culture.
Euler's Theorem as the Path towards
Geometry Emil Saucan (Spring 2005) The course in Mathematics for Architecture
Students at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology needed
to encapsulate as much formative knowledge as possible. Above
and beyond the absolute importance of Euler's Formula relative
to the corpus of classical mathematics and the role it played
in its development (as in Betti numbers and Homology in general
on one hand and the Global Gauss-Bonnet Theorem on the other
hand), its simplicity, yet potency (in the sense of representing
an jumping board, an opening towards a variety of subjects belonging
to the fields of Topology and Geometry) recommend Euler's Theorem
as natural candidate for a cornerstone, a red thread running
along and directing the whole course.
Teaching Mathematics in Architecture
Arzu Gonenc Sorguc (Spring 2005) The Department of Architecture of Middle
East Technical University offers a course entitled 'Mathematics
in Architecture' for the third year students. In the beginning
of the term, students are forced to imagine themselves as 2-dimensional
creatures living in a 2-dimensional space. At this point, fundamentals
of architectural geometry are introduced first in the plane,
simply by employing the set concept; mapping as a general tool
is then introduced and students are asked to use mapping in their
design to correlate the project requirements and geometry. Following
that, the principles of isometries and isometric constructions
are introduced. In the second part of the term, students are
allowed to think in terms of 3-dimensional space and topics related
with the principles of similarities and proportions and symmetry
are presented. In the final part of the course, students are
forced to think themselves as 3-Dimensional creatures living
in a 4-Dimensional space and this fourth dimension is sought.
The last topic of the course is related with biomimicry in architecture
and mathematics inherent in bio-forms and man-made structures.
Leo: a Multimedia Tale of Structural
Mechanics Nicola Luigi Rizzi and Valerio Varano (Spring
2005) The authors
have devised a method for teaching structural mechanics that
articulated in the following three phases: observations (the
description of mechanical phenomena, increasingly complex, selected
with regards to their pertinence of the problem that one wants
to affront, and their efficiency); modeling (the construction
of a physical-mathematical model that takes into account its
formal content and stresses its importance as an instrument and
has the potential for other applications); design (suggestion
of cues for applications stimulate the student to exercise his
creative imitation). What is proposed to the student is not so
much a set of notions, as a method and set of instruments for
selecting experiences (for example previous design solutions)
to the end of evaluating their repeatability in diverse situations,
by means of a physical-mechanical reading which comes from phenomena
which one finds in daily life. "Leo" was created as
a teaching instrument which is presented as a tale in the form
of a hypertext.
Number is Form and Form is Number
Anne Tyng. Interview by Robert Kirkbride (Spring 2005) Robert Kirkbride interviews
Anne Tyng, Fellow of the American Institute of Architects and
a member of the National Academy of the Arts on the potentials
of geometry and number in architectural practice. Through such
examples as Pascal's Triangle and her "Super Pythagorean
Theorem," Dr. Tyng asserts that geometry is not only a metaphor
for thought and the creative process, it is a spatial demonstration
of how the mind generates associations by the combination, or
layering, of pattern and chance.
Teaching Mathematics through
Brick Patterns David Reid (Autumn 2004) There are many elements
of architecture that provide teachers and students useful opportunities
for mathematical explorations. In this article educator David
Reid examines a few aspects of what is possible with only one
structure, the brick wall. Mathematics can make us more aware
of aspects of the world we might normally ignore. This allows
students to develop different view of mathematics, richer than
the image of rules and facts that they often have. In the activities
Reid describes here, the study of the patterns found in brick
walls and pavements makes his students more aware of symmetry
as a way of seeing.
The Effect of Integrating
Design Problems on Learning Mathematics in an Architecture College
Igor M. Verner and Sarah Maor (Autumn 2003) A number of universities
and colleges have developed mathematics courses based on the
relationship between architecture and mathematics. Igor Verner
and Sarah Maor report on a study of learning mathematics in professional
context in one of the architecture colleges in Israel, with a
focus on assessment and educational research. This paper consider
in detail applied contents and learning activities in the course,
and our way forward in order to discuss them with the NEXUS community.
A Proposed Two-Semester
Programme for Mathematics in the Architecture Curriculum
Luisa Consiglieri and Victor Consiglieri (Spring 2003) Luisa Consiglieri and
Victor Consiglieri propose a one-year mathematics course for
architecture students. The aim of this work is to examine the
relevance of mathematics in contemporary architecture, namely
its most representative forms of cultural or sport buildings.
Because today the architectural object has a great exuberance,
as it did in the Gothic age with its ogival forms, or the Baroque
with its vaults and spherical calottes, some notions of topology
are required; the classic linear algebra and analytical geometry
are becoming inadequate for the purpose. For the education of
an architect, with a modern vision of the utility of technology,
the academic staff must understand what students lack, and promote
quality in their professional work. Indeed, it is important that
mathematics do not fall into neglect, and students might profit
from mathematics and topological geometry as previous requisites
for their imagination and poetic ability. Nevertheless, harmony,
expression, or quality of the actual worth of architectonic messages
are not explained rationally by mathematics, but by appealing
to sentiment or sensibility.
Ertha Diggs and the
Ancient Stone Arch Mystery Michael Serra (Autumn
Michael Serra describes a class
project for constructing arches and examining their properties.
The objective was for students to review and apply the properties
of isosceles triangles, trapezoids, regular polygons, and of
interior and exterior angle sums. They were to practice communicating
mathematically and modeling in two and three dimensions. It is
a fun two-day activity of hands-on mathematics and problem solving.
In the Palm of Leonardo's
Hand: Modeling Polyhedra George Hart (Spring 2002) George W. Hart presents
three examples of new computer-based "3D printing"
techniques for recreating the historically important polyhedral
models of Leonardo da Vinci and Luca Pacioli. It is hoped that
such models will inspire students and the public to appreciate
the history and beauty of polyhedra for architectural and other
Math-Kitecture at PS 88
Charles Bender (Autumn 2001) Charles
Bender explains "Math-Kitecture", a program for integrating,
computer, mathematics and architecture into the elementary level
curriculum. Math-Kitecture is put to use by fourth- and fifth-grade
students in New York's Public School 88.
Didactics: Proportions in
the Architecture Curriculum Roger Herz-Fischler
(Summer 2001) Roger
Herz-Fischler presents a revised version of a chapter entitled
"Proportions" that appeared in the problems part of
his book, Space, Shape and Form /An Algorithmic Approach,
developed for a mathematics course he taught in the School of
Architecture at Carleton University from 1973-1984.
Piero Matematico di Daniela Gentilin e Ennio Bettanello
Orietta Pedemonte (versione italiana) Spring 2001
Piero Matematico by Daniela Gentilin e Ennio Bettanello
Orietta Pedemonte (English version) Spring 2001
sul Piero Matematico Daniela Gentilin
e Ennio Bettanello (versione italiana) (Spring 2001)
Piero Matematico Daniela Gentilin e
Ennio Bettanello (English version) (Spring 2001).
per architettura: alcune esperienze europee Orietta
Pedemonte (versione italiana) (Winter 2001)
for Architecture: Some European Experiences Orietta
Pedemonte (English version) (Winter 2001)
Esperienze di un laboratori dei
modelli. Mostra didattica a cura dell'Istituto Statale Sperimentale
d'Arte di Monza con la collaborazione del Liceo Artistico di
Busto Arsizio. Liliana Curcio
e Roberto Di Martino (versione
italiana) (July 2000)
in a Model-Making Laboratory. Didactic exhibit curated by the
Istituto Statale Sperimentale d'Arte di Monza in collaboration
with the Liceo Artistico di Busto Arsizio. Liliana
Curcio and Robert Di Martino (English
version) (July 2000). This paper
appears in the Nexus
Network Journal 2 (2000): 147-154.
A Term Project: Creating
a Geometry Cathedral Michael
Serra (April 2000). This paper appears in the Nexus
Network Journal 2 (2000): 159-161.
Rinascimento, geometria e architettura Pierangela
Rinaldi (versione italiana).
January 2000.
Renaissance, Geometry and Architecture Pierangela
Rinaldi. January 2000. This paper appears in the Nexus
Network Journal 2 (2000): 155-158.
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