Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 437 - 440 (1999) |
On the Controllability of a Slowly Rotating Timoshenko BeamW. Krabs and G. M. SklyarW. Krabs: Techn. Univ., FB Mathematik, Schlo{ß}gartenstr. 7, D - 64289 DarmstadtG. M. Sklyar: State Univ., Dept. Math. Anal., Svoboda sqr. 4, 310077 Kharkov, Ukraine and Universitet Szczecinski, Institut Matematyki, ul. Wielkopolska 15, Szczecin, Poland Abstract: We consider a slowly rotating Timoshenko beam in a horizontal plane whose movement is controlled by the angular acceleration of the disk of a driving motor into which the beam is clamped. The problem to be solved is to transfer the beam from a position of rest into a position of rest under a given angle within a given time. We show that this problem is solvable, if the time of rotation prescribed is large enough. Keywords: controllability, Timoshenko Beam Full text of the article:
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