Isis 3.0 Object Programmers' Reference


Isis::CnetViz::AbstractTreeModel Class Referenceabstract

Base class for tree models. More...

#include <AbstractTreeModel.h>

Inheritance diagram for Isis::CnetViz::AbstractTreeModel:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Isis::CnetViz::AbstractTreeModel:
Collaboration graph


class  FilterFunctor

Public Types

enum  InterestingItems { PointItems = 1, MeasureItems = 2, SerialItems = 4, AllItems = PointItems | MeasureItems | SerialItems }

Public Slots

void applyFilter ()


void cancelSort ()
void modelModified ()
void filterProgressChanged (int)
void filterProgressRangeChanged (int, int)
void rebuildProgressChanged (int)
void rebuildProgressRangeChanged (int, int)
void treeSelectionChanged (QList< AbstractTreeItem * >)
void tableSelectionChanged (QList< AbstractTreeItem * >)
void filterCountsChanged (int visibleTopLevelItemCount, int topLevelItemCount)
 This signal is emitted after filtering to provide the number of visible top-level items remaining after the filter was applied, as well as the total number of items that were possible.

Public Member Functions

 AbstractTreeModel (ControlNet *controlNet, TreeView *v, QObject *parent=0)
QList< AbstractTreeItem * > getItems (int, int, InterestingItemsFlag=AllItems, bool=false)
QList< AbstractTreeItem * > getItems (AbstractTreeItem *, AbstractTreeItem *, InterestingItemsFlag=AllItems, bool=false)
QList< AbstractTreeItem * > getSelectedItems (InterestingItemsFlag=AllItems, bool=false)
QMutex * getMutex () const
int getItemCount (InterestingItemsFlag) const
int getTopLevelItemCount () const
int getVisibleItemCount (InterestingItemsFlag, bool) const
int getVisibleTopLevelItemCount () const
TreeViewgetView () const
void setDrivable (bool drivableStatus)
bool isDrivable () const
bool isFiltering () const
bool isRebuilding () const
void setRebuilding (bool running)
void setFilter (FilterWidget *newFilter)
void setGlobalSelection (bool selected, InterestingItemsFlag=AllItems)
void stopWorking ()
QSize getVisibleSize (int indentation) const
 indentation is in pixels
int indexOfVisibleItem (AbstractTreeItem const *item, InterestingItemsFlag=AllItems, bool=false) const
void setFrozen (bool)
bool isFrozen () const
void queueRebuild ()
virtual void rebuildItems ()=0

Protected Member Functions

void clear ()
ControlNetgetControlNetwork () const
FilterWidgetgetFilterWidget () const
QFutureWatcher< QAtomicPointer
< RootItem > > * 
getRebuildWatcher () const
RootItemgetRootItem () const

Protected Attributes


Private Slots

void applyFilterDone ()
void rebuildItemsDone ()

Private Member Functions

 AbstractTreeModel (const AbstractTreeModel &)
AbstractTreeModeloperator= (const AbstractTreeModel &)
AbstractTreeItemnextItem (AbstractTreeItem *current, InterestingItemsFlag flags, bool ignoreExpansion) const
void selectItems (AbstractTreeItem *item, bool select, InterestingItemsFlag flags)
int getItemCount (AbstractTreeItem *, InterestingItemsFlag) const

Static Private Member Functions

static bool itemIsInteresting (AbstractTreeItem *, InterestingItemsFlag)

Private Attributes

QFutureWatcher< QAtomicPointer
< AbstractTreeItem > > * 
QFutureWatcher< QAtomicPointer
< RootItem > > * 
QList< QPair< QString, QString > > * m_expandedState
QList< QPair< QString, QString > > * m_selectedState
QMutex * m_mutex
bool m_drivable
bool m_filterAgain
bool m_filterRunning
bool m_rebuildRunning
bool m_frozen
bool m_rebuildPending

Detailed Description

Base class for tree models.

This class is a base class for models that store data in a tree-like structure. There is also a linked-list for iterating over the filtered items in an efficient manner. This handles the filtering of items and provides an interface for rebuilding.

????-??-?? Eric Hyer
2012-09-28 Kimberly Oyama - Changed member variables to be prefixed with "m_".

Definition at line 39 of file AbstractTreeModel.h.

Member Function Documentation

void Isis::CnetViz::AbstractTreeModel::filterCountsChanged ( int  visibleTopLevelItemCount,
int  topLevelItemCount 

This signal is emitted after filtering to provide the number of visible top-level items remaining after the filter was applied, as well as the total number of items that were possible.

QSize Isis::CnetViz::AbstractTreeModel::getVisibleSize ( int  indentation) const

indentation is in pixels

Definition at line 407 of file AbstractTreeModel.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: