Isis 3.0 Developer's Reference (API)


Isis::ApolloPanoramicDetectorMap Class Reference

Convert between parent image (aka encoder aka machine) coordinates and detector coordinates. More...

#include <ApolloPanoramicDetectorMap.h>

Inherits Isis::CameraDetectorMap.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ApolloPanoramicDetectorMap (Camera *parent, double etMiddle, double lineRate, Pvl *lab)
 Construct a detector map for line scan cameras.
virtual ~ApolloPanoramicDetectorMap ()
 Destroys ApolloPanoramicDetectorMap object.
virtual bool SetParent (const double sample, const double line)
 This method sets dector sample line coordinates from given cube coordinates.
virtual bool SetDetector (const double sample, const double line)
 This method sets cube sample line coordinates from given Dector coordinates.
void SetLineRate (const double lineRate)
 Reset the line rate.
double LineRate () const
 Return the time in seconds between scan lines.
double meanResidual ()
 Mean (average) of interior orientation residual vector lengths, accesor.
double maxResidual ()
 Max interior orientation residual vector length, accesor.
double stdevResidual ()
 Standard deviation of interior orientation residual vector lengths, accesor.
double AdjustedStartingSample () const
 Return the starting detector sample adjusted for summation.
double AdjustedStartingLine () const
 Return the starting detector line adjusted for summation.
double ParentSample () const
 Return parent sample.
double ParentLine () const
 Return parent line.
double DetectorSample () const
 Return detector sample.
double DetectorLine () const
 Return detector line.
void SetStartingDetectorSample (const double sample)
 Set the starting detector sample.
void SetStartingDetectorLine (const double line)
 Set the starting detector line.
void SetDetectorSampleSumming (const double summing)
 Set sample summing mode.
void SetDetectorLineSumming (const double summing)
 Set line summing mode.
virtual double SampleScaleFactor () const
 Return scaling factor for computing sample resolution.
virtual double LineScaleFactor () const
 Return scaling factor for computing line resolution.

Protected Attributes

double p_parentSample
double p_parentLine
double p_detectorLine
double p_detectorSample
double p_detectorSampleSumming
double p_detectorLineSumming
double p_startingDetectorSample
double p_startingDetectorLine
double p_ss
double p_sl

Detailed Description

Convert between parent image (aka encoder aka machine) coordinates and detector coordinates.

This class is used to convert between parent image (aka encoder aka machine) coordinates (sample/line) and detector coordinates for a the Apollo Panoramic Image.

2011-11-21 Orrin Thomas

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Isis::ApolloPanoramicDetectorMap::ApolloPanoramicDetectorMap ( Camera parent,
double  etMiddle,
double  lineRate,
Pvl lab 
) [inline]

Construct a detector map for line scan cameras.

parent The parent Camera Model
etMiddle Time of the center line, line 0 after interior orientation
lineRate the time in seconds between lines (msec)
lab The labels to use for the camera creation
virtual Isis::ApolloPanoramicDetectorMap::~ApolloPanoramicDetectorMap (  )  [inline, virtual]

Destroys ApolloPanoramicDetectorMap object.

Member Function Documentation

double Isis::CameraDetectorMap::AdjustedStartingLine (  )  const [inherited]

Return the starting detector line adjusted for summation.

References Isis::CameraDetectorMap::p_sl.

double Isis::CameraDetectorMap::AdjustedStartingSample (  )  const [inherited]

Return the starting detector sample adjusted for summation.

References Isis::CameraDetectorMap::p_ss.

double Isis::CameraDetectorMap::DetectorLine (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Return detector line.

References Isis::CameraDetectorMap::p_detectorLine.

Referenced by Isis::Camera::SetImage().

double Isis::CameraDetectorMap::DetectorSample (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Return detector sample.

References Isis::CameraDetectorMap::p_detectorSample.

Referenced by Isis::Camera::SetImage().

double Isis::ApolloPanoramicDetectorMap::LineRate (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Return the time in seconds between scan lines.

Reimplemented from Isis::CameraDetectorMap.

virtual double Isis::CameraDetectorMap::LineScaleFactor (  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]
double Isis::ApolloPanoramicDetectorMap::maxResidual (  )  [inline]

Max interior orientation residual vector length, accesor.

References Isis::ApolloPanIO::maxResiduals().

Referenced by Isis::ApolloPanoramicCamera::ApolloPanoramicCamera().

double Isis::ApolloPanoramicDetectorMap::meanResidual (  )  [inline]

Mean (average) of interior orientation residual vector lengths, accesor.

References Isis::ApolloPanIO::meanResiduals().

Referenced by Isis::ApolloPanoramicCamera::ApolloPanoramicCamera().

double Isis::CameraDetectorMap::ParentLine (  )  const [inline, inherited]
double Isis::CameraDetectorMap::ParentSample (  )  const [inline, inherited]
virtual double Isis::CameraDetectorMap::SampleScaleFactor (  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]

Return scaling factor for computing sample resolution.

References Isis::CameraDetectorMap::p_detectorSampleSumming.

Referenced by Isis::Camera::SampleResolution().

bool Isis::ApolloPanoramicDetectorMap::SetDetector ( const double  sample,
const double  line 
) [virtual]

This method sets cube sample line coordinates from given Dector coordinates.

sample dector sample coordinate
line detector line coordinate

Reimplemented from Isis::CameraDetectorMap.

References Isis::iTime::Et(), Isis::ApolloPanIO::image2Machine(), Isis::CameraDetectorMap::p_camera, Isis::CameraDetectorMap::p_detectorLine, Isis::CameraDetectorMap::p_detectorSample, Isis::CameraDetectorMap::p_parentLine, Isis::CameraDetectorMap::p_parentSample, and Isis::Spice::time().

void Isis::CameraDetectorMap::SetDetectorLineSumming ( const double  summing  )  [inline, inherited]
void Isis::CameraDetectorMap::SetDetectorSampleSumming ( const double  summing  )  [inline, inherited]
void Isis::ApolloPanoramicDetectorMap::SetLineRate ( const double  lineRate  )  [inline]

Reset the line rate.

Use this method to reset the time between lines. Usually this will not need to be done unless the rate changes between bands.

lineRate the time in seconds between lines
bool Isis::ApolloPanoramicDetectorMap::SetParent ( const double  sample,
const double  line 
) [virtual]

This method sets dector sample line coordinates from given cube coordinates.

sample cube sample coordinate
line cube line coordinate

Reimplemented from Isis::CameraDetectorMap.

References Isis::ApolloPanIO::machine2Image(), Isis::CameraDetectorMap::p_camera, Isis::CameraDetectorMap::p_detectorLine, Isis::CameraDetectorMap::p_detectorSample, Isis::CameraDetectorMap::p_parentLine, Isis::CameraDetectorMap::p_parentSample, and Isis::Sensor::setTime().

void Isis::CameraDetectorMap::SetStartingDetectorLine ( const double  line  )  [inline, inherited]

Set the starting detector line.

Use this method to specify the starting detector that represents the first image line in the cube. If not set the default is 1.

line Starting detector line

References Isis::CameraDetectorMap::p_startingDetectorLine.

Referenced by Isis::AmicaCamera::AmicaCamera(), and Isis::MdisCamera::MdisCamera().

void Isis::CameraDetectorMap::SetStartingDetectorSample ( const double  sample  )  [inline, inherited]
double Isis::ApolloPanoramicDetectorMap::stdevResidual (  )  [inline]

Standard deviation of interior orientation residual vector lengths, accesor.

References Isis::ApolloPanIO::stdevResiduals().

Referenced by Isis::ApolloPanoramicCamera::ApolloPanoramicCamera().

Member Data Documentation

Camera* Isis::CameraDetectorMap::p_camera [protected, inherited]
double Isis::CameraDetectorMap::p_detectorLine [protected, inherited]
double Isis::CameraDetectorMap::p_detectorLineSumming [protected, inherited]
double Isis::CameraDetectorMap::p_detectorSample [protected, inherited]
double Isis::CameraDetectorMap::p_detectorSampleSumming [protected, inherited]
double Isis::CameraDetectorMap::p_parentLine [protected, inherited]
double Isis::CameraDetectorMap::p_parentSample [protected, inherited]
double Isis::CameraDetectorMap::p_sl [protected, inherited]
double Isis::CameraDetectorMap::p_ss [protected, inherited]
double Isis::CameraDetectorMap::p_startingDetectorLine [protected, inherited]

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