Isis 3.0 Developer's Reference (API)


Isis Namespace Reference

Unless noted otherwise, the portions of Isis written by the USGS are public domain. More...


namespace  CnetViz
namespace  GSL
namespace  Lo

Namespace for all Isis Lunar Orbiter mission objects.

namespace  Lro

Namespace for all Isis Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter mission objects.

namespace  Message

Namespace containing standardized Isis error messages.

namespace  Mgs

Namespace for all Isis Mars Global Surveyor mission objects.

namespace  Mro

Namespace for all Isis Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter mission objects.

namespace  Odyssey

Namespace for all Isis Mars Odyssey mission objects.

namespace  Radar


class  Apollo
 Reads user Apollos from a data file. More...
class  ApolloMetricCamera
 Apollo Metric Camera Model. More...
class  ApolloMetricDistortionMap
 Apollo Metric Distortion Map. More...
class  ApolloPanIO
 Calculates a series of affine transformations from the measured coordinates of the up to 90 fiducial marks on a complete (stiched) apollo panoramic cube. More...
class  ApolloPanoramicCamera
 Apollo Panoramic Camera. More...
class  ApolloPanoramicDetectorMap
 Convert between parent image (aka encoder aka machine) coordinates and detector coordinates. More...
class  CentroidApolloPan
 Selection class derived from the Pure Virtual Parent Class for all Selection classes. More...
class  AbstractPlate
 Abstract interface to a TIN plate. More...
class  AdaptiveGruen
 Gruen (adaptive) pattern matching. More...
class  Affine
 Affine basis function. More...
class  Albedo
 Albedo normalization. More...
class  AlbedoAtm
 Albedo normalization with atmosphere. More...
class  AlphaCube
 This class is used to rewrite the "alpha" keywords out of the AlphaCube group or Instrument group. More...
class  Angle
 Defines an angle and provides unit conversions. More...
class  Anisotropic1
class  Anisotropic2
class  Application
class  Area3D
 Represents a 3D area (a 3D "cube"). More...
class  AtmosModel
 Isotropic atmos scattering model. More...
class  NumericalAtmosApprox
 This class extends Isis::NumericalApproximation. More...
class  AtmosModelFactory
 This class is used to create AtmosModel objects. More...
class  AutoReg
 Auto Registration class. More...
class  AutoRegFactory
 This class is used to create AutoReg objects. More...
class  BandManager
 Buffer manager, for moving through a cube in bands. More...
class  Basis1VariableFunction
 Time based linear equation class. More...
class  BasisFunction
 Generic linear equation class. More...
class  Blob
class  Blobber
 Base class for accessing ISIS blobs. More...
class  BoxcarCachingAlgorithm
 This algorithm is designed for applications that jump around between a couple of spots in the cube with a difficult to predict pattern but always the same places in the cube. More...
class  BoxcarManager
 Buffer manager, for moving through a cube by boxcar. More...
class  Brick
 Buffer for containing a three dimensional section of an image. More...
class  Buffer
 Buffer for reading and writing cube data. More...
class  BufferManager
 Manages a Buffer over a cube. More...
class  Calculator
 Calculator for arrays. More...
class  Camera
class  CameraDetectorMap
 Convert between parent image coordinates and detector coordinates. More...
class  CameraDistortionMap
 Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates. More...
class  CameraFactory
 Initializes a Camera Model. More...
class  CameraFocalPlaneMap
 Convert between distorted focal plane and detector coordinates. More...
class  CameraGroundMap
 Convert between undistorted focal plane and ground coordinates. More...
class  CameraPointInfo
 CameraPointInfo provides quick access to the majority of information avaliable from a camera on a point. More...
class  CameraSkyMap
 Convert between undistorted focal plane and ra/dec coordinates. More...
class  CameraStatistics
 Calculates a series of statistics pertaining to a Camera. More...
class  Centroid
 Selection class derived from the Pure Virtual Parent Class for all Selection classes. More...
class  Chip
 A small chip of data used for pattern matching. More...
struct  SimpleCompare
 Provides a simple comparison between two values. More...
struct  NoCaseStringCompare
 Provides a case insensitive string comparison. More...
struct  RobustFloatCompare
 Provides a robust comparison of double/float values. More...
struct  NoopRemoval
 Supplies a NOOP default for removal of a CollectorMap entry. More...
struct  PointerRemoval
 Supplies a policy for deleting pointers that CollectorMap owns. More...
struct  ArrayRemoval
 Policy for deleting arrays that CollectorMap owns. More...
struct  DefaultCopy
 (Default) Policy for copying map elements More...
struct  PointerCopy
 Pointer to object policy for copying map elements. More...
class  CollectorMap
 Collector/container for arbitrary items. More...
class  Color
 This class is designed to serialize QColor in a human-readable form. More...
class  Column
 Format ascii tables. More...
class  CSVParser
 CSV Parser seperates fields (tokens) from a string with a delimeter. More...
class  CSVReader
 Reads strings and parses them into tokens separated by a delimiter character. More...
class  Cube
 IO Handler for Isis Cubes. More...
class  CubeBsqHandler
 IO Handler for Isis Cubes using the BSQ format. More...
class  CubeIoHandler
 Handles converting buffers to and from disk. More...
class  CubeTileHandler
 IO Handler for Isis Cubes using the tile format. More...
class  RawCubeChunk
 A section of raw data on the disk. More...
class  RegionalCachingAlgorithm
 This algorithm recommends chunks to be freed that are not within the last IO. More...
class  CubeAttribute
 Parent class for CubeAttributeInput and CubeAttributeOutput. More...
class  CubeAttributeInput
 Manipulate and parse attributes of input cube filenames. More...
class  CubeAttributeOutput
 Manipulate and parse attributes of output cube filenames. More...
class  CubeCachingAlgorithm
 This is the parent of the caching algorithms. More...
class  CubeCalculator
 Calculator for arrays. More...
class  DataValue
class  CameraBuffers
class  CubeDataThread
 Encapsulation of Cube I/O with Change Notifications. More...
class  CubeDataThreadTester
class  CubeInfixToPostfix
 Converter for math equations. More...
class  CubeManager
 Class for quick re-accessing of cubes based on file name. More...
class  DemShape
 Define shapes and provide utilities for targets stored as Isis3 maps. More...
class  Displacement
 Displacement is a signed length, usually in meters. More...
class  Distance
 Distance measurement, usually in meters. More...
class  EllipsoidShape
 Define shapes and provide utilities for Isis3 targets. More...
class  EndianSwapper
 Byte swapper. More...
class  Enlarge
 Enlarge the pixel dimensions of an image. More...
class  Environment
class  Equalization
 This class can be used to calculate, read in, and/or apply equalization statistics for a list of files. More...
class  EquatorialCylindricalShape
 Define shapes and provide utilities for shapes stored as Isis3 EquatorialCylindrical map. More...
class  Equirectangular
 Equirectangular Map Projection. More...
class  ExportDescription
 Describes how a series of cubes should be exported. More...
class  ExportPdsTable
 Export a PDS table from an Isis3 Table. More...
class  FileList
 Internalizes a list of files. More...
class  FileName
 File name manipulation and expansion. More...
class  FilterCachingAlgorithm
 This algorithm is designed for applications that use ProcessByQuickFilter or very similar I/O patterns to cache cube data appropriately. More...
class  ForstnerOperator
 Forstner interest operator. More...
class  FourierTransform
 Fourier Transform class. More...
class  FramingCamera
 Generic class for Framing Cameras. More...
class  FunctionTools
 A collection of tools for mathmatical function root finding, maximization, etc (eventually) This class contains only static methods, and cannot be instantiated. More...
class  GaussianDistribution
 gaussian distribution class More...
class  GaussianStretch
 Gaussian stretch class. More...
class  GisBlob
 This class creates a polygon-type Isis Blob named "Footprint". More...
class  GisGeometry
 Encapsulation class provides support for GEOS-C API. More...
class  GisTopology
 This class models GIS topology. More...
class  GradientOperator
 Gradient interest operator. More...
class  GridPolygonSeeder
 Seed points using a grid. More...
class  GroundGrid
 Calculates a lat/lon grid over an area. More...
class  GroupedStatistics
 Grouped Statistics. More...
class  Gruen
 Gruen pattern matching algorithm. More...
class  Coordinate
 Define a generic Y/X container. More...
class  PointPair
 Define a point set of left, right and geometry at that location. More...
class  Radiometric
 Store for radiometric gain and shift parameters. More...
class  AffineRadio
 Container for affine and radiometric parameters. More...
struct  AffineTolerance
 Container for Affine limits parameters. More...
class  Threshold
 Compute/test the Affine convergence from given parameters/chip. More...
struct  Analysis
 Error analysis of Gruen match point solution. More...
class  MatchPoint
 Structure containing comprehensive registration info/results. More...
class  Gui
 Gui for Isis Applications. More...
class  GuiBooleanParameter
class  GuiComboBoxParameter
class  GuiCubeParameter
class  GuiDoubleParameter
class  GuiEditFile
 Opens a window in Gui Application to be able to edit, save and create text files. More...
class  GuiFileNameParameter
class  GuiHelperAction
class  GuiInputAttribute
 GUI interface for input cube file attributes. More...
class  GuiIntegerParameter
class  GuiListParameter
class  GuiLog
class  GuiOutputAttribute
class  GuiParameter
class  GuiParameterFactory
class  GuiStringParameter
class  Hapke
 Hapke-Henyey-Greenstein photometric model. More...
class  HapkeAtm1
 Implements the Hapke Atmospheric Model. More...
class  HapkeAtm2
class  Hillshade
 Calculate light intensity reflected off a local slope of DEM. More...
class  Histogram
 Container of a cube histogram. More...
class  History
class  ID
 Creates sequential IDs. More...
class  IdealCamera
 Ideal Camera Model. More...
class  IException
 Isis exception class. More...
class  ImageExporter
 Export Isis cubes into standard formats. More...
class  ImageImporter
 Imports images with standard formats into Isis as cubes. More...
class  ImageOverlap
 Individual overlap container. More...
class  ImageOverlapSet
 This class is used to find the overlaps between all the images in a list of serial numbers. More...
class  ImagePolygon
 Create cube polygons, read/write polygons to blobs. More...
class  ImportPdsTable
 Import a PDS table file with a label description. More...
class  InfixToPostfix
 Converter for math equations. More...
class  InfixOperator
 InfixOperator and InfixFunction are helper classes for InfixToPostfix. More...
class  InfixFunction
 InfixOperator and InfixFunction are helper classes for InfixToPostfix. More...
class  InlineCalculator
 Provides a calculator for inline equations. More...
class  CalculatorVariablePool
 This is a simple class to model a Calculator Variable Pool. More...
class  FxBinder
 This is the parent class to the various function classes. More...
class  InlineVoidFx
 This class is used to bind function names with corresponding InlineCalculator functions that do not take parameters. More...
class  ParameterFx
 This class is used to bind function names with corresponding Calculator functions that take a parameter. More...
class  VoidFx
 This class is used to bind function names with corresponding Calculator functions that do not take parameters. More...
class  InlineInfixToPostfix
 A parser for converting equation strings to postfix. More...
class  Intercept
 Container for a intercept condition. More...
class  Interpolator
 Pixel interpolator. More...
class  Isotropic1
class  Isotropic2
class  IString
 Adds specific functionality to C++ strings. More...
class  iTime
 Parse and return pieces of a time string. More...
class  JP2Decoder
 JPEG2000 decoder class. More...
class  JP2Encoder
 JPEG2000 encoder class. More...
class  JP2Error
 Kakadu error messaging class. More...
class  JP2Exporter
 Exports cubes into JPEG 2000 images. More...
class  JP2Importer
 Imports JPEG 2000 images as Isis cubes. More...
class  Kernels
 Determine SPICE kernels defined in an ISIS file. More...
class  Lambert
class  LambertAzimuthalEqualArea
 Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area Map Projection. More...
class  LambertConformal
 Lambert Conformal Map Projection. More...
class  Latitude
 This class is designed to encapsulate the concept of a Latitude. More...
class  LeastSquares
 Generic least square fitting class. More...
class  LimitPolygonSeeder
 Seed points using a grid. More...
class  LineEquation
 Utility class for creating and using cartesean line equations. More...
class  LineManager
 Buffer manager, for moving through a cube in lines. More...
class  LineScanCamera
 Generic class for Line Scan Cameras. More...
class  LineScanCameraDetectorMap
 Convert between parent image coordinates and detector coordinates. More...
class  LineScanCameraGroundMap
 Convert between undistorted focal plane and ground coordinates. More...
class  LineScanCameraSkyMap
 Convert between undistorted focal plane and ra/dec coordinates. More...
class  LommelSeeliger
class  Longitude
 This class is designed to encapsulate the concept of a Longitude. More...
class  LunarAzimuthalEqualArea
 Modified Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area Map Projection. More...
class  LunarLambert
 Lunar (Lommel-Seeliger)-Lambert law photometric model Derive model albedo for Lunar (Lommel-Seeliger)-Lambert law. More...
class  LunarLambertEmpirical
 Empirical Lunar Lambert photometric model Derive model albedo using phase dependent Minnaert equation and calculated empirically. More...
class  LunarLambertMcEwen
 Moonpr photometric model Computes normalized albedo for the Moon, normalized to 0 degrees emission angle and 30 degrees illumination and phase angles. More...
class  Matrix
 Matrix class. More...
class  MaximumCorrelation
 Maximum correlation pattern matching. More...
class  Mercator
 Mercator Map Projection. More...
class  MinimumDifference
 Minimum difference pattern matching. More...
class  Minnaert
 Minnaert photometric model Derive model albedo using Minnaert equation. More...
class  MinnaertEmpirical
 Empirical Minnaert photometric model Derive model albedo using phase dependent Minnaert equation and calculated empirically. More...
class  Mixed
 Mixed albedo/topo normalization without atmosphere. More...
class  MoonAlbedo
 Albedo dependent phase function normalization for the Moon. More...
class  MoravecOperator
 Moravec Interest Operator. More...
class  MultivariateStatistics
 Container of multivariate statistics. More...
class  NaifDskPlateModel
 Implementation interface API for NAIF's DSK plate model. More...
class  NaifDskShape
 Provides support for NAIF's Digital Shape Kernel (DSK). More...
class  NaifStatus
 Class for checking for errors in the NAIF library. More...
class  NoNormalization
 NoNormalization - perform simple correction without normalization (a*dn +b). More...
class  NoOperator
 no interest operator More...
class  NormModel
class  NormModelFactory
 This class is used to create NormModel objects. More...
class  NumericalApproximation
 NumericalApproximation provides various numerical analysis methods of interpolation, extrapolation and approximation of a tabulated set of x, y data. More...
class  ObliqueCylindrical
 Oblique Cylindrical Map Projection. More...
class  ObservationNumber
 Serial Number composer. More...
class  ObservationNumberList
 Needs Documentation. More...
class  OriginalLabel
 Read and store original labels. More...
class  Orthographic
 Orthographic Map Projection. More...
class  OverlapNormalization
 Calculate the bases and multipliers for normalizing overlapping "data sets" (e.g., cubes). More...
class  OverlapStatistics
 Calculates statistics in the area of overlap between two projected cubes. More...
class  Parabola
 Parabola basis function. More...
class  Photometry
class  PhotoModel
class  PhotoModelFactory
 This class is used to create PhotoModel objects. More...
class  Pipeline
 This class helps to call other Isis Applications in a Pipeline. More...
class  PipelineApplication
 This class represents one application in the pipeline. More...
class  PipelineParameter
 This class represents a parameter of some type for the PipelineApplication. More...
class  Pixel
 Store and/or manipulate pixel values. More...
class  PixelIfov
 This class defines an instantaneous field of view. More...
class  Planar
 Planar Map Projection. More...
class  PlaneShape
 Define plane shape model. More...
class  Plugin
 Loads plugins from a shared library. More...
class  PointPerspective
 PointPerspective Map Projection. More...
class  PolarStereographic
 Stereographic Map Projection for Polar Aspect. More...
class  PolygonSeeder
 This class is used as the base class for all PolygonSeeder objects. More...
class  PolygonSeederFactory
 This class is used to create PolygonSeeder objects. More...
class  PolygonTools
 Provides various tools to work with geos multipolygons. More...
class  PolynomialBivariate
 Nth degree Polynomial with two variables. More...
class  PolynomialUnivariate
 Nth degree Polynomial with one variable. More...
class  Portal
 Buffer for containing a two dimensional section of an image. More...
class  Preference
 Reads user preferences from a data file. More...
class  PrincipalComponentAnalysis
 Principal Component Analysis class. More...
class  Process
 Base class for all cube processing derivatives. More...
class  ProcessByBoxcar
 Process cubes by boxcar. More...
class  ProcessByBrick
 Process cubes by brick. More...
class  ProcessByLine
 Process cubes by line. More...
class  ProcessByQuickFilter
 Process cubes using a Filter Object. More...
class  ProcessBySample
 Process cubes by sample. More...
class  ProcessBySpectra
 Process cubes by spectra. More...
class  ProcessByTile
 Process cubes by tile. More...
class  ProcessExport
 Process class for exporting cubes. More...
class  ProcessExportPds
 Process class for exporting cubes to PDS standards. More...
class  ProcessGroundPolygons
 Process cube polygons to map or camera projections. More...
class  ProcessImport
 Byte swapper. More...
class  ProcessImportFits
 Import a FITS file. More...
class  ProcessImportPds
 Convert PDS archive files to Isis format. More...
class  ProcessImportVicar
 Import a Vicar file. More...
class  ProcessMapMosaic
 Mosaic two cubs together. More...
class  ProcessMosaic
 Mosaic two cubes together. More...
class  ProcessPolygons
class  ProcessRubberSheet
 Derivative of Process, designed for geometric transformations. More...
class  ProgramLauncher
 Execute External Programs and Commands. More...
class  Progress
 Program progress reporter. More...
class  Projection
 Base class for Map Projections. More...
class  ProjectionFactory
 Initialize a map projection. More...
class  PFPixelMapper
class  PushFrameCamera
 Generic class for Push Frame Cameras. More...
class  PushFrameCameraDetectorMap
 Convert between parent image coordinates and detector coordinates. More...
class  PushFrameCameraGroundMap
 Convert between undistorted focal plane and ground coordinates. More...
class  Pvl
 Container for cube-like labels. More...
class  PvlContainer
 Contains more than one keyword-value pair. More...
class  PvlEditDialog
 PvlEditDialog creates a QDialog window in which a QTextEdit box displays the contents of a pvl file. More...
class  PvlConstraints
 This class can be used to define import/export behavior of Pvl structures when used in the PvlFlatMap class. More...
class  PvlFlatMap
 Provides a flat map of PvlKeywords. More...
class  PvlFormat
 Formats a Pvl name value pair to Isis standards. More...
class  PvlFormatPds
 Formats the value of a PvlKeyword into a PDS complient string. More...
class  PvlGroup
 Contains multiple PvlContainers. More...
class  PvlKeyword
 A single keyword-value pair. More...
class  PvlObject
 Contains Pvl Groups and Pvl Objects. More...
class  PvlSequence
 Parse and return elements of a Pvl sequence. More...
class  PvlToken
 Container for Keyword-value pair. More...
class  PvlTokenizer
 Construct Token list from a stream. More...
class  PvlTranslationManager
 Allows applications to translate simple text files. More...
class  PvlTranslationTable
 Internalizes a translation table. More...
class  QtExporter
 Exports cubes into one of several formats with Qt facilities. More...
class  QtImporter
 Imports a series of standard image formats with Qt facilities. More...
class  Quaternion
 Provide operations for quaternion arithmetic. More...
class  QuickFilter
 Container for boxcar statistics. More...
class  RadarCamera
 Generic class for Radar Cameras. More...
class  RadarGroundMap
 Convert between undistorted focal plane coordinate (slant range) and ground coordinates. More...
class  RadarGroundRangeMap
 Construct a mapping between image sample and Radar ground range. More...
class  RadarPulseMap
 Convert between alpha image coordinates and radar sample, time coordinates. More...
class  RadarSkyMap
 Convert between slantrange/groundrange and ra/dec coordinates. More...
class  RadarSlantRangeMap
 Convert between radar ground range and slant range. More...
class  RadialDistortionMap
class  Reduce
 Reduce the pixel dimensions of an image. More...
class  Nearest
 Functor for reduce using near functionality. More...
class  Average
 Functor for reduce using average functionality. More...
class  ReseauDistortionMap
 Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates. More...
class  Resource
 This class provides a resource of PVL keywords for Strategy classes. More...
class  RingCylindrical
 Ring Cylindrical Map Projection. More...
class  RingPlaneProjection
 Base class for Map Projections of plane shapes. More...
class  Robinson
 Robinson Map Projection. More...
class  SampleManager
 Buffer manager, for moving through a cube in samples. More...
class  Selection
 Pure Virtual Parent Class for all Selection classes. More...
class  Sensor
 Class for computing sensor ground coordinates. More...
class  SerialNumber
 Serial Number composer. More...
class  SerialNumberList
 Serial Number list generator. More...
class  SessionLog
class  Shade
class  ShadeAtm
class  ShapeModel
 Define shapes and provide utilities for Isis3 targets. More...
class  ShapeModelFactory
 This class is used to create ShapeModel objects. More...
class  SimpleCylindrical
 Simple Cylindrical Map Projection. More...
class  Sinusoidal
 Sinusoidal Map Projection. More...
class  SmtkMatcher
 Workhorse of stereo matcher. More...
class  PointGeometry
 Container for a point and its geometry. More...
class  SmtkPoint
 Container for SMTK match points. More...
class  SparseBlockColumnMatrix
 SparseBlockColumnMatrix. More...
class  SparseBlockRowMatrix
 SparseBlockRowMatrix. More...
class  SparseBlockMatrix
 SparseBlockMatrix. More...
class  Spectel
 Stores information about a "Spectral pixel" or spectel. More...
class  SpectralDefinition
 contains calibration info for spectral smile correction (center wavelengths and widths for the whole nxn chip) More...
class  SpectralDefinition1D
 A Spectral definition that includes wavelength and center values for each (line, sample) coordinate. More...
class  SpectralDefinition2D
 A Spectral definition that includes wavelength and center values for each (line, sample) coordinate. More...
class  SpectralDefinitionFactory
 Constructs a 2D or 1D spectral definition based on the file name extension. More...
class  LightTimeCorrectionState
 Provides interface to user configurable Light Time correction feature. More...
class  SpacecraftPosition
 Provides swap observer/target and improved light time correction. More...
class  Spice
 Obtain SPICE information for a spacecraft. More...
class  SpicePosition
 Obtain SPICE position information for a body. More...
class  SpiceRotation
 Obtain SPICE rotation information for a body. More...
class  StandardDeviationOperator
 Standard deviation interest operator. More...
class  StatCumProbDistDynCalc
 This class is used to approximate cumulative probibility distributions of a stream of observations without storing the observations or having any apriori knowlege of the range of the data. More...
class  Statistics
 This class is used to accumulate statistics on double arrays. More...
class  Stereo
 Provide stereo information/data for a point or relationship. More...
class  Strategy
 Strategy - Supports algorithm development. More...
class  StreamExporter
 Exports cubes into a standard format in incremental pieces. More...
class  Stretch
 Pixel value mapper. More...
class  StripPolygonSeeder
 Seed points using a grid with a staggered pattern. More...
class  SubArea
 Apply corrections to a cube label for subarea extraction. More...
class  SurfaceModel
 Model a 3-D surface. More...
class  SurfacePoint
 This class defines a body-fixed surface point. More...
class  Table
 Class for storing Table blobs information. More...
class  TableField
 Class for storing an Isis::Table's field information. More...
class  TableRecord
class  Target
 This class is used to create and store valid Isis3 targets. More...
class  TextFile
 Provides access to sequential ASCII stream I/O. More...
class  TiffExporter
 Exports cubes into TIFF images. More...
class  TiffImporter
 Imports TIFF images as Isis cubes. More...
class  TileManager
 Buffer manager, for moving through a cube in tiles. More...
class  Topo
 Topographic derivative of an arbitrary photometric function. More...
class  TopoAtm
 As in the case without an atmosphere, processing proceeds in three steps, a pass 1 PHOTOM followed by a divide filter to is- olate topography from albedo variations followed by a pass 2 PHOTOM. More...
class  TProjection
 Base class for Map TProjections. More...
class  Transform
 Pixel transformation. More...
class  TransverseMercator
 TransverseMercator Map Projection. More...
class  TriangularPlate
 Specification for an abstract triangular plate. More...
class  UniqueIOCachingAlgorithm
 This algorithm is designed for applications that jump around between a couple of spots in the cube with a difficult to predict pattern but always the same places in the cube. More...
class  UniversalGroundMap
 Universal Ground Map. More...
class  UserInterface
 Command Line and Xml loader, validation, and access. More...
class  VariableLineScanCameraDetectorMap
 Convert between parent image coordinates and detector coordinates. More...
class  LineRateChange
class  VecFilter
 This class is used to perform filter operations on vectors. More...
class  WorldMapper
 Create a mapping between a projection and other coordinate system. More...
class  XmlStackedHandler
 XML Handler that parses XMLs in a stack-oriented way. More...
class  XmlStackedHandlerReader
 his enables stack-based XML parsing of XML files. More...
class  CisscalFile
 Extends TextFile to handle Cassini ISS calibration files. More...
class  CissLabels
 Read values from Cassini ISS labels. More...
class  IssNACamera
 Cassini ISS Narrow Angle Camera Model. More...
class  IssWACamera
 Cassini ISS Wide Angle Camera Model. More...
class  VimsCamera
 Cassini Vims camera model. More...
class  VimsGroundMap
 Convert between undistorted focal plane and ground coordinates. More...
class  VimsSkyMap
 Convert between undistorted focal plane and ground coordinates. More...
class  Chandrayaan1M3Camera
 Chandrayaan1 M3 Camera Model. More...
class  Chandrayaan1M3DistortionMap
 Distortion map for the Chandrayaan1 M3 camera. More...
class  HiresCamera
 This is the camera model for the Clementine High-Resolution Camera. More...
class  LwirCamera
 This is the camera model for the Clementine Long-Wavelength Infrared Camera. More...
class  NirCamera
 This is the camera model for the Clementine Near Infrared Camera. More...
class  UvvisCamera
 This is the camera model for the Clementine Ultraviolet/Visible Camera. More...
class  BundleAdjust
class  ControlCubeGraphNode
 Serial Number with added functionality for Control Networks. More...
class  ControlGraph
 Control Network statistics and connectivity. More...
class  ControlMeasure
 a control measurement More...
class  ControlMeasureLogData
 Statistical and similar ControlMeasure associated information. More...
class  ControlNet
 a control network More...
class  ControlNetDiff
 Compares two Control Networks and reports their differences. More...
class  ControlNetFilter
 Filter Control Network. More...
class  ControlNetStatistics
 Control Network Stats. More...
class  ControlNetValidMeasure
 ControlNetValidMeasure class. More...
class  MeasureValidationResults
 MeasureValidationResults class. More...
class  ControlNetFile
 Generic Binary Control Net File Representation. More...
class  ControlNetFileV0001
 Handle Binary Control Network Files version 1. More...
class  ControlNetFileProtoV0001_Pedigree
class  ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PBControlMeasure_PBMeasure
class  ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PBControlMeasure
class  ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint
class  ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBNetCubes_PBCubeList
class  ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBNetCubes
class  ControlNetFileProtoV0001
class  ControlNetLogDataProtoV0001_Point_Measure_DataEntry
class  ControlNetLogDataProtoV0001_Point_Measure
class  ControlNetLogDataProtoV0001_Point
class  ControlNetLogDataProtoV0001
class  ControlNetFileV0002
 Handle Binary Control Network Files version 2. More...
class  ControlNetFileHeaderV0002
class  ControlPointFileEntryV0002_PointLogData
class  ControlPointFileEntryV0002_Measure_MeasureLogData
class  ControlPointFileEntryV0002_Measure
class  ControlPointFileEntryV0002
class  ControlNetVersioner
 Handle Various Control Network Versions. More...
class  ControlPoint
 A single control point. More...
class  ControlPointList
 Control Point List generator. More...
class  InterestOperator
 Interest Operator class. More...
class  InterestOperatorFactory
 This class is used to create InterestOperator objects. More...
class  MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions
 Class provides maximum likelihood estimation functions for robust parameter estimation, e.g. More...
class  Database
 Isis database class providing generalized access to a variety of databases. More...
class  DatabaseFactory
 Create database interfaces using access profiles or generic drivers. More...
class  DbAccess
 DbAccess manages programatic access to a database through profiles. More...
class  DbProfile
 A DbProfile is a container for access parameters to a database. More...
class  SqlQuery
 Construct and execute a query on a database and manage result. More...
class  SqlRecord
 Provide simplified access to resulting SQL query row. More...
class  DawnFcCamera
 This is the camera model for the Dawn Framing Camera. More...
class  DawnFcDistortionMap
class  DawnVirCamera
 Camera model for both Danw VIR VIS and IR instruments. More...
class  SsiCamera
 This is the camera model for the Galileo Solid State Imaging Camera. More...
class  AmicaCamera
 This is the camera model for the Hayabusa AMICA camera. More...
class  KaguyaMiCamera
 LRO Narrow Angle Camera Model. More...
class  KaguyaMiCameraDistortionMap
 Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates. More...
class  LoCameraFiducialMap
 Computes map from image coordinates to focal plane based on fiducials. More...
class  LoHighCamera
 Defines the Lunar Orbiter High Resolution camera class. More...
class  LoHighDistortionMap
 Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates. More...
class  LoMediumCamera
 Defines the Lunar Orbiter Medium Resolution camera class. More...
class  LoMediumDistortionMap
 Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates. More...
class  LroNarrowAngleCamera
 LRO Narrow Angle Camera Model. More...
class  LroNarrowAngleDistortionMap
 Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates. More...
class  LroWideAngleCamera
 LRO Wide Angle Camera Model. More...
class  LroWideAngleCameraDistortionMap
 Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates. More...
class  LroWideAngleCameraFocalPlaneMap
 Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates. More...
class  MiniRF
 LRO Mini-RF SAR and Chandrayaan 1 Mini-RF SAR. More...
class  Mariner10Camera
 Mariner10 Camera Model. More...
class  MdisCamera
 MESSENGER MDIS NAC and WAC Camera Model. More...
class  TaylorCameraDistortionMap
 Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates. More...
class  HrscCamera
 HRSC Camera Model. More...
class  MocLabels
 Read values from MOC labels. More...
class  MocNarrowAngleCamera
 MOC Narrow Angle Camera Model. More...
class  MocNarrowAngleSumming
 Mars Global Surveyor MOC narrow angle summing class. More...
class  MocWideAngleCamera
 MOC Wide Angle Camera Model. More...
class  MocWideAngleDetectorMap
 Convert between parent image coordinates and detector coordinates. More...
class  MocWideAngleDistortionMap
 Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates. More...
class  CrismCamera
 MRO CRISM camera model. More...
class  CTXCamera
 MRO CTX Camera Model. More...
class  HiEqualization
class  HiLab
 Process HiRise label. More...
class  HiriseCamera
 Hirise Camera Model. More...
class  MarciCamera
 Marci Camera Model. More...
class  MarciDistortionMap
 Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates. More...
class  MsiCamera
 NEAR Shoemaker MSI Camera Model. More...
class  NewHorizonsLeisaCamera
 This is the camera model for LEISA, New Hoirzon's infrared Spectrometer. More...
class  NewHorizonsLorriCamera
 This is the camera model for the LORRI Framing Camera. More...
class  NewHorizonsLorriDistortionMap
 New Horizons LORRI Distortion Map. More...
class  NewHorizonsMvicFrameCamera
 This is the camera model for the New Horizons MVIC Frame mode Camera. More...
class  NewHorizonsMvicFrameCameraDistortionMap
 Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates for New Horizons/MVIC frame sensor. More...
class  NewHorizonsMvicTdiCamera
 New Horizons Mvic Camera, Tdi mode. More...
class  NewHorizonsMvicTdiCameraDistortionMap
 Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates for New Horizons/MVIC. More...
class  ThemisIrCamera
 THEMIS IR Camera. More...
class  ThemisIrDistortionMap
 Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates. More...
class  ThemisVisCamera
 THEMIS VIS Camera Model. More...
class  ThemisVisDistortionMap
 Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates. More...
class  AbstractPlotTool
 Parent class for plotting tools which provides common functionality. More...
class  AdvancedTrackTool
 Tool to display info for a point on a cube. More...
class  BandSpinBox
class  BandTool
class  BlinkTool
class  BrowseDialog
 Class for browsing cubes. More...
class  ChipViewport
 Viewport for Isis Chips. More...
class  CnetDisplayProperties
 Handles how control networks should be displayed to the user. More...
class  CnetEditorSortConfigDialog
 Configure user's sorting settings for the cneteditor widget. More...
class  CnetEditorWidget
 This widget provides full editing, filtering and viewing capabilities for the raw data in a control network. More...
class  ConcurrentControlNetReader
 This reads a control net in the background. More...
class  Control
class  ControlDisplayProperties
 This is the GUI communication mechanism for cubes. More...
class  ControlList
 Adapted from ImageList. More...
class  ControlPointEdit
 Point Editor Widget. More...
class  CubePlotCurve
 This is a plot curve with information relating it to a particular cube or region of a cube. More...
class  CubePlotCurveConfigureDialog
 This should be an inner class for CubePlotCurve, but Qt doesn't support having a QObject as an inner class. More...
class  CubeViewport
 Widget to display Isis cubes for qt apps. More...
class  ViewportBuffer
 Reads and stores visible DN values. More...
class  ViewportBufferAction
class  ViewportBufferFill
class  ViewportBufferStretch
class  ViewportBufferTransform
class  CnetEditorViewWorkOrder
 This work order allows the user to open a cnet editor (table) view of a single control network. More...
class  CubeViewportViewWorkOrder
 This work order is designed to bring up a qview-like view for a small number of cubes. More...
class  Directory
class  ExportControlNetWorkOrder
 Write a project control network to a user-specified location. More...
class  ExportImagesWorkOrder
 Write project images to a user-specified location. More...
class  Footprint2DViewWorkOrder
 View an image list's footprints in a footprint view. More...
class  ImageFileListViewWorkOrder
 View an image list in an image file list widget. More...
class  ImportControlNetWorkOrder
 Add control networks to a project. More...
class  ImportImagesWorkOrder
 Add cubes to a project. More...
class  OpenProjectWorkOrder
 This opens a project that's saved on disk. More...
class  RenameProjectWorkOrder
 Change the project's GUI name. More...
class  SaveProjectAsWorkOrder
 Saves a project to disk (File->Save Project As. More...
class  SaveProjectWorkOrder
 Saves a project to disk (File->Save Project. More...
class  DisplayProperties
class  EditTool
 Interactive image edit tool. More...
class  FeatureNomenclature
 Feature nomenclature database querier. More...
class  FeatureNomenclatureTool
 Display nomenclature on MDI Cube Viewports. More...
class  NomenclatureToolConfigDialog
 Configure user's settings for the nomenclature tool. More...
class  FileDialog
 Class for browsing cubes. More...
class  FileTool
class  GroundTab
class  ImageTab
class  FindTool
 Tool to locate a point on a cube that is projected and/or has a camera model. More...
class  GraphicsView
class  HelpTool
 Qisis Help Tool. More...
class  HistogramItem
 This is the (qwt) plot item for a histogram. More...
class  HistogramPlotWindow
class  HistogramTool
 Tool for histograms. More...
class  HistoryTreeWidget
 History Widget for cnetsuite. More...
class  Image
 This represents a cube in a project-based GUI interface. More...
class  ImageDisplayProperties
 This is the GUI communication mechanism for cubes. More...
class  ImageFileListWidget
 A colored, grouped cube list. More...
class  ImageTreeWidget
class  ImageTreeWidgetItem
class  ImageList
class  ImageListActionWorkOrder
 Work orders that can be performed on an image list that modifies internal state. More...
class  ImageReader
class  IndependentCubeViewport
 General purpose Cube display widget. More...
class  MainWindow
 Base class for the Qisis main windows. More...
class  MatchTool
 Match tool operations. More...
class  MatchToolNewPointDialog
class  MdiCubeViewport
 Cube display widget for certain Isis MDI applications. More...
class  MeasureTool
 Tool for measuring distances. More...
class  MosaicController
class  MosaicMainWindow
class  ControlNetGraphicsItem
 Control Network Display on Mosaic Scene. More...
class  ControlPointGraphicsItem
 The visual display of a single control point. More...
class  FindSpotGraphicsItem
 The visual display of the find point. More...
class  GridGraphicsItem
 The visual display of the find point. More...
class  MosaicAreaTool
 This displays a box with a given distance from a point. More...
class  MosaicControlNetTool
 //TODO: Remove debug printout & comment More...
class  MosaicControlNetToolMovementConfigDialog
 Configure qmos Control Net Tool's movement arrows. More...
class  MosaicFindTool
 This controls the 'Find' abilities in the MosaicSceneWidget. More...
class  MosaicGraphicsScene
 A graphics scene with improved user-interaction for use with the MosaicSceneWidget. More...
class  MosaicGraphicsView
 A graphics view that resizes in a more friendly way. More...
class  MosaicGridTool
 This controls the 'Grid' abilities in the MosaicSceneWidget. More...
class  MosaicGridToolConfigDialog
 Configure user's settings for the grid tool. More...
class  MosaicPanTool
 Handles panning operations for Isis qt apps. More...
class  MosaicSceneItem
 A single cube in the mosaic scene. More...
class  MosaicSceneWidget
 This widget encompasses the entire mosaic scene. More...
class  MosaicSceneWidgetTester
class  MosaicSceneWorkOrder
 Work order associated with a MosaicSceneWidget. More...
class  MosaicSelectTool
 Handles selection operations for Isis qt apps. More...
class  MosaicTool
 Base class for the MosaicTools. More...
class  MosaicTrackTool
class  MosaicZoomTool
 Handles zoom operations for Isis qt apps. More...
class  MoveDownOneSceneWorkOrder
 Move images, one by one, below the immediately-below intersecting image in a scene. More...
class  MoveToBottomSceneWorkOrder
 Move images below all other images in a mosaic scene. More...
class  MoveToTopSceneWorkOrder
 Move images on top of all other images in a mosaic scene. More...
class  MoveUpOneSceneWorkOrder
 Move images, one by one, on top of the immediately-above intersecting image in a scene. More...
class  ProjectionConfigDialog
 This is the configuration dialog for the MosaicSceneWidget's projection parameters (map file). More...
class  PaletteWindow
class  PanTool
class  PlotCurve
class  PlotWindow
class  PlotWindowBestFitDialog
class  ProgressBar
 QProgressBar with customizable text. More...
class  Project
 The main project for cnetsuite. More...
class  ControlGroupTreeWidgetItem
class  ControlTreeWidgetItem
 A control in the project tree widget. More...
class  ImageGroupTreeWidgetItem
class  ProjectTreeWidget
class  QHistogram
 Plot Histograms. More...
class  QIsisApplication
 Handles exceptions which the QT event handlers and QApplication do not handle. More...
class  QnetCubeDistanceFilter
 Defines the Distance filter for the QnetNavTool's Cubes section. More...
class  QnetCubeNameFilter
 Defines the Name filter for the QnetNavTool's Cubes section. More...
class  QnetCubePointsFilter
 Defines the Points filter for the QnetNavTool's Cubes section. More...
class  QnetFileTool
 Qnet File operations. More...
class  QnetFilter
class  QnetFixedPointDialog
class  QnetNavTool
 Qnet Navigation Tool. More...
class  QnetNewMeasureDialog
class  QnetNewPointDialog
class  QnetPointCubeNameFilter
 Defines the Cube Name filter for the QnetNavTool's Points section. More...
class  QnetPointDistanceFilter
 Defines the Distance filter for the QnetNavTool's Points section. More...
class  QnetPointGoodnessFilter
 Defines the Goodness of Fit filter for the QnetNavTool's Points section. More...
class  QnetPointIdFilter
 Defines the Point ID filter for the QnetNavTool's Points section. More...
class  QnetPointImagesFilter
 Defines the Images filter for the QnetNavTool's Points section, i.e. More...
class  QnetPointJigsawErrorFilter
 Defines the Jigsaw Error filter for the QnetNavTool's Points section. More...
class  QnetPointMeasureFilter
 Defines the Measure Properties filter for the QnetNavTool's Points section. More...
class  QnetPointRangeFilter
 Defines the Range filter for the QnetNavTool's Points section. More...
class  QnetPointRegistrationErrorFilter
 Defines the Registration Error filter for the QnetNavTool's Points section. More...
class  QnetPointTypeFilter
 Filter for control point type. More...
class  QnetSetAprioriDialog
class  QnetTool
 Qnet tool operations. More...
class  RubberBandComboBox
 Combo box for choosing a rubber band type. More...
class  RubberBandTool
 Rubber banding tool. More...
class  SaveAsDialog
 Widget to save(Save As) Isis cubes(used in qview) to display the FileDialog to select the output cube. More...
class  ScatterPlotAlarmConfigDialog
 This is the configuration dialog for alarming scatter plots between the plot window and cube viewports. More...
class  ScatterPlotConfigDialog
 This configuration dialog is for users to determine the scatter plot parameters required to create a scatter plot. More...
class  ScatterPlotData
 This is the QwtRasterData for a scatter plot. More...
class  ScatterPlotTool
 Scatter Plot Tool. More...
class  ScatterPlotWindow
 Scatter Plot Window. More...
class  SocketThread
class  SpatialPlotTool
 Spatial Plots. More...
class  SpecialPixelTool
 Sets the colors for the special pixel values. More...
class  SpectralPlotTool
 Plot cube DN statistics against the cube band numbers. More...
class  SpectralPlotWindow
class  VisualDisplay
 Tool to visualize statistics in an n * m box. More...
class  StatisticsTool
class  StereoTool
 Tool for computing parallax. More...
class  AdvancedStretch
 Advanced Stretch Dialog. More...
class  AdvancedStretchDialog
 Advanced Stretch Dialog. More...
class  BinaryStretchType
 This handles the advanced binary stretch. More...
class  HistogramWidget
 Histogram widget used by AdvancedStretchTool. More...
class  LinearStretchType
 This handles the advanced linear stretch. More...
class  ManualStretchType
 This handles arbitrary user-input stretches. More...
class  QStretch
 Abstract class for complex stretch objects. More...
class  SawtoothStretchType
 This handles the advanced sawtooth stretch. More...
class  StretchTool
 Stretch image edit tool. More...
class  StretchType
 This is the base class for advanced stretches. More...
class  SunShadowTool
 Tool for measuring shadow heights. More...
class  Tab
 A Tab is a QAction which shows or hides some other QWidget, which we call associatedWidget. More...
class  TabBar
 A TabBar is a QToolBar which is specifically designed to store and manage Tabs, which are specialized QToolButtons that can hide and show other QWidgets (see Tab). More...
class  TableMainWindow
 a subclass of the qisis mainwindow, tablemainwindow handles all of the table tasks. More...
class  Tool
 Base class for the Qisis tools. More...
class  ToolList
 Allows tools to share data between each other. More...
class  ToolPad
class  TrackTool
 This tool is part of the Qisis namespace and displays the statusbar of the window. More...
class  ViewportMainWindow
 This was called the Qisis MainWindow. More...
class  WarningTreeWidget
 Warning Widget for cnetsuite. More...
class  WarningWidget
 Displays the NoWarning icon as default and the Warning icon in case of exception and also pops up a a menu when an exception occurs. More...
class  WindowTool
class  WorkOrder
 Parent class for anything that performs an action in Project. More...
class  WorkOrderFactory
 Instantiate work orders from QString versions of the class name. More...
class  ViewportMdiSubWindow
 This is an actual viewport window in qview/qnet/etc. More...
class  Workspace
class  ZoomTool
 Handles zoom operations for Isis qt apps. More...
class  Kernel
 This class stores Kernel information, including Type and kernel file names. More...
class  KernelDb
 KernelDb class. More...
class  VikingCamera
 Viking Camera Model. More...
class  VoyagerCamera
 Voyager Camera Model. More...


typedef long long int BigInt
typedef QSharedPointer
< GisGeometry
 Definition for a SharedGisGeometry, a shared pointer to a GisGeometry.
typedef Affine::AMatrix GMatrix
typedef TNT::Array1D< double > GVector
typedef TNT::Array1D< SpiceDouble > NaifVector
 Namespace to contain type definitions of NAIF DSK fundamentals.
typedef TNT::Array1D< SpiceDouble > NaifVertex
 1-D Buffer[3]
typedef TNT::Array2D< SpiceDouble > NaifTriangle
 3-D triangle[3][3]
typedef QSharedPointer< ResourceSharedResource
 Defintion of a SharedResource, a shared pointer to a Resource object.
typedef QList< SharedResourceResourceList
 Defintion of a ResourceList, a list of SharedResource types.
typedef QPair< int, int > SmtkQPair
typedef QHash< SmtkQPair,
typedef SmtkQStack::iterator SmtkQStackIter
typedef SmtkQStack::const_iterator SmtkQStackConstIter
typedef QSharedPointer< StrategySharedStrategy
 Definition for a SharedStrategy, a shared pointer to a Strategy.
typedef QList< SharedStrategyStrategyList
 Definition for a StrategyList, a list of SharedStrategy types.
typedef ControlNetFileV0002 LatestControlNetFile
 To minimize changes in other places, allow others to use "Latest".


enum  LabelAttachment { AttachedLabel, DetachedLabel, ExternalLabel }

Input cube label type tracker.

enum  ByteOrder { NoByteOrder = 0, Lsb, Msb }

Tests the current architecture for byte order.

enum  { NCONSTR = 8 }
enum  PixelType {
  None = 0, UnsignedByte, SignedByte, UnsignedWord,
  SignedWord, UnsignedInteger, SignedInteger, Real,

Enumerations for Isis Pixel Types.

enum  KeywordType {
  NoTypeKeyword, StringKeyword, BoolKeyword, IntegerKeyword,
  RealKeyword, OctalKeyword, HexKeyword, BinaryKeyword,

The different types of keywords that can be formatted.

enum  ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PBControlMeasure_MeasureType { ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PBControlMeasure_MeasureType_Candidate = 1, ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PBControlMeasure_MeasureType_Manual = 2, ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PBControlMeasure_MeasureType_RegisteredPixel = 3, ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PBControlMeasure_MeasureType_RegisteredSubPixel = 4 }
enum  ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PointType { ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PointType_Tie = 0, ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PointType_Ground = 1 }
enum  ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_AprioriSource {
  ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_AprioriSource_None = 0, ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_AprioriSource_User = 1, ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_AprioriSource_AverageOfMeasures = 2, ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_AprioriSource_Reference = 3,
  ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_AprioriSource_Ellipsoid = 4, ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_AprioriSource_DEM = 5, ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_AprioriSource_Basemap = 6, ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_AprioriSource_BundleSolution = 7
enum  ControlPointFileEntryV0002_Measure_MeasureType { ControlPointFileEntryV0002_Measure_MeasureType_Candidate = 0, ControlPointFileEntryV0002_Measure_MeasureType_Manual = 1, ControlPointFileEntryV0002_Measure_MeasureType_RegisteredPixel = 2, ControlPointFileEntryV0002_Measure_MeasureType_RegisteredSubPixel = 3 }
enum  ControlPointFileEntryV0002_PointType {
  ControlPointFileEntryV0002_PointType_Free = 2, ControlPointFileEntryV0002_PointType_Constrained = 3, ControlPointFileEntryV0002_PointType_Fixed = 4, ControlPointFileEntryV0002_PointType_obsolete_Tie = 0,
  ControlPointFileEntryV0002_PointType_obsolete_Ground = 1
enum  ControlPointFileEntryV0002_AprioriSource {
  ControlPointFileEntryV0002_AprioriSource_None = 0, ControlPointFileEntryV0002_AprioriSource_User = 1, ControlPointFileEntryV0002_AprioriSource_AverageOfMeasures = 2, ControlPointFileEntryV0002_AprioriSource_Reference = 3,
  ControlPointFileEntryV0002_AprioriSource_Ellipsoid = 4, ControlPointFileEntryV0002_AprioriSource_DEM = 5, ControlPointFileEntryV0002_AprioriSource_Basemap = 6, ControlPointFileEntryV0002_AprioriSource_BundleSolution = 7


Angle operator* (double mult, Angle angle)
 Multiply this angle by a double and return the resulting angle.
bool IsBlob (PvlObject &obj)
 Checks pvl object and returns whether or not it is a Blob.
double NegateOperator (double a)
 The code that performs math operations is designed to call a function and use the result.
double MultiplyOperator (double a, double b)
 Returns the result of a multiplied by b.
double DivideOperator (double a, double b)
 Returns the result of dividing a by b.
double AddOperator (double a, double b)
 Returns the result of additing a with b.
double SubtractOperator (double a, double b)
 Returns the result of subtracting b from a.
double GreaterThanOperator (double a, double b)
 Returns 1.0 if a is greater than b.
double LessThanOperator (double a, double b)
 Returns 1.0 if a is less than b.
double EqualOperator (double a, double b)
 Returns 1.0 if a is equal ot b.
double GreaterThanOrEqualOperator (double a, double b)
 Returns 1.0 if a is greater than or equal to b.
double LessThanOrEqualOperator (double a, double b)
 Returns 1.0 if a is less than or eqaul to b.
double NotEqualOperator (double a, double b)
 Returns 1.0 is a is not equal to b.
double CosecantOperator (double a)
 Returns the cosecant of the input a.
double SecantOperator (double a)
 Returns the secant of the input a.
double CotangentOperator (double a)
 Returns the cotangent of the input a.
int Round (double a)
 Returns the result of rounding the input a to the closest integer.
double BitwiseAndOperator (double a, double b)
 Returns the result of a bitwise AND accross a and b.
double BitwiseOrOperator (double a, double b)
 Returns the result of a bitwise OR across a and b.
double ModulusOperator (double a, double b)
 Returns the modulus of a by b.
double MaximumOperator (double a, double b)
 Returns the max of a and b.
double MinimumOperator (double a, double b)
 Returns the min of a and b.
const double E (2.7182818284590452354)
 Sets some basic constants for use in ISIS programming.
const double PI (3.14159265358979323846)
 The mathematical constant PI.
const double HALFPI (1.57079632679489661923)
 The mathematical constant PI/2.
const double TWOPI (6.2831853071795864769253)
const double DEG2RAD (0.017453292519943295769237)
 Multiplier for converting from degrees to radians.
const double RAD2DEG (57.29577951308232087679815481)
 Multiplier for converting from radians to degrees.
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, CSVReader &csv)
 Input read operator for input stream sources.
QString LabelAttachmentName (LabelAttachment labelType)
 Return the string representation of the contents of a variable of type LabelAttachment.
LabelAttachment LabelAttachmentEnumeration (const QString &labelType)
 Return the appropriate LabelType depending on which of the valid values the argument spells.
Displacement operator* (double mult, Displacement displacement)
 Multiply displacement by a value (5m * 2 = 10m).
Distance operator* (double mult, Distance dist)
 Multiply this distance by a value (5m * 2 = 10m).
QString ByteOrderName (Isis::ByteOrder byteOrder)
Isis::ByteOrder ByteOrderEnumeration (const QString &order)
bool IsLsb ()
 Return true if this host is an LSB first machine and false if it is not.
bool IsMsb ()
 Return true if this host is an MSB first machine and false if it is not.
bool IsLittleEndian ()
bool IsBigEndian ()
Coordinate operator+ (const Coordinate &A, const Coordinate &B)
 Summation operator for Coordinate.
Coordinate operator- (const Coordinate &A, const Coordinate &B)
 Subtraction operator for Coordinate.
Radiometric operator+ (const Radiometric &A, const Radiometric &B)
 Operator to sum two radiometric parameters.
QDebug operator<< (QDebug debug, const Hillshade &hillshade)
 Print this class out to a QDebug object.
double floatModulusOperator (double a, double b)
 Determines the remainder of the quotient a/b whose sign is the same as that of a.
bool toBool (const QString &string)
 Global function to convert from a string to a boolean.
int toInt (const QString &string)
 Global function to convert from a string to an integer.
BigInt toBigInt (const QString &string)
 Global function to convert from a string to a "big" integer.
double toDouble (const QString &string)
 Global function to convert from a string to a double.
QString toString (bool boolToConvert)
 Global function to convert a boolean to a string.
QString toString (char charToConvert)
 Global function to convert a character to a string.
QString toString (const int &intToConvert)
 Global function to convert an integer to a string.
QString toString (const unsigned int &intToConvert)
 Global function to convert an unsigned integer to a string.
QString toString (const BigInt &intToConvert)
 Global function to convert a big integer to a string.
QString toString (double doubleToConvert, int precision)
 Global function to convert a double to a string with the given precision (significant figures).
static bool nocase_compare (const char c1, const char c2)
 Compare two characters without regard to case.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &outputStream, const QString &string)
 Print an ASCII representation of the given QString to a stl stream (most commonly cout, cerr).
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &outputStream, const QStringRef &string)
 Print an ASCII representation of the given QStringRef to a stl stream (most commonly cout, cerr).
iTime operator+ (const double &secondsToAdd, iTime time)
iTime operator- (const double &secondsToSubtract, iTime time)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, Matrix &matrix)
 Write the matrix to the output stream.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, Matrix &matrix)
bool validate (const NaifVertex &v)
 Verifies that the given NaifVector or NaifVertex is 3 dimensional.
bool validate (const NaifTriangle &t)
 Verifies that the given NaifTriangle is 3 x 3.
QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const TNT::Array1D< SpiceDouble > &tntArray)
 Enables any TNT array of SpiceDoubles to be passed into qDebug() directly.
QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const TNT::Array2D< SpiceDouble > &tntMatrix)
 Enables any 2 dimensional TNT array of SpiceDoubles to be passed into qDebug() directly.
QString toString (const TNT::Array1D< SpiceDouble > &naifArray, int precision)
 Formats any TNT array of SpiceDoubles as a string with given precision.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, Isis::OverlapStatistics &stats)
 Creates a pvl of various useful data obtained by the overlap statistics class.
ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, Pipeline &pipeline)
 This is the output operator for a Pipeline, which enables things such as:.
int SizeOf (Isis::PixelType pixelType)
 Returns the number of bytes of the specified PixelType.
QString PixelTypeName (Isis::PixelType pixelType)
 Returns string name of PixelType enumeration entered as input parameter.
Isis::PixelType PixelTypeEnumeration (const QString &type)
 Returns PixelType enumeration given a string.
ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, Pvl &pvl)
 This stream will not handle the end of line sequence.
istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, Pvl &pvl)
 Reads keywords from the instream and appends them to the Pvl object.
ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, PvlContainer &container)
 Output the PvlContainer information.
KeywordType toKeywordType (const QString type)
 Convert a string representing a type of keyword to the corresponding enumeration.
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, PvlGroup &result)
 Read in a group.
ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, PvlGroup &group)
 Outputs the PvlGroup data to a specified output stream.
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, PvlKeyword &result)
 Read in a keyword.
ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Isis::PvlKeyword &keyword)
 Write out the keyword.
ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, PvlObject &object)
 Outputs the PvlObject data to a specified output stream.
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, PvlObject &result)
 This method reads a PvlObject from the input stream.
int choleski_solve (double *a, double *b, int nsize, int flag)
int inverse (double *a, int nsize)
int isymp (int row, int col)
int indeces_from_set (int *indeces, int set, int set_size, int n)
int binomial_coeficient (int n, int k)
int decompose (double *, int)
int foresub (double *, double *, int)
int backsub (double *, double *, int)
int solve_errcode (int)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, Isis::SessionLog &log)
QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const SparseBlockColumnMatrix &sbcm)
 Writes matrix to binary disk file pointed to by QDataStream stream.
QDataStream & operator>> (QDataStream &stream, SparseBlockColumnMatrix &sbcm)
 Reads matrix from binary disk file pointed to by QDataStream stream.
QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const SparseBlockColumnMatrix &sbcm)
 Writes matrix to QDebug stream.
QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const SparseBlockRowMatrix &sbrm)
 Writes matrix to binary disk file pointed to by QDataStream stream.
QDataStream & operator>> (QDataStream &stream, SparseBlockRowMatrix &sbrm)
 Reads matrix from binary disk file pointed to by QDataStream stream.
QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const SparseBlockRowMatrix &sbrm)
 Writes matrix to QDebug stream.
QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const SparseBlockMatrix &sparseBlockMatrix)
 Writes matrix to binary disk file pointed to by QDataStream stream.
QDataStream & operator>> (QDataStream &stream, SparseBlockMatrix &sparseBlockMatrix)
 Reads matrix from binary disk file pointed to by QDataStream stream.
QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const SparseBlockMatrix &m)
 Writes matrix to QDebug stream.
bool IsSpecial (const double d)
 Returns if the input pixel is special.
bool IsSpecial (const float f)
 Returns if the input pixel is special.
bool IsValidPixel (const double d)
 Returns if the input pixel is valid.
bool IsNullPixel (const double d)
 Returns if the input pixel is null.
bool IsHighPixel (const double d)
 Returns if the input pixel is one of the high saturation types.
bool IsLowPixel (const double d)
 Returns if the input pixel is one of the low saturation types.
bool IsHrsPixel (const double d)
 Returns if the input pixel is high representation saturation.
bool IsHisPixel (const double d)
 Returns if the input pixel is high instrument saturation.
bool IsLisPixel (const double d)
 Returns if the input pixel is low instrument saturation.
bool IsLrsPixel (const double d)
 Returns if the input pixel is low representation saturation.
double TestPixel (const float t)
 Converts float pixels to double pixels with special pixel translations.
float TestPixel (const double t)
 Converts double to float with special pixel translations and care for overflows (underflows are assumed to cast to 0!).
QString PixelToString (double d)
 Takes a double pixel value and returns the name of the pixel type as a string.
double StringToPixel (const QString &str)
 Takes the name of the pixel type as a string and returns a double pixel value.
QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const StatCumProbDistDynCalc &scpddc)
QDataStream & operator>> (QDataStream &stream, StatCumProbDistDynCalc &scpddc)
QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const Statistics &statistics)
QDataStream & operator>> (QDataStream &stream, Statistics &statistics)
static void cholmod_error_handler (int nStatus, const char *file, int nLineNo, const char *message)
void protobuf_AddDesc_ControlNetFileV0001_2eproto ()
void protobuf_AssignDesc_ControlNetFileV0001_2eproto ()
void protobuf_ShutdownFile_ControlNetFileV0001_2eproto ()
bool ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PBControlMeasure_MeasureType_IsValid (int value)
::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor * 
ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PBControlMeasure_MeasureType_descriptor ()
const ::std::string & ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PBControlMeasure_MeasureType_Name (ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PBControlMeasure_MeasureType value)
bool ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PBControlMeasure_MeasureType_Parse (const ::std::string &name, ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PBControlMeasure_MeasureType *value)
bool ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PointType_IsValid (int value)
::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor * 
ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PointType_descriptor ()
const ::std::string & ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PointType_Name (ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PointType value)
bool ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PointType_Parse (const ::std::string &name, ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PointType *value)
bool ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_AprioriSource_IsValid (int value)
::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor * 
ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_AprioriSource_descriptor ()
const ::std::string & ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_AprioriSource_Name (ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_AprioriSource value)
bool ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_AprioriSource_Parse (const ::std::string &name, ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_AprioriSource *value)
void protobuf_AddDesc_ControlNetFileV0002_2eproto ()
void protobuf_AssignDesc_ControlNetFileV0002_2eproto ()
void protobuf_ShutdownFile_ControlNetFileV0002_2eproto ()
bool ControlPointFileEntryV0002_Measure_MeasureType_IsValid (int value)
::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor * 
ControlPointFileEntryV0002_Measure_MeasureType_descriptor ()
const ::std::string & ControlPointFileEntryV0002_Measure_MeasureType_Name (ControlPointFileEntryV0002_Measure_MeasureType value)
bool ControlPointFileEntryV0002_Measure_MeasureType_Parse (const ::std::string &name, ControlPointFileEntryV0002_Measure_MeasureType *value)
bool ControlPointFileEntryV0002_PointType_IsValid (int value)
::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor * 
ControlPointFileEntryV0002_PointType_descriptor ()
const ::std::string & ControlPointFileEntryV0002_PointType_Name (ControlPointFileEntryV0002_PointType value)
bool ControlPointFileEntryV0002_PointType_Parse (const ::std::string &name, ControlPointFileEntryV0002_PointType *value)
bool ControlPointFileEntryV0002_AprioriSource_IsValid (int value)
::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor * 
ControlPointFileEntryV0002_AprioriSource_descriptor ()
const ::std::string & ControlPointFileEntryV0002_AprioriSource_Name (ControlPointFileEntryV0002_AprioriSource value)
bool ControlPointFileEntryV0002_AprioriSource_Parse (const ::std::string &name, ControlPointFileEntryV0002_AprioriSource *value)
QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions &mlwf)
QDataStream & operator>> (QDataStream &stream, MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions &mlwf)
QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream &stream, const MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions::Model &modelEnum)
QDataStream & operator>> (QDataStream &stream, MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions::Model &modelEnum)
void newViewportOpened (CubeViewport *cvp)


ApplicationiApp = NULL
static geos::geom::GeometryFactory globalFactory
const int SizeMatch = 1
const int SpatialMatch = 2
const int OneBand = 16
const int BandMatchOrOne = 32
const int ReadWrite = 64
const int AllMatchOrOne = 128
 Manipulate special pixel values.
const double VALID_MIN8 = IVALID_MIN8.d
const double ValidMinimum = IVALID_MIN8.d
 The minimum valid double value for Isis pixels.
const double NULL8 = INULL8.d
const double Null = INULL8.d
 Value for an Isis Null pixel.
const double LOW_REPR_SAT8 = ILOW_REPR_SAT8.d
const double Lrs = ILOW_REPR_SAT8.d
 Value for an Isis Low Representation Saturation pixel.
const double LOW_INSTR_SAT8 = ILOW_INSTR_SAT8.d
const double Lis = ILOW_INSTR_SAT8.d
 Value for an Isis Low Instrument Saturation pixel.
const double His = IHIGH_INSTR_SAT8.d
 Value for an Isis High Instrument Saturation pixel.
const double HIGH_REPR_SAT8 = IHIGH_REPR_SAT8.d
const double Hrs = IHIGH_REPR_SAT8.d
 Value for an Isis High Representation Saturation pixel.
const double VALID_MAX8 = DBL_MAX
const double ValidMaximum = DBL_MAX
 The maximum valid double value for Isis pixels.
const int IVALID_MIN4 = 0xFF7FFFFA
const float VALID_MIN4 = (*((const float *) &IVALID_MIN4))
const int INULL4 = 0xFF7FFFFB
const float NULL4 = (*((const float *) &INULL4))
const int ILOW_REPR_SAT4 = 0xFF7FFFFC
const float LOW_REPR_SAT4 = (*((const float *) &ILOW_REPR_SAT4))
const int ILOW_INSTR_SAT4 = 0xFF7FFFFD
const float LOW_INSTR_SAT4 = (*((const float *) &ILOW_INSTR_SAT4))
const float HIGH_INSTR_SAT4 = (*((const float *) &IHIGH_INSTR_SAT4))
const int IHIGH_REPR_SAT4 = 0xFF7FFFFF
const float HIGH_REPR_SAT4 = (*((const float *) &IHIGH_REPR_SAT4))
const float VALID_MAX4 = FLT_MAX
const short VALID_MIN2 = ((short)(-32752))
const short NULL2 = ((short)(-32768))
const short LOW_REPR_SAT2 = ((short)(-32767))
const short LOW_INSTR_SAT2 = ((short)(-32766))
const short HIGH_INSTR_SAT2 = ((short)(-32765))
const short HIGH_REPR_SAT2 = ((short)(-32764))
const short VALID_MAX2 = ((short) 32767)
const unsigned short VALID_MINU2 = ((unsigned short) 3)
const unsigned short NULLU2 = ((unsigned short) 0)
const unsigned short LOW_REPR_SATU2 = ((unsigned short) 1)
const unsigned short LOW_INSTR_SATU2 = ((unsigned short) 2)
const unsigned short HIGH_INSTR_SATU2 = ((unsigned short) 65534)
const unsigned short HIGH_REPR_SATU2 = ((unsigned short) 65535)
const unsigned short VALID_MAXU2 = ((unsigned short) 65522)
const unsigned char VALID_MIN1 = ((unsigned char) 1)
const unsigned char NULL1 = ((unsigned char) 0)
const unsigned char LOW_REPR_SAT1 = ((unsigned char) 0)
const unsigned char LOW_INSTR_SAT1 = ((unsigned char) 0)
const unsigned char HIGH_INSTR_SAT1 = ((unsigned char) 255)
const unsigned char HIGH_REPR_SAT1 = ((unsigned char) 255)
const unsigned char VALID_MAX1 = ((unsigned char) 254)
QString sPointType [] = { "Fixed", "Constrained", "Free" }
 String names for Point Type.
QString sBoolean [] = { "False", "True" }
 String values for Boolean.
ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PBControlMeasure_MeasureType_MeasureType_MIN = ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PBControlMeasure_MeasureType_Candidate
ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PBControlMeasure_MeasureType_MeasureType_MAX = ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PBControlMeasure_MeasureType_RegisteredSubPixel
const int ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PBControlMeasure_MeasureType_MeasureType_ARRAYSIZE = ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PBControlMeasure_MeasureType_MeasureType_MAX + 1
ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PointType_PointType_MIN = ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PointType_Tie
ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PointType_PointType_MAX = ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PointType_Ground
const int ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PointType_PointType_ARRAYSIZE = ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PointType_PointType_MAX + 1
ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_AprioriSource_AprioriSource_MIN = ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_AprioriSource_None
ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_AprioriSource_AprioriSource_MAX = ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_AprioriSource_BundleSolution
const int ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_AprioriSource_AprioriSource_ARRAYSIZE = ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_AprioriSource_AprioriSource_MAX + 1
ControlPointFileEntryV0002_Measure_MeasureType_MeasureType_MIN = ControlPointFileEntryV0002_Measure_MeasureType_Candidate
ControlPointFileEntryV0002_Measure_MeasureType_MeasureType_MAX = ControlPointFileEntryV0002_Measure_MeasureType_RegisteredSubPixel
const int ControlPointFileEntryV0002_Measure_MeasureType_MeasureType_ARRAYSIZE = ControlPointFileEntryV0002_Measure_MeasureType_MeasureType_MAX + 1
ControlPointFileEntryV0002_PointType_PointType_MIN = ControlPointFileEntryV0002_PointType_obsolete_Tie
ControlPointFileEntryV0002_PointType_PointType_MAX = ControlPointFileEntryV0002_PointType_Fixed
const int ControlPointFileEntryV0002_PointType_PointType_ARRAYSIZE = ControlPointFileEntryV0002_PointType_PointType_MAX + 1
ControlPointFileEntryV0002_AprioriSource_AprioriSource_MIN = ControlPointFileEntryV0002_AprioriSource_None
ControlPointFileEntryV0002_AprioriSource_AprioriSource_MAX = ControlPointFileEntryV0002_AprioriSource_BundleSolution
const int ControlPointFileEntryV0002_AprioriSource_AprioriSource_ARRAYSIZE = ControlPointFileEntryV0002_AprioriSource_AprioriSource_MAX + 1
const int VIEWSIZE = 301
const int CHIPVIEWPORT_WIDTH = 310

Detailed Description

Unless noted otherwise, the portions of Isis written by the USGS are public domain.

Namespace for all Isis base objects.

See individual third-party library and package descriptions for intellectual property information, user agreements, and related information.

Although Isis has been used by the USGS, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS as to the accuracy and functioning of such software and related material nor shall the fact of distribution constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the USGS in connection therewith.

For additional information, launch $ISISROOT/doc//documents/Disclaimers/Disclaimers.html in a browser or see the Privacy & Disclaimers page on the Isis website,, and the USGS privacy and disclaimers on

See individual third-party library and package descriptions for intellectual property information,user agreements, and related information.

Although Isis has been used by the USGS, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS as to the accuracy and functioning of such software and related material nor shall the fact of distribution constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the USGS in connection therewith.

For additional information, launch $ISISROOT/doc//documents/Disclaimers/Disclaimers.html in a browser or see the Privacy & Disclaimers page on the Isis website,, and the USGS privacy and disclaimers on

Typedef Documentation

typedef long long int Isis::BigInt
typedef TNT::Array1D<double> Isis::GVector

To minimize changes in other places, allow others to use "Latest".

typedef TNT::Array2D<SpiceDouble> Isis::NaifTriangle

3-D triangle[3][3]

typedef TNT::Array1D<SpiceDouble> Isis::NaifVector

Namespace to contain type definitions of NAIF DSK fundamentals.

This NAIF DSK utility provides the means to a TIN. Needed are types that define efficient implemenations of vectors, vertices and triangles (plates). The TNT library is used to specify these fundamental types due to its efficeint passing and memory manaegement mechanisms.

2013-12-05 Kris Becker 1-D Buffer[3]
typedef TNT::Array1D<SpiceDouble> Isis::NaifVertex

1-D Buffer[3]

Defintion of a ResourceList, a list of SharedResource types.

typedef QSharedPointer<GisGeometry> Isis::SharedGisGeometry

Definition for a SharedGisGeometry, a shared pointer to a GisGeometry.

typedef QSharedPointer<Resource> Isis::SharedResource

Defintion of a SharedResource, a shared pointer to a Resource object.

typedef QSharedPointer<Strategy> Isis::SharedStrategy

Definition for a SharedStrategy, a shared pointer to a Strategy.

typedef QPair<int, int> Isis::SmtkQPair
typedef SmtkQStack::const_iterator Isis::SmtkQStackConstIter
typedef SmtkQStack::iterator Isis::SmtkQStackIter

Definition for a StrategyList, a list of SharedStrategy types.

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum

The different types of keywords that can be formatted.


Input cube label type tracker.

This enumeration and its functions are for the label type of an input cube. The enum defines the type of labels (i.e., Both the label and cube are in the same file and the label is in a separate file from the cube.


The input label is embedded in the image file.


The input label is in a separate data file from the image.


The label is pointing to an external DN file - the label is also external to the data.

This format implies that the output is a cube that contains everything except DN data (more similar to attached than detached).

Enumerations for Isis Pixel Types.

This enumeration is for defining pixel types of cubes. UnsignedByte, SignedWord, and Real are the only three pixel types currently supported. The range for UnsignedBytes is 0 to 255, the range for SignedWord is -32768 to 32767, and the range for Real is -FLT_MAX to FLT_MAX as defined in the include file, float.h.

2004-10-14 Stuart Sides

Function Documentation

double Isis::AddOperator ( double  a,
double  b 

Returns the result of additing a with b.

a Input double
b Input double
double result of a+b

Referenced by Isis::Calculator::Add().

int Isis::backsub ( double *  a,
double *  b,
int  nsize 
) [inline]

References solve_errcode(), and SOLVED.

Referenced by choleski_solve().

int Isis::binomial_coeficient ( int  n,
int  k 
) [inline]

Referenced by indeces_from_set().

double Isis::BitwiseAndOperator ( double  a,
double  b 

Returns the result of a bitwise AND accross a and b.

a Input double
b Input double
the double result of a bitwise AND operation

References Round().

Referenced by Isis::Calculator::And().

double Isis::BitwiseOrOperator ( double  a,
double  b 

Returns the result of a bitwise OR across a and b.

a Input double
b INput double
the double result of a bitwise OR operation

References Round().

Referenced by Isis::Calculator::Or().

Isis::ByteOrder Isis::ByteOrderEnumeration ( const QString &  order  )  [inline]

References Lsb, Msb, and NoByteOrder.

Referenced by Isis::Table::ReadInit().

QString Isis::ByteOrderName ( Isis::ByteOrder  byteOrder  )  [inline]
int Isis::choleski_solve ( double *  a,
double *  b,
int  nsize,
int  flag 
) [inline]
static void Isis::cholmod_error_handler ( int  nStatus,
const char *  file,
int  nLineNo,
const char *  message 
) [static]
const ::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor* Isis::ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_AprioriSource_descriptor (  ) 
bool Isis::ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_AprioriSource_IsValid ( int  value  ) 
const ::std::string& Isis::ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_AprioriSource_Name ( ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_AprioriSource  value  )  [inline]
bool Isis::ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_AprioriSource_Parse ( const ::std::string &  name,
ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_AprioriSource *  value 
) [inline]
const ::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor* Isis::ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PBControlMeasure_MeasureType_descriptor (  ) 
bool Isis::ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PBControlMeasure_MeasureType_IsValid ( int  value  ) 
const ::std::string& Isis::ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PBControlMeasure_MeasureType_Name ( ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PBControlMeasure_MeasureType  value  )  [inline]
bool Isis::ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PBControlMeasure_MeasureType_Parse ( const ::std::string &  name,
ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PBControlMeasure_MeasureType *  value 
) [inline]
const ::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor* Isis::ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PointType_descriptor (  ) 
bool Isis::ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PointType_IsValid ( int  value  ) 
const ::std::string& Isis::ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PointType_Name ( ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PointType  value  )  [inline]
bool Isis::ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PointType_Parse ( const ::std::string &  name,
ControlNetFileProtoV0001_PBControlPoint_PointType *  value 
) [inline]
const ::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor* Isis::ControlPointFileEntryV0002_AprioriSource_descriptor (  ) 
bool Isis::ControlPointFileEntryV0002_AprioriSource_IsValid ( int  value  ) 
const ::std::string& Isis::ControlPointFileEntryV0002_AprioriSource_Name ( ControlPointFileEntryV0002_AprioriSource  value  )  [inline]
bool Isis::ControlPointFileEntryV0002_AprioriSource_Parse ( const ::std::string &  name,
ControlPointFileEntryV0002_AprioriSource *  value 
) [inline]
const ::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor* Isis::ControlPointFileEntryV0002_Measure_MeasureType_descriptor (  ) 
bool Isis::ControlPointFileEntryV0002_Measure_MeasureType_IsValid ( int  value  ) 
const ::std::string& Isis::ControlPointFileEntryV0002_Measure_MeasureType_Name ( ControlPointFileEntryV0002_Measure_MeasureType  value  )  [inline]
bool Isis::ControlPointFileEntryV0002_Measure_MeasureType_Parse ( const ::std::string &  name,
ControlPointFileEntryV0002_Measure_MeasureType *  value 
) [inline]
const ::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor* Isis::ControlPointFileEntryV0002_PointType_descriptor (  ) 
bool Isis::ControlPointFileEntryV0002_PointType_IsValid ( int  value  ) 
const ::std::string& Isis::ControlPointFileEntryV0002_PointType_Name ( ControlPointFileEntryV0002_PointType  value  )  [inline]
bool Isis::ControlPointFileEntryV0002_PointType_Parse ( const ::std::string &  name,
ControlPointFileEntryV0002_PointType *  value 
) [inline]
double Isis::CosecantOperator ( double  a  ) 

Returns the cosecant of the input a.

a Input double
the double result of the cosecant of a

Referenced by Isis::Calculator::Cosecant().

double Isis::CotangentOperator ( double  a  ) 

Returns the cotangent of the input a.

a Input double
the double result of the cotangent of a

Referenced by Isis::Calculator::Cotangent().

int Isis::decompose ( double *  a,
int  nsize 
) [inline]

References solve_errcode(), and SOLVED.

Referenced by choleski_solve().

const double Isis::DEG2RAD ( 0.  017453292519943295769237  ) 
double Isis::DivideOperator ( double  a,
double  b 

Returns the result of dividing a by b.

a Input double
b Intput double
double result of a/b

Referenced by Isis::Calculator::Divide().

double Isis::EqualOperator ( double  a,
double  b 

Returns 1.0 if a is equal ot b.

a Input double
b Input double
1.0 if a==b

Referenced by Isis::Calculator::Equal().

double Isis::floatModulusOperator ( double  a,
double  b 

Determines the remainder of the quotient a/b whose sign is the same as that of a.

In other words, this method finds the value r = a - bq such that q is the integer found by truncating a/b.

a The dividend (numerator).
b The divisor (denominator).
double The remainder of the quotient that has the same sign as the dividend.

Referenced by Isis::InlineCalculator::floatModulus().

int Isis::foresub ( double *  a,
double *  b,
int  nsize 
) [inline]

References solve_errcode(), and SOLVED.

Referenced by choleski_solve().

double Isis::GreaterThanOperator ( double  a,
double  b 

Returns 1.0 if a is greater than b.

Otherwise 0.0 is returned.

a Input double
b Input double
1.0 if a>b

Referenced by Isis::Calculator::GreaterThan().

double Isis::GreaterThanOrEqualOperator ( double  a,
double  b 

Returns 1.0 if a is greater than or equal to b.

Otherwise 0.0 is returned.

a Input double
b Input double
1.0 if a>=b

Referenced by Isis::Calculator::GreaterThanOrEqual().

const double Isis::HALFPI ( 1.  57079632679489661923  ) 
int Isis::indeces_from_set ( int *  indeces,
int  set,
int  set_size,
int  n 
) [inline]

References binomial_coeficient().

int Isis::inverse ( double *  a,
int  nsize 
) [inline]

References SOLVED.

Referenced by choleski_solve().

bool Isis::IsBigEndian (  )  [inline]

Test the architecture the application is running on.

True if it's BigEndian, False if it's not.

References IsLsb().

bool Isis::IsBlob ( PvlObject &  obj  ) 

Checks pvl object and returns whether or not it is a Blob.

obj Pvl object
bool Returns true if the object is a blob, and false if it is not
bool Isis::IsHighPixel ( const double  d  )  [inline]

Returns if the input pixel is one of the high saturation types.

d Pixel value to test


Referenced by Isis::ProcessMosaic::StartProcess().

bool Isis::IsHisPixel ( const double  d  )  [inline]

Returns if the input pixel is high instrument saturation.

d Pixel value to test

References HIGH_INSTR_SAT8.

Referenced by Isis::Statistics::AddData(), Isis::Stretch::Map(), PixelToString(), Isis::Calculator::Push(), and Isis::Statistics::RemoveData().

bool Isis::IsHrsPixel ( const double  d  )  [inline]

Returns if the input pixel is high representation saturation.

d Pixel value to test

References HIGH_REPR_SAT8.

Referenced by Isis::Statistics::AddData(), Isis::Stretch::Map(), PixelToString(), Isis::Calculator::Push(), and Isis::Statistics::RemoveData().

bool Isis::IsLisPixel ( const double  d  )  [inline]

Returns if the input pixel is low instrument saturation.

d Pixel value to test

References LOW_INSTR_SAT8.

Referenced by Isis::Statistics::AddData(), Isis::Stretch::Map(), PixelToString(), Isis::Calculator::Push(), and Isis::Statistics::RemoveData().

bool Isis::IsLittleEndian (  )  [inline]

Test the architecture the application is running on.

True if it's LittleEndian, False if it's not.

References IsLsb().

bool Isis::IsLowPixel ( const double  d  )  [inline]

Returns if the input pixel is one of the low saturation types.

d Pixel value to test

References LOW_INSTR_SAT8, and LOW_REPR_SAT8.

Referenced by Isis::ProcessMosaic::StartProcess().

bool Isis::IsLrsPixel ( const double  d  )  [inline]

Returns if the input pixel is low representation saturation.

d Pixel value to test

References LOW_REPR_SAT8.

Referenced by Isis::Statistics::AddData(), PixelToString(), Isis::Calculator::Push(), and Isis::Statistics::RemoveData().

bool Isis::IsLsb (  )  [inline]

Return true if this host is an LSB first machine and false if it is not.

bool - Returns true if host is LSB and false if it is MSB

Referenced by Isis::CubeAttributeOutput::byteOrder(), Isis::EndianSwapper::EndianSwapper(), IsBigEndian(), IsLittleEndian(), IsMsb(), Isis::ProcessExport::ProcessExport(), Isis::Table::ReadInit(), Isis::ProcessImport::VAXConversion(), and Isis::Table::WriteInit().

bool Isis::IsMsb (  )  [inline]

Return true if this host is an MSB first machine and false if it is not.

bool - Returns true if host is MSB and false if it is LSB

References IsLsb().

Referenced by Isis::EndianSwapper::EndianSwapper(), and Isis::Table::ReadInit().

bool Isis::IsNullPixel ( const double  d  )  [inline]

Returns if the input pixel is null.

d Pixel value to test

References NULL8.

Referenced by Isis::Statistics::AddData(), Isis::Stretch::Map(), PixelToString(), Isis::Calculator::Push(), Isis::Statistics::RemoveData(), and Isis::ProcessMosaic::StartProcess().

bool Isis::IsSpecial ( const float  f  )  [inline]

Returns if the input pixel is special.

Not special implies it is valid to use in computations. This method applies to a 4-byte floating point rather than an 8-byte double

f Pixel value to test

References VALID_MIN4.

bool Isis::IsSpecial ( const double  d  )  [inline]

Returns if the input pixel is special.

Not special implies it is valid to use in computations.

d Pixel value to test

References VALID_MIN8.

Referenced by Isis::PipelineApplication::BuildParamString(), Isis::CameraStatistics::constructKeyword(), Isis::PlotWindowBestFitDialog::createBestFitLine(), Isis::OverlapNormalization::Evaluate(), Isis::PlotWindow::fillTable(), Isis::ControlMeasure::GetResidualMagnitude(), Isis::StandardDeviationOperator::Interest(), Isis::ForstnerOperator::Interest(), Isis::Coordinate::isValid(), Isis::MinimumDifference::MatchAlgorithm(), Isis::Calculator::MaximumLine(), Isis::MosaicControlNetTool::maxMovementColorResidualMagnitude(), Isis::Calculator::MinimumLine(), Isis::VisualDisplay::mouseMoveEvent(), Isis::Equalization::ApplyFunctor::operator()(), Isis::Distance::operator*(), Isis::Displacement::operator*(), Isis::Distance::operator*=(), Isis::Displacement::operator*=(), Isis::iTime::operator+=(), Isis::iTime::operator-=(), Isis::Distance::operator/(), Isis::Displacement::operator/(), Isis::Distance::operator/=(), Isis::Displacement::operator/=(), Isis::ScatterPlotWindow::paint(), Isis::ControlPointGraphicsItem::paint(), Isis::VisualDisplay::paintPixmap(), PixelToString(), Isis::Longitude::positiveWest(), Isis::Calculator::Push(), Isis::SpectralPlotTool::refreshPlot(), Isis::Image::save(), Isis::ScatterPlotData::ScatterPlotData(), Isis::Latitude::setAngle(), Isis::Angle::setAngle(), Isis::Displacement::setDisplacement(), Isis::Distance::setDistance(), Isis::iTime::setEt(), Isis::CubeAttributeOutput::setMaximum(), Isis::CubeAttributeOutput::setMinimum(), Isis::ScatterPlotWindow::setMousePosition(), Isis::Latitude::setPlanetographic(), Isis::Longitude::setPositiveWest(), Isis::Hillshade::shadedValue(), and Isis::ControlNetValidMeasure::ValidDnValue().

bool Isis::IsValidPixel ( const double  d  )  [inline]
int Isis::isymp ( int  row,
int  col 
) [inline]
LabelAttachment Isis::LabelAttachmentEnumeration ( const QString &  labelType  )  [inline]

Return the appropriate LabelType depending on which of the valid values the argument spells.

The RangeType enum corresponding to the string parameter

References _FILEINFO_, AttachedLabel, DetachedLabel, ExternalLabel, and Isis::IException::Unknown.

QString Isis::LabelAttachmentName ( LabelAttachment  labelType  )  [inline]

Return the string representation of the contents of a variable of type LabelAttachment.

labelType The LabelAttachment enum to be converted to a string
A string representation of the parameter

References _FILEINFO_, AttachedLabel, DetachedLabel, ExternalLabel, and Isis::IException::Programmer.

Referenced by Isis::CubeAttributeOutput::setLabelAttachment().

double Isis::LessThanOperator ( double  a,
double  b 

Returns 1.0 if a is less than b.

Otherwise 0.0 is returned.

a Input double
b Input double
1.0 if a<b

Referenced by Isis::Calculator::LessThan().

double Isis::LessThanOrEqualOperator ( double  a,
double  b 

Returns 1.0 if a is less than or eqaul to b.

Otherwise 0.0 is returned.

a Input double
b Input double
1.0 if a<=b

Referenced by Isis::Calculator::LessThanOrEqual().

double Isis::MaximumOperator ( double  a,
double  b 

Returns the max of a and b.

a First input value
b Second input value
The larger of the two

Referenced by Isis::Calculator::MaximumPixel().

double Isis::MinimumOperator ( double  a,
double  b 

Returns the min of a and b.

a First input value
b Second input value
The smaller of the two

Referenced by Isis::Calculator::MinimumPixel().

double Isis::ModulusOperator ( double  a,
double  b 

Returns the modulus of a by b.

a Input modulee
b Input modulator
double result of ab

References Round().

Referenced by Isis::Calculator::Modulus().

double Isis::MultiplyOperator ( double  a,
double  b 

Returns the result of a multiplied by b.

a Input double
b Input double
double result of a*b

Referenced by Isis::Calculator::Multiply().

double Isis::NegateOperator ( double  a  ) 

The code that performs math operations is designed to call a function and use the result.

These helper methods convert standard operators into functions which perform the desired operations. See the implementation of Calculator::Negative for an example. Returns the nagative of the input parameter.

a Input double
double negative of a

Referenced by Isis::Calculator::Negative().

void Isis::newViewportOpened ( CubeViewport *  cvp  ) 
static bool Isis::nocase_compare ( const char  c1,
const char  c2 
) [static]

Compare two characters without regard to case.

This small, internal function compares two characters while ignoring case. This is used in the STL equal function to compare the contents of two STL strings.

c1 First character to compare
c2 Second character to compare
true if the two characters are the same, false otherwise

Referenced by Isis::IString::Equal().

double Isis::NotEqualOperator ( double  a,
double  b 

Returns 1.0 is a is not equal to b.

Otherwise 0.0 is returned.

a Input double
b Input double
1.0 if a!=b

Referenced by Isis::Calculator::NotEqual().

Distance Isis::operator* ( double  mult,
Distance  dist 

Multiply this distance by a value (5m * 2 = 10m).

mult This is the value to multiply by
dist This is the distance to multiply into
Resulting value
Displacement Isis::operator* ( double  mult,
Displacement  displacement 

Multiply displacement by a value (5m * 2 = 10m).

mult This is the value to multiply by
displacement This is the distance to multiply into
Resulting value
Angle Isis::operator* ( double  mult,
Angle  angle 

Multiply this angle by a double and return the resulting angle.

If this is an invalid angle, then the result will be an invalid angle.

mult The value to multiply to this angle
angle The angle being multiplied by mult
Multiplied angle
iTime Isis::operator+ ( const double &  secondsToAdd,
iTime  time 
Radiometric Isis::operator+ ( const Radiometric &  A,
const Radiometric &  B 
) [inline]

Operator to sum two radiometric parameters.

References Isis::Radiometric::m_gain, and Isis::Radiometric::m_shift.

Coordinate Isis::operator+ ( const Coordinate &  A,
const Coordinate &  B 
) [inline]

Summation operator for Coordinate.

A First operand
B Second operand
Coordinate Returns the sum of the two coordinates if they are both valid otherwise returns invalid point

References Isis::Coordinate::isValid(), Isis::Coordinate::m_x, and Isis::Coordinate::m_y.

iTime Isis::operator- ( const double &  secondsToSubtract,
iTime  time 
Coordinate Isis::operator- ( const Coordinate &  A,
const Coordinate &  B 
) [inline]

Subtraction operator for Coordinate.

A First operand
B Second operand
Coordinate Returns the difference between the two coordinates if they are both valid otherwise returns invalid point

References Isis::Coordinate::isValid(), Isis::Coordinate::m_x, and Isis::Coordinate::m_y.

QDataStream & Isis::operator<< ( QDataStream &  stream,
const MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions::Model &  modelEnum 
QDataStream & Isis::operator<< ( QDataStream &  stream,
const MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions &  mlwf 
QDataStream & Isis::operator<< ( QDataStream &  stream,
const Statistics &  statistics 
QDataStream & Isis::operator<< ( QDataStream &  stream,
const StatCumProbDistDynCalc &  scpddc 
QDebug Isis::operator<< ( QDebug  dbg,
const SparseBlockMatrix &  m 

Writes matrix to QDebug stream.

dbg debug stream
m SparseBlockMatrix to write to debug stream
QDataStream & Isis::operator<< ( QDataStream &  stream,
const SparseBlockMatrix &  sparseBlockMatrix 

Writes matrix to binary disk file pointed to by QDataStream stream.

stream stream pointing to binary disk file
sparseBlockMatrix SparseBlockMatrix to write
QDebug Isis::operator<< ( QDebug  dbg,
const SparseBlockRowMatrix &  sbrm 

Writes matrix to QDebug stream.

dbt debug stream
sbcm SparseBlockRowMatrix to write to debug stream
QDataStream & Isis::operator<< ( QDataStream &  stream,
const SparseBlockRowMatrix &  sbrm 

Writes matrix to binary disk file pointed to by QDataStream stream.

stream stream pointing to binary disk file
sbrm SparseBlockRowMatrix to write
QDebug Isis::operator<< ( QDebug  dbg,
const SparseBlockColumnMatrix &  sbcm 

Writes matrix to QDebug stream.

dbg debug stream
sbcm SparseBlockColumnMatrix to write to debug stream
QDataStream & Isis::operator<< ( QDataStream &  stream,
const SparseBlockColumnMatrix &  sbcm 

Writes matrix to binary disk file pointed to by QDataStream stream.

stream stream pointing to binary disk file
sbcm SparseBlockColumnMatrix to write
std::ostream& Isis::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
Isis::SessionLog log 

References operator<<().

ostream& Isis::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
PvlObject &  object 
ostream& Isis::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Isis::PvlKeyword keyword 
ostream& Isis::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
PvlGroup &  group 
std::ostream & Isis::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
PvlContainer &  container 

Output the PvlContainer information.

os The preferred output stream.
container The PvlContainer object to output.
ostream& Isis::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
Pvl &  pvl 
ostream& Isis::operator<< ( ostream &  os,
Pipeline pipeline 

This is the output operator for a Pipeline, which enables things such as:.

   Pipeline p;
   cout <<  p << endl;
os The output stream (usually cout)
pipeline The pipeline object to output
ostream& The modified output stream

References Isis::Pipeline::Application(), Isis::PipelineApplication::Enabled(), Isis::Pipeline::KeepTemporaryFiles(), Isis::PipelineApplication::Name(), Isis::Pipeline::Name(), Isis::PipelineApplication::ParamString(), Isis::Pipeline::Prepare(), Isis::Pipeline::Size(), and Isis::PipelineApplication::TemporaryFiles().

std::ostream & Isis::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
Isis::OverlapStatistics stats 

Creates a pvl of various useful data obtained by the overlap statistics class.

The pvl is returned in an output stream

os The output stream to write to
stats The OverlapStatistics object to write to os
ostream Pvl of useful statistics
QDebug Isis::operator<< ( QDebug  dbg,
const TNT::Array2D< SpiceDouble > &  tntMatrix 

Enables any 2 dimensional TNT array of SpiceDoubles to be passed into qDebug() directly.

Valid inputs include NaifTriangle. Each row will be indented 4 spaces and each entry will be printed with precision=15 digits.

tntMatrix Two dimensional TNT array to be printed.
QDebug Isis::operator<< ( QDebug  dbg,
const TNT::Array1D< SpiceDouble > &  tntArray 

Enables any TNT array of SpiceDoubles to be passed into qDebug() directly.

Valid inputs include NaifVector and NaifVertex. Array values will be printed on a single line with precision=15 digits.

tntArray TNT array to be printed.
std::ostream& Isis::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
Matrix &  matrix 
ostream& Isis::operator<< ( ostream &  os,
Matrix &  matrix 

Write the matrix to the output stream.

References Isis::Matrix::Columns(), and Isis::Matrix::Rows().

std::ostream & Isis::operator<< ( std::ostream &  outputStream,
const QStringRef &  string 

Print an ASCII representation of the given QStringRef to a stl stream (most commonly cout, cerr).

This is provided for convenience. No extra formatting is done; please see qDebug for a better way of printing out debug statements.

outputStream The stream to write the string to
string The string to put into the stream
The modified output stream
std::ostream & Isis::operator<< ( std::ostream &  outputStream,
const QString &  string 

Print an ASCII representation of the given QString to a stl stream (most commonly cout, cerr).

This is provided for convenience. No extra formatting is done; please see qDebug for a better way of printing out debug statements.

outputStream The stream to write the string to
string The string to put into the stream
The modified output stream
QDebug Isis::operator<< ( QDebug  debug,
const Hillshade &  hillshade 

Print this class out to a QDebug object.

Referenced by Isis::ImageList::operator<<(), Isis::ControlList::operator<<(), and operator<<().

QDataStream & Isis::operator>> ( QDataStream &  stream,
MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions::Model &  modelEnum 
QDataStream & Isis::operator>> ( QDataStream &  stream,
MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions &  mlwf 
QDataStream & Isis::operator>> ( QDataStream &  stream,
Statistics &  statistics 
QDataStream & Isis::operator>> ( QDataStream &  stream,
StatCumProbDistDynCalc &  scpddc 
QDataStream & Isis::operator>> ( QDataStream &  stream,
SparseBlockMatrix &  sparseBlockMatrix 

Reads matrix from binary disk file pointed to by QDataStream stream.

stream stream pointing to binary disk file
sparseBlockMatrix SparseBlockMatrix to read
QDataStream & Isis::operator>> ( QDataStream &  stream,
SparseBlockRowMatrix &  sbrm 

Reads matrix from binary disk file pointed to by QDataStream stream.

stream stream pointing to binary disk file
sbcm SparseBlockColumnMatrix to read
QDataStream & Isis::operator>> ( QDataStream &  stream,
SparseBlockColumnMatrix &  sbcm 

Reads matrix from binary disk file pointed to by QDataStream stream.

stream stream pointing to binary disk file
sbcm SparseBlockColumnMatrix to read
std::istream& Isis::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
PvlObject &  result 
std::istream& Isis::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
PvlKeyword &  result 
std::istream& Isis::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
PvlGroup &  result 
istream& Isis::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
Pvl &  pvl 

Reads keywords from the instream and appends them to the Pvl object.

is A specified instream to read from.
pvl The Pvl object to append to.
iException Invalid PVL format specified.
Returns the entered instream after reading from it.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::PvlObject::addGroup(), Isis::PvlContainer::addKeyword(), Isis::PvlObject::addObject(), Isis::PvlKeyword::name(), Isis::IException::Programmer, and Isis::IException::Unknown.

std::istream& Isis::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
CSVReader &  csv 

Input read operator for input stream sources.

This input operator can be invoked directly from the users environment to read the complete input source. It can also be used to augment an existing source as this technique does not discard existing data (lines).

It is presumed that any additional input sources are consistant to pre-established parsing guidelines otherwise, the integrity of the table is compromized.

Here is an example of how to use this method:

 ifstream ifile("myfile.csv");
 CSVReader csv;
 ifile >> csv;
is Input stream source
csv CSVReader object to read input source lines from
std::istream& Returns the state of the input stream at EOF or error
const double Isis::PI ( 3.  14159265358979323846  ) 

The mathematical constant PI.

Referenced by Isis::AlbedoAtm::AlbedoAtm(), Isis::RubberBandTool::angle(), Isis::Isotropic2::AtmosModelAlgorithm(), Isis::Isotropic1::AtmosModelAlgorithm(), Isis::HapkeAtm2::AtmosModelAlgorithm(), Isis::HapkeAtm1::AtmosModelAlgorithm(), Isis::Anisotropic2::AtmosModelAlgorithm(), Isis::Anisotropic1::AtmosModelAlgorithm(), Isis::TiffImporter::convertProjection(), Isis::ProjectionFactory::CreateForCube(), Isis::GaussianDistribution::CumulativeDistribution(), Isis::Equirectangular::Equirectangular(), Isis::AtmosModel::G11Prime(), Isis::AtmosModel::GenerateAhTable(), Isis::AtmosModel::GenerateHahgTables(), Isis::AtmosModel::GenerateHahgTablesShadow(), Isis::SurfacePoint::GetLongitude(), Isis::Projection::GetX(), Isis::CameraGroundMap::GetXY(), Isis::Projection::GetY(), Isis::Camera::GroundAzimuth(), Isis::Camera::GroundRange(), Isis::Longitude::inRange(), Isis::NumericalAtmosApprox::InrFunc2Bint(), Isis::NoOperator::Interest(), Isis::GaussianDistribution::InverseCumulativeDistribution(), Isis::LambertConformal::LambertConformal(), Isis::TProjection::LocalRadius(), Isis::LunarAzimuthalEqualArea::LunarAzimuthalEqualArea(), Isis::LunarLambertMcEwen::LunarLambertMcEwen(), Isis::Mercator::Mercator(), Isis::MiniRF::MiniRF(), Isis::MoonAlbedo::MoonAlbedo(), Isis::TopoAtm::NormModelAlgorithm(), Isis::ShadeAtm::NormModelAlgorithm(), Isis::MoonAlbedo::NormModelAlgorithm(), Isis::AlbedoAtm::NormModelAlgorithm(), Isis::ObliqueCylindrical::ObliqueCylindrical(), Isis::Camera::OffNadirAngle(), Isis::Orthographic::Orthographic(), Isis::NumericalAtmosApprox::OutrFunc2Bint(), Isis::MinnaertEmpirical::PhotoModelAlgorithm(), Isis::Minnaert::PhotoModelAlgorithm(), Isis::LunarLambertMcEwen::PhotoModelAlgorithm(), Isis::LunarLambertEmpirical::PhotoModelAlgorithm(), Isis::LunarLambert::PhotoModelAlgorithm(), Isis::LommelSeeliger::PhotoModelAlgorithm(), Isis::Lambert::PhotoModelAlgorithm(), Isis::Hapke::PhotoModelAlgorithm(), Isis::PhotoModel::PhtTopder(), Isis::PointPerspective::PointPerspective(), Isis::PolarStereographic::PolarStereographic(), Isis::CubeCalculator::prepareCalculations(), Isis::GaussianDistribution::Probability(), Isis::ProjectionFactory::RingsCreateForCube(), Isis::Affine::Rotate(), Isis::TProjection::Scale(), Isis::AtmosModel::SetAtmosInc(), Isis::AtmosModel::SetAtmosPhi(), Isis::Projection::SetComputedXY(), Isis::TransverseMercator::SetCoordinate(), Isis::Sinusoidal::SetCoordinate(), Isis::SimpleCylindrical::SetCoordinate(), Isis::PolarStereographic::SetCoordinate(), Isis::PointPerspective::SetCoordinate(), Isis::Orthographic::SetCoordinate(), Isis::ObliqueCylindrical::SetCoordinate(), Isis::Mercator::SetCoordinate(), Isis::LunarAzimuthalEqualArea::SetCoordinate(), Isis::LambertConformal::SetCoordinate(), Isis::Equirectangular::SetCoordinate(), Isis::RadarGroundMap::SetFocalPlane(), Isis::TransverseMercator::SetGround(), Isis::Sinusoidal::SetGround(), Isis::SimpleCylindrical::SetGround(), Isis::PolarStereographic::SetGround(), Isis::PointPerspective::SetGround(), Isis::Orthographic::SetGround(), Isis::ObliqueCylindrical::SetGround(), Isis::Mercator::SetGround(), Isis::LunarAzimuthalEqualArea::SetGround(), Isis::LambertConformal::SetGround(), Isis::Equirectangular::SetGround(), Isis::Sensor::SetRightAscensionDeclination(), Isis::SimpleCylindrical::SimpleCylindrical(), Isis::Sinusoidal::Sinusoidal(), Isis::Sensor::SpacecraftAltitude(), Isis::Spice::subSolarPoint(), Isis::Spice::subSpacecraftPoint(), Isis::TProjection::ToPlanetocentric(), Isis::TProjection::ToPlanetographic(), Isis::TopoAtm::TopoAtm(), Isis::FourierTransform::Transform(), Isis::TransverseMercator::TransverseMercator(), Isis::PolarStereographic::TrueScaleLatitude(), Isis::PointPerspective::TrueScaleLatitude(), Isis::Orthographic::TrueScaleLatitude(), Isis::Mercator::TrueScaleLatitude(), Isis::LambertConformal::TrueScaleLatitude(), Isis::Equirectangular::TrueScaleLatitude(), Isis::Angle::unitWrapValue(), Isis::TransverseMercator::XYRange(), Isis::PolarStereographic::XYRange(), Isis::PointPerspective::XYRange(), Isis::Orthographic::XYRange(), and Isis::LambertConformal::XYRange().

QString Isis::PixelToString ( double  d  )  [inline]

Takes a double pixel value and returns the name of the pixel type as a string.

d Pixel value
string The name of the pixel type

References IsHisPixel(), IsHrsPixel(), IsLisPixel(), IsLrsPixel(), IsNullPixel(), and IsSpecial().

Referenced by Isis::VisualDisplay::mouseMoveEvent(), and Isis::VisualDisplay::paintPixmap().

Isis::PixelType Isis::PixelTypeEnumeration ( const QString &  type  )  [inline]

Returns PixelType enumeration given a string.

type QString containing the name of pixel type. Acceptable values are UnsignedByte, SignedByte, UnsignedWord, SignedWord, UnsignedInteger, SignedInteger, Read, and Double (not case sensitive)

References Double, None, Real, SignedByte, SignedInteger, SignedWord, UnsignedByte, UnsignedInteger, and UnsignedWord.

Referenced by Isis::CubeIoHandler::CubeIoHandler().

QString Isis::PixelTypeName ( Isis::PixelType  pixelType  )  [inline]

Returns string name of PixelType enumeration entered as input parameter.

pixelType PixelType enumeration
string Name of PixelType

References Double, None, Real, SignedByte, SignedInteger, SignedWord, UnsignedByte, UnsignedInteger, and UnsignedWord.

Referenced by Isis::Cube::create(), Isis::ProcessImport::SetOutputCube(), Isis::ProcessImport::SetPixelType(), Isis::CubeAttributeOutput::setPixelType(), and Isis::ProcessImport::SetSuffixPixelType().

void Isis::protobuf_AddDesc_ControlNetFileV0001_2eproto (  ) 
void Isis::protobuf_AddDesc_ControlNetFileV0002_2eproto (  ) 
void Isis::protobuf_AssignDesc_ControlNetFileV0001_2eproto (  ) 
void Isis::protobuf_AssignDesc_ControlNetFileV0002_2eproto (  ) 
void Isis::protobuf_ShutdownFile_ControlNetFileV0001_2eproto (  ) 
void Isis::protobuf_ShutdownFile_ControlNetFileV0002_2eproto (  ) 
const double Isis::RAD2DEG ( 57.  29577951308232087679815481  ) 
int Isis::Round ( double  a  ) 

Returns the result of rounding the input a to the closest integer.

a Inut double
the int result of rounding a to the closest whole number

Referenced by BitwiseAndOperator(), BitwiseOrOperator(), and ModulusOperator().

double Isis::SecantOperator ( double  a  ) 

Returns the secant of the input a.

a Input double
the double result of the secant of a

Referenced by Isis::Calculator::Secant().

int Isis::SizeOf ( Isis::PixelType  pixelType  )  [inline]
int Isis::solve_errcode ( int  code  )  [inline]
double Isis::StringToPixel ( const QString &  str  )  [inline]

Takes the name of the pixel type as a string and returns a double pixel value.

str The name of the pixel type
double Pixel value

References _FILEINFO_, His, Hrs, Lis, Lrs, Null, toDouble(), and Isis::IException::User.

double Isis::SubtractOperator ( double  a,
double  b 

Returns the result of subtracting b from a.

a Input subtractee
b Input subtractor
double result of a-b

Referenced by Isis::Calculator::Subtract().

float Isis::TestPixel ( const double  t  )  [inline]

Converts double to float with special pixel translations and care for overflows (underflows are assumed to cast to 0!).

t Double pixel value to be converted to a float
float The float pixel value


double Isis::TestPixel ( const float  t  )  [inline]

Converts float pixels to double pixels with special pixel translations.

t Float pixel value to be converted to a double
double The double pixel value


BigInt Isis::toBigInt ( const QString &  string  ) 

Global function to convert from a string to a "big" integer.

This function will throw an IException if the conversion is unsuccessful.

string QString to be converted to a big integer.
The BigInt equivalent to the string

Referenced by Isis::PvlFormatPds::formatBinary(), Isis::PvlFormatPds::formatHex(), and Isis::PvlKeyword::operator Isis::BigInt().

bool Isis::toBool ( const QString &  string  ) 

Global function to convert from a string to a boolean.

Known string values include anything that remotely looks like a true or false. For example, the following strings will return true: "true", "t", "yes", "y", "on", "1".

This function will throw an IException if the conversion is unsuccessful.

string QString to be converted to a boolean.
The boolean equivalent to the string

Referenced by Isis::MosaicGridTool::fromPvl(), Isis::MosaicFindTool::fromPvl(), Isis::MosaicControlNetTool::fromPvl(), Isis::MosaicAreaTool::fromPvl(), Isis::ImageFileListWidget::fromPvl(), IsisAml::GetBoolean(), Isis::Strategy::importGeometry(), Isis::Strategy::initProgress(), and Isis::Strategy::Strategy().

double Isis::toDouble ( const QString &  string  ) 

Global function to convert from a string to a double.

If the string begins with 16# and ends with #, the function will assume it is hexadecimal and attempt to convert to a double. This function is preferred over the QString::toDouble() method since this function will throw an IException if the conversion is unsuccessful.

string QString to be converted to a double. This may be a hexadecimal string.
The double equivalent to the string

Referenced by Isis::Latitude::add(), Isis::ControlNetDiff::addTolerances(), Isis::MosaicControlNetToolMovementConfigDialog::applySettings(), Isis::FeatureNomenclature::Feature::centerLatitude(), Isis::FeatureNomenclature::Feature::centerLongitude(), Isis::ControlNetDiff::compare(), Isis::ControlMeasureLogData::ControlMeasureLogData(), Isis::InfixToPostfix::convert(), Isis::CSVReader::convert(), Isis::DawnVirCamera::DawnVirCamera(), Isis::FeatureNomenclature::Feature::diameter(), Isis::FeatureNomenclature::Feature::easternLongitude(), Isis::PlotWindow::fillTable(), Isis::PvlFormatPds::formatReal(), Isis::MosaicSceneWidget::fromPvl(), Isis::MosaicGridTool::fromPvl(), Isis::MosaicControlNetTool::fromPvl(), Isis::GroundGrid::GroundGrid(), Isis::Camera::GroundRange(), Isis::IdealCamera::IdealCamera(), Isis::Strategy::importGeometry(), Isis::Equalization::importStatistics(), Isis::VimsSkyMap::Init(), Isis::VimsGroundMap::Init(), Isis::InlineCalculator::isScalar(), Isis::Latitude::Latitude(), Isis::Stretch::Load(), Isis::SpiceRotation::LoadCache(), Isis::SpicePosition::LoadCache(), Isis::LroWideAngleCamera::LroWideAngleCamera(), Isis::CubeAttributeOutput::maximum(), Isis::CubeAttributeOutput::minimum(), Isis::FeatureNomenclature::Feature::northernLatitude(), Isis::ObliqueCylindrical::ObliqueCylindrical(), Isis::PvlKeyword::operator double(), Isis::Spice::readStoredValue(), Isis::ReseauDistortionMap::ReseauDistortionMap(), Isis::MosaicSceneWorkOrder::restoreZPositions(), Isis::InlineCalculator::scalar(), Isis::RadarSlantRangeMap::SetCoefficients(), Isis::ProcessImportFits::setProcessFileStructure(), Isis::FeatureNomenclature::Feature::southernLatitude(), Isis::SpectralDefinition1D::SpectralDefinition1D(), StringToPixel(), Isis::SubArea::UpdateLabel(), Isis::PvlKeyword::validateKeyword(), Isis::VimsCamera::VimsCamera(), and Isis::FeatureNomenclature::Feature::westernLongitude().

int Isis::toInt ( const QString &  string  ) 

Global function to convert from a string to an integer.

This function is preferred over the QString::toInt() method since this function will throw an IException if the conversion is unsuccessful.

string QString to be converted to an integer.
The integer equivalent to the string

Referenced by Isis::PvlFormat::accuracy(), Isis::MosaicSceneWidget::addImages(), Isis::ApolloPanoramicCamera::ApolloPanoramicCamera(), Isis::MosaicGridToolConfigDialog::applySettings(), Isis::MosaicControlNetToolMovementConfigDialog::applySettings(), Isis::NomenclatureToolConfigDialog::applySettings(), Isis::CubePlotCurveConfigureDialog::applySettingsToCurve(), Isis::ScatterPlotAlarmConfigDialog::applySettingsToScatterPlot(), Isis::CubeAttributeInput::bands(), Isis::Database::configureAccess(), Isis::SpectralPlotTool::createWindow(), Isis::SpatialPlotTool::createWindow(), Isis::ControlNetFilter::CubeNumPointsFilter(), Isis::PvlFormatPds::formatHex(), Isis::MosaicGridTool::fromPvl(), Isis::MosaicControlNetTool::fromPvl(), Isis::Color::fromRGBAString(), Isis::ImportPdsTable::load(), Isis::SpiceRotation::LoadCache(), Isis::NewHorizonsLeisaCamera::NewHorizonsLeisaCamera(), Isis::NewHorizonsMvicFrameCamera::NewHorizonsMvicFrameCamera(), Isis::PvlKeyword::operator int(), Isis::ControlNetFilter::PointMeasuresFilter(), Isis::ControlNetFilter::PointNumMeasuresEditLockFilter(), Isis::Spice::readStoredValue(), Isis::SpectralPlotTool::refreshPlot(), Isis::SpatialPlotTool::refreshPlot(), Isis::MosaicControlNetToolMovementConfigDialog::refreshWidgetStates(), Isis::UserInterface::SaveHistory(), Isis::RubberBandComboBox::selectionChanged(), Isis::UserInterface::SetBatchList(), Isis::ProcessMosaic::SetInputCube(), Isis::ProcessMosaic::SetMosaicOrigin(), Isis::ProcessImportFits::setProcessFileStructure(), Isis::Cube::setVirtualBands(), Isis::ImageListActionWorkOrder::syncRedo(), Isis::Target::Target(), Isis::ThemisIrCamera::ThemisIrCamera(), Isis::ThemisVisCamera::ThemisVisCamera(), Isis::SpectralPlotTool::updateTool(), Isis::SpatialPlotTool::updateTool(), and Isis::PvlKeyword::validateKeyword().

KeywordType Isis::toKeywordType ( const QString  type  )  [inline]

Convert a string representing a type of keyword to the corresponding enumeration.

All white space, quotes, underscores, and dashes will be removed from the input string.

type The string to be converted.
The corresponding KeywordType enum.

References BinaryKeyword, BoolKeyword, EnumKeyword, HexKeyword, IntegerKeyword, NoTypeKeyword, OctalKeyword, RealKeyword, and StringKeyword.

Referenced by Isis::PvlFormat::type().

QString Isis::toString ( const TNT::Array1D< SpiceDouble > &  naifArray,
int  precision 

Formats any TNT array of SpiceDoubles as a string with given precision.

Valid inputs include NaifVector and NaifVertex. The array in the output string will be comma separated and enclosed in parentheses.

tntArray TNT array to be formatted as a string.
precision Number of digits each value in the array will be stored with.
QString A string containing the array values in parentheses and comma separated.
QString Isis::toString ( double  doubleToConvert,
int  precision 

Global function to convert a double to a string with the given precision (significant figures).

The conversion is handled in the following manner: If (log10(num) < -3.0) it is presented in scientific notation If (log10(num) > 13.0) it is presented in scientific notation If (log10(num) >= -3 && log10(num) <= 13) it is presented in normal notation Trailing zeros are removed such that 5.000 is presented as 5.0

doubleToConvert Double value to be converted to a QString.
precision Number of significant figures to convert.
string Converted QString.
QString Isis::toString ( const BigInt &  intToConvert  ) 

Global function to convert a big integer to a string.

intToConvert Big integer value to be converted to a QString.
string Converted QString.
QString Isis::toString ( const unsigned int &  intToConvert  ) 

Global function to convert an unsigned integer to a string.

intToConvert Unsigned integer value to be converted to a QString.
string Converted QString.
QString Isis::toString ( const int &  intToConvert  ) 

Global function to convert an integer to a string.

intToConvert Integer value to be converted to a QString.
string Converted QString.
QString Isis::toString ( char  charToConvert  ) 

Global function to convert a character to a string.

The resulting string will be a string with length 1 which contains only the given ASCII character.

charToConvert Character value to be converted to a QString.
string Converted QString.
QString Isis::toString ( bool  boolToConvert  ) 

Global function to convert a boolean to a string.

The resulting string will be "Yes" (true) or "No" (false).

boolToConvert Boolean value to be converted to a QString.
string Converted QString (Yes or No).

Referenced by Isis::LroWideAngleCameraFocalPlaneMap::addFilter(), Isis::Gruen::AlgorithmStatistics(), Isis::AmicaCamera::AmicaCamera(), Isis::ApolloMetricCamera::ApolloMetricCamera(), Isis::ApolloPanoramicCamera::ApolloPanoramicCamera(), Isis::Application::Application(), Isis::Equalization::applyCorrection(), Isis::Strategy::applyToIntersectedGeometry(), Isis::Message::ArraySubscriptNotInRange(), Isis::CubeAttributeInput::bands(), Isis::Camera::BasicMapping(), Isis::Camera::basicRingMapping(), Isis::FunctionTools::brentsRootFinder(), Isis::SpiceRotation::CacheLabel(), Isis::HiEqualization::calculateStatistics(), Isis::Process::CalculateStatistics(), Isis::Equalization::calculateStatistics(), Isis::Chandrayaan1M3Camera::Chandrayaan1M3Camera(), Isis::LightTimeCorrectionState::checkAberrationCorrection(), Isis::QtExporter::checkDataSize(), Isis::LightTimeCorrectionState::checkLightTimeToSurfaceCorrect(), Isis::LightTimeCorrectionState::checkObserverTargetSwap(), cholmod_error_handler(), Isis::ControlNetDiff::compare(), Isis::CameraStatistics::constructKeyword(), Isis::ControlPointList::ControlPointId(), Isis::ControlPointList::ControlPointList(), Isis::TiffImporter::convertProjection(), Isis::Cube::create(), Isis::ProjectionFactory::CreateForCube(), Isis::CrismCamera::CrismCamera(), Isis::CTXCamera::CTXCamera(), Isis::ControlNetFilter::CubeDistanceFilter(), Isis::ControlMeasureLogData::DataTypeToName(), Isis::DawnFcCamera::DawnFcCamera(), Isis::DawnVirCamera::DawnVirCamera(), Isis::iTime::DayOfYearString(), Isis::iTime::DayString(), Isis::PolynomialUnivariate::DerivativeCoef(), Isis::SpicePosition::DPolynomial(), Isis::Equirectangular::Equirectangular(), Isis::HiEqualization::errorCheck(), Isis::Equalization::errorCheck(), Isis::iTime::EtString(), Isis::BasisFunction::Evaluate(), Isis::ProcessExportPds::ExportTable(), Isis::ExportPdsTable::exportTable(), Isis::Chip::Extract(), Isis::SerialNumberList::fileName(), Isis::PlotWindow::fillTable(), Isis::InterestOperator::FindCnetRef(), Isis::ProcessExportPds::FixedJP2ImageRoot(), Isis::SpiceRotation::FrameTrace(), Isis::ControlNetStatistics::GenerateControlNetStats(), Isis::PvlFlatMap::get(), Isis::CubeViewport::getAllWhatsThisInfo(), Isis::Spice::getClockTime(), Isis::ImportPdsTable::getColumnName(), Isis::LeastSquares::GetExpected(), Isis::LeastSquares::GetInput(), Isis::ControlPoint::GetMeasure(), Isis::Equalization::getResults(), Isis::SqlRecord::getValue(), Isis::HiresCamera::HiresCamera(), Isis::iTime::HourString(), Isis::HrscCamera::HrscCamera(), Isis::Strategy::importGeometry(), Isis::ControlNetValidMeasure::InitStdOptionsGroup(), Isis::IssNACamera::IssNACamera(), Isis::IssWACamera::IssWACamera(), Isis::KaguyaMiCamera::KaguyaMiCamera(), Isis::LambertConformal::LambertConformal(), Isis::Equalization::loadInputs(), Isis::Equalization::loadOutputs(), Isis::ControlNetValidMeasure::LocationString(), Isis::LroNarrowAngleCamera::LroNarrowAngleCamera(), Isis::LwirCamera::LwirCamera(), Isis::ControlNetDiff::makeKeyword(), Isis::RingCylindrical::Mapping(), Isis::Planar::Mapping(), Isis::MarciCamera::MarciCamera(), Isis::MarciDistortionMap::MarciDistortionMap(), Isis::Mariner10Camera::Mariner10Camera(), Isis::MdisCamera::MdisCamera(), Isis::ControlMeasure::MeasureTypeToString(), Isis::Mercator::Mercator(), Isis::iTime::MinuteString(), Isis::Message::MissingDelimiter(), Isis::MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions::modelToString(), Isis::iTime::MonthString(), Isis::MsiCamera::MsiCamera(), Isis::NewHorizonsLorriCamera::NewHorizonsLorriCamera(), Isis::NewHorizonsMvicTdiCamera::NewHorizonsMvicTdiCamera(), Isis::NirCamera::NirCamera(), Isis::ObliqueCylindrical::ObliqueCylindrical(), Isis::SerialNumberList::observationNumber(), Isis::ObservationNumberList::observationNumber(), Isis::ObservationNumberList::observationNumberMapIndex(), Isis::Table::operator+=(), Isis::PvlSequence::operator+=(), Isis::Orthographic::Orthographic(), Isis::ProcessExportPds::OutputLabel(), Isis::ProcessMosaic::OverlayToString(), Isis::InterestOperator::Parse(), Isis::Cube::physicalBand(), Isis::Planar::Planar(), Isis::StripPolygonSeeder::PluginParameters(), Isis::PolygonSeeder::PluginParameters(), Isis::LimitPolygonSeeder::PluginParameters(), Isis::GridPolygonSeeder::PluginParameters(), Isis::PointPerspective::PointPerspective(), Isis::ControlNetFilter::PointPixelShiftFilter(), Isis::PolarStereographic::PolarStereographic(), Isis::Project::Project(), IsisAml::PutDouble(), IsisAml::PutInteger(), Isis::TableField::pvlGroup(), Isis::MosaicControlNetToolMovementConfigDialog::readSettings(), Isis::ControlPointList::RegisterStatistics(), Isis::AutoReg::RegistrationStatistics(), Isis::RingCylindrical::RingCylindrical(), Isis::ProjectionFactory::RingsCreateForCube(), Isis::ProcessMapMosaic::RingsSetOutputCube(), Isis::Robinson::Robinson(), Isis::ProgramLauncher::RunIsisProgram(), Isis::ProgramLauncher::RunSystemCommand(), Isis::MosaicSceneWidget::save(), Isis::Stretch::Save(), Isis::Statistics::save(), Isis::StatCumProbDistDynCalc::save(), Isis::ControlPointEdit::saveChips(), Isis::SerialNumberList::serialNumber(), Isis::SerialNumberList::SerialNumberList(), Isis::AtmosModel::SetAtmosHnorm(), Isis::TiffExporter::setBuffer(), Isis::JP2Exporter::setBuffer(), Isis::BasisFunction::SetCoefficients(), Isis::ProcessImport::SetDataHeaderBytes(), Isis::ProcessImport::SetDataPrefixBytes(), Isis::ProcessImport::SetDataSuffixBytes(), Isis::ProcessImport::SetDataTrailerBytes(), Isis::ProcessImport::SetDimensions(), Isis::TaylorCameraDistortionMap::SetDistortion(), Isis::LroNarrowAngleDistortionMap::SetDistortion(), Isis::LoMediumDistortionMap::SetDistortion(), Isis::LoHighDistortionMap::SetDistortion(), Isis::KaguyaMiCameraDistortionMap::SetDistortion(), Isis::CameraDistortionMap::SetDistortion(), Isis::ProcessImport::SetFileHeaderBytes(), Isis::ProcessImport::SetFileTrailerBytes(), Isis::Camera::SetFocalLength(), Isis::Pipeline::SetInputListFile(), Isis::LineManager::SetLine(), Isis::CubeAttributeOutput::setMaximum(), Isis::CubeAttributeOutput::setMinimum(), Isis::ProcessMapMosaic::SetOutputCube(), Isis::LunarLambertEmpirical::SetPhotoPhaseList(), Isis::Camera::SetPixelPitch(), Isis::ExportDescription::setPixelType(), Isis::Chip::SetReadInterpolator(), Isis::ControlPoint::SetRefMeasure(), Isis::Equalization::setResults(), Isis::Chip::SetSize(), Isis::BundleAdjust::SetSolveCmatrix(), Isis::BundleAdjust::SetSolveSpacecraftPosition(), Isis::Projection::SetUpperLeftCorner(), Isis::Statistics::SetValidRange(), Isis::Chip::SetValidRange(), Isis::SimpleCylindrical::SimpleCylindrical(), Isis::Sinusoidal::Sinusoidal(), Isis::BundleAdjust::Solve(), Isis::BundleAdjust::SolveCholesky(), Isis::SerialNumberList::spacecraftInstrumentId(), Isis::SpiceRotation::SpiceRotation(), Isis::SsiCamera::SsiCamera(), Isis::ProcessExportPds::StandardAllMapping(), Isis::ProcessExportPds::StandardImageImage(), Isis::ProcessExportPds::StandardJP2Image(), Isis::PolygonSeeder::StandardTests(), Isis::ProcessMosaic::StartProcess(), Isis::Spice::storeValue(), Isis::ProcessExportPds::StreamJP2ImageRoot(), Isis::TProjection::TargetRadii(), Isis::Stretch::Text(), Isis::ControlMeasureLogData::ToKeyword(), Isis::MosaicSceneWidget::toPvl(), Isis::MosaicGridTool::toPvl(), Isis::MosaicFindTool::toPvl(), Isis::MosaicControlNetTool::toPvl(), Isis::MosaicAreaTool::toPvl(), Isis::ImageFileListWidget::toPvl(), Isis::ControlNetFileV0002::toPvl(), Isis::ControlNetFileV0001::toPvl(), Isis::OverlapStatistics::toPvl(), Isis::IException::toPvl(), Isis::CameraStatistics::toPvl(), Isis::ProcessImportPds::TranslatePdsProjection(), Isis::TransverseMercator::TransverseMercator(), Isis::AutoReg::UpdatedTemplate(), Isis::AlphaCube::UpdateGroup(), Isis::SubArea::UpdateLabel(), Isis::CubeTileHandler::updateLabels(), Isis::Reduce::UpdateOutputLabel(), Isis::Enlarge::UpdateOutputLabel(), Isis::UvvisCamera::UvvisCamera(), Isis::StatCumProbDistDynCalc::validate(), Isis::ControlNetValidMeasure::ValidatePvlDN(), Isis::ControlNetValidMeasure::ValidatePvlEmissionAngle(), Isis::ControlNetValidMeasure::ValidatePvlFromEdge(), Isis::ControlNetValidMeasure::ValidatePvlIncidenceAngle(), Isis::ControlNetValidMeasure::ValidatePvlResidualTolerances(), Isis::ControlNetValidMeasure::ValidatePvlResolution(), Isis::ControlNetValidMeasure::ValidatePvlShiftTolerances(), Isis::ControlNetValidMeasure::ValidStandardOptions(), Isis::StatCumProbDistDynCalc::value(), Isis::TriangularPlate::vertex(), Isis::VikingCamera::VikingCamera(), Isis::MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions::weightedResidualCutoff(), Isis::ControlNetFileV0002::Write(), Isis::Blob::Write(), Isis::iTime::YearString(), and Isis::Statistics::ZScore().

const double Isis::TWOPI ( 6.  2831853071795864769253  ) 
bool Isis::validate ( const NaifTriangle &  t  ) 

Verifies that the given NaifTriangle is 3 x 3.

t NaifTriangle to validate.
bool Indicates whether the given 2D array is 3 x 3.
bool Isis::validate ( const NaifVertex &  v  ) 

Verifies that the given NaifVector or NaifVertex is 3 dimensional.

Also acceptable: bool validate(const NaifVector &v).

v Input can be a NaifVertex or NaifVector to validate.
bool Indicates whether the given array is size 3.

Referenced by Isis::Intercept::isValid(), and Isis::NaifDskPlateModel::plateIdOfIntercept().

Variable Documentation

const int Isis::AllMatchOrOne = 128
const int Isis::BandMatchOrOne = 32
const int Isis::CHIPVIEWPORT_WIDTH = 310
const ControlPointFileEntryV0002_Measure_MeasureType Isis::ControlPointFileEntryV0002_Measure_MeasureType_MeasureType_MAX = ControlPointFileEntryV0002_Measure_MeasureType_RegisteredSubPixel
geos::geom::GeometryFactory Isis::globalFactory [static]
const unsigned char Isis::HIGH_INSTR_SAT1 = ((unsigned char) 255)
const short Isis::HIGH_INSTR_SAT2 = ((short)(-32765))
const float Isis::HIGH_INSTR_SAT4 = (*((const float *) &IHIGH_INSTR_SAT4))
const double Isis::HIGH_INSTR_SAT8 = IHIGH_INSTR_SAT8.d
const unsigned short Isis::HIGH_INSTR_SATU2 = ((unsigned short) 65534)
const unsigned char Isis::HIGH_REPR_SAT1 = ((unsigned char) 255)
const short Isis::HIGH_REPR_SAT2 = ((short)(-32764))
const float Isis::HIGH_REPR_SAT4 = (*((const float *) &IHIGH_REPR_SAT4))
const double Isis::HIGH_REPR_SAT8 = IHIGH_REPR_SAT8.d
const unsigned short Isis::HIGH_REPR_SATU2 = ((unsigned short) 65535)
const double Isis::His = IHIGH_INSTR_SAT8.d

Value for an Isis High Instrument Saturation pixel.

Referenced by StringToPixel().

const double Isis::Hrs = IHIGH_REPR_SAT8.d

Value for an Isis High Representation Saturation pixel.

Referenced by Isis::Calculator::Pop(), and StringToPixel().

const int Isis::IHIGH_INSTR_SAT4 = 0xFF7FFFFE
const int Isis::IHIGH_REPR_SAT4 = 0xFF7FFFFF
const int Isis::ILOW_INSTR_SAT4 = 0xFF7FFFFD
const int Isis::ILOW_REPR_SAT4 = 0xFF7FFFFC
const int Isis::INULL4 = 0xFF7FFFFB
const int Isis::IVALID_MIN4 = 0xFF7FFFFA
const double Isis::Lis = ILOW_INSTR_SAT8.d

Value for an Isis Low Instrument Saturation pixel.

Referenced by StringToPixel().

const unsigned char Isis::LOW_INSTR_SAT1 = ((unsigned char) 0)
const short Isis::LOW_INSTR_SAT2 = ((short)(-32766))
const float Isis::LOW_INSTR_SAT4 = (*((const float *) &ILOW_INSTR_SAT4))
const double Isis::LOW_INSTR_SAT8 = ILOW_INSTR_SAT8.d
const unsigned short Isis::LOW_INSTR_SATU2 = ((unsigned short) 2)
const unsigned char Isis::LOW_REPR_SAT1 = ((unsigned char) 0)
const short Isis::LOW_REPR_SAT2 = ((short)(-32767))
const float Isis::LOW_REPR_SAT4 = (*((const float *) &ILOW_REPR_SAT4))
const double Isis::LOW_REPR_SAT8 = ILOW_REPR_SAT8.d
const unsigned short Isis::LOW_REPR_SATU2 = ((unsigned short) 1)
const double Isis::Lrs = ILOW_REPR_SAT8.d

Value for an Isis Low Representation Saturation pixel.

Referenced by Isis::Calculator::Pop(), and StringToPixel().

const double Isis::Null = INULL8.d

Value for an Isis Null pixel.

Referenced by Isis::Angle::angle(), Isis::Angle::Angle(), Isis::MosaicControlNetToolMovementConfigDialog::applySettings(), Isis::AutoReg::AutoReg(), Isis::CnetViz::AbstractTreeItem::catchNull(), Isis::GisGeometry::centroid(), Isis::ControlPointGraphicsItem::ControlPointGraphicsItem(), Isis::PlotWindowBestFitDialog::createBestFitLine(), Isis::QnetTool::createFixedPoint(), Isis::ProjectionFactory::CreateForCube(), Isis::Displacement::displacement(), Isis::Displacement::Displacement(), Isis::GisGeometry::distance(), Isis::Distance::distance(), Isis::Distance::Distance(), Isis::EditTool::EditTool(), Isis::Stereo::elevation(), Isis::CnetViz::GoodnessOfFitFilter::evaluate(), Isis::Equalization::ImageAdjustment::evaluate(), Isis::Chip::Extract(), Isis::PlotWindow::fillTable(), Isis::QnetPointGoodnessFilter::filter(), Isis::SpectralDefinition1D::findSpectelByWavelength(), Isis::ControlNetStatistics::GenerateControlNetStats(), Isis::ControlMeasure::GetLineShift(), Isis::ControlMeasure::GetPixelShift(), Isis::ControlMeasure::GetResidualMagnitude(), Isis::ControlMeasure::GetSampleShift(), Isis::Hillshade::Hillshade(), Isis::Image::Image(), Isis::VimsGroundMap::Init(), Isis::InterestOperator::InitInterestResults(), Isis::InterestOperator::InterestByMeasure(), Isis::InterestOperator::InterestByPoint(), Isis::ControlMeasureLogData::IsValid(), Isis::Distance::isValid(), Isis::Displacement::isValid(), Isis::Angle::isValid(), Isis::TProjection::LocalRadius(), Isis::MaximumCorrelation::MatchAlgorithm(), Isis::Gruen::MatchAlgorithm(), Isis::CubeAttributeOutput::maximum(), Isis::MosaicControlNetTool::maxMovementColorResidualMagnitude(), Isis::CubeAttributeOutput::minimum(), Isis::SunShadowTool::mouseButtonPress(), Isis::InterestOperator::Operate(), Isis::Average::operator()(), Isis::Distance::operator*=(), Isis::Displacement::operator*=(), Isis::Coordinate::operator+=(), Isis::Distance::operator+=(), Isis::Displacement::operator+=(), Isis::Coordinate::operator-=(), Isis::Distance::operator-=(), Isis::Displacement::operator-=(), Isis::Distance::operator/(), Isis::Displacement::operator/(), Isis::Angle::operator/(), Isis::Distance::operator/=(), Isis::Displacement::operator/=(), Isis::ScatterPlotWindow::paint(), Isis::ControlPointGraphicsItem::paint(), Isis::SunShadowTool::paintViewport(), Isis::Pixel::Pixel(), Isis::ControlNetFilter::PointDistanceFilter(), Isis::ControlNetFilter::PointGoodnessOfFitFilter(), Isis::ControlNetFilter::PointPixelShiftFilter(), Isis::ControlNetFilter::PointResMagnitudeFilter(), Isis::Calculator::Pop(), Isis::ProcessRubberSheet::ProcessRubberSheet(), Isis::Projection::Projection(), Isis::CubeIoHandler::read(), Isis::MosaicControlNetToolMovementConfigDialog::readSettings(), Isis::AutoReg::Reduce(), Isis::AutoReg::Register(), Isis::AutoReg::Registration(), Isis::RingPlaneProjection::RingPlaneProjection(), Isis::ProjectionFactory::RingsCreateForCube(), Isis::ScatterPlotWindow::ScatterPlotWindow(), Isis::Angle::setAngle(), Isis::Projection::SetComputedXY(), Isis::TProjection::SetCoordinate(), Isis::RingPlaneProjection::SetCoordinate(), Isis::Displacement::setDisplacement(), Isis::Distance::setDistance(), Isis::TProjection::SetGround(), Isis::RingPlaneProjection::SetGround(), Isis::ScatterPlotWindow::setMousePosition(), Isis::TProjection::SetUniversalGround(), Isis::RingPlaneProjection::SetUniversalGround(), Isis::Projection::SetUniversalGround(), Isis::Projection::SetXY(), Isis::Hillshade::shadedValue(), Isis::Spectel::Spectel(), StringToPixel(), Isis::TProjection::To180Domain(), Isis::RingPlaneProjection::To180Domain(), Isis::TProjection::To360Domain(), Isis::RingPlaneProjection::To360Domain(), Isis::RingPlaneProjection::ToClockwise(), Isis::RingPlaneProjection::ToCounterClockwise(), Isis::TProjection::ToPlanetocentric(), Isis::TProjection::ToPlanetographic(), Isis::TProjection::ToPositiveEast(), Isis::TProjection::ToPositiveWest(), Isis::Projection::ToProjectionX(), Isis::Projection::ToProjectionY(), Isis::ControlMeasure::ToProtocolBuffer(), Isis::MosaicControlNetTool::toPvl(), Isis::Projection::ToWorldX(), Isis::Projection::ToWorldY(), Isis::TProjection::TProjection(), Isis::ControlNetValidMeasure::ValidStandardOptions(), Isis::VisualDisplay::VisualDisplay(), Isis::TProjection::XYRange(), Isis::RingPlaneProjection::XYRange(), Isis::TProjection::XYRangeCheck(), Isis::RingPlaneProjection::XYRangeCheck(), Isis::TProjection::xyRangeOblique(), Isis::Angle::~Angle(), Isis::Distance::~Distance(), and Isis::Hillshade::~Hillshade().

const unsigned char Isis::NULL1 = ((unsigned char) 0)
const short Isis::NULL2 = ((short)(-32768))
const float Isis::NULL4 = (*((const float *) &INULL4))
const double Isis::NULL8 = INULL8.d
const unsigned short Isis::NULLU2 = ((unsigned short) 0)
const int Isis::OneBand = 16
const int Isis::ReadWrite = 64
QString Isis::sBoolean = { "False", "True" }
const int Isis::SizeMatch = 1
const int Isis::SpatialMatch = 2
QString Isis::sPointType = { "Fixed", "Constrained", "Free" }
const unsigned char Isis::VALID_MAX1 = ((unsigned char) 254)
const short Isis::VALID_MAX2 = ((short) 32767)
const float Isis::VALID_MAX4 = FLT_MAX
const double Isis::VALID_MAX8 = DBL_MAX
const unsigned short Isis::VALID_MAXU2 = ((unsigned short) 65522)
const unsigned char Isis::VALID_MIN1 = ((unsigned char) 1)
const short Isis::VALID_MIN2 = ((short)(-32752))
const float Isis::VALID_MIN4 = (*((const float *) &IVALID_MIN4))
const double Isis::VALID_MIN8 = IVALID_MIN8.d
const unsigned short Isis::VALID_MINU2 = ((unsigned short) 3)
const double Isis::ValidMaximum = DBL_MAX
const double Isis::ValidMinimum = IVALID_MIN8.d
const int Isis::VIEWSIZE = 301