Isis 3.0 Developer's Reference (API)


Isis::PvlKeyword Class Reference

A single keyword-value pair. More...

#include <PvlKeyword.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 PvlKeyword ()
 Constructs a blank PvlKeyword object.
 PvlKeyword (const std::string &name)
 Constructs a PvlKeyword object with a name.
 PvlKeyword (const std::string &name, const Isis::iString value, const std::string unit="")
 Constructs a PvlKeyword object with a name, value and units.
 PvlKeyword (const PvlKeyword &other)
 Copy constructor.
 ~PvlKeyword ()
 Destructs a PvlKeyword object.
void SetName (const std::string &name)
 Sets the keyword name.
std::string Name () const
 Returns the keyword name.
bool IsNamed (const std::string &name) const
 Determines whether two PvlKeywords have the same name or not.
void SetValue (const Isis::iString value, const std::string unit="")
 Sets new values.
void SetUnits (const iString &units)
 Sets the unit of measure for all current values if any exist.
void SetUnits (const iString &value, const iString &units)
 Sets the unit of measure for a given value.
PvlKeywordoperator= (const Isis::iString value)
 Sets new values.
void AddValue (const Isis::iString value, const std::string unit="")
 Adds a value with units.
PvlKeywordoperator+= (const Isis::iString value)
 Adds a value.
int Size () const
 Returns the number of values stored in this keyword.
bool IsNull (const int index=0) const
 Decides whether a value is null or not at a given index.
void Clear ()
 Clears all values and units for this PvlKeyword object.
 operator double () const
 Returns the first value in this keyword converted to a double.
 operator int () const
 Returns the first value in this keyword converted to an integer.
 operator Isis::BigInt () const
 Returns the first value in this keyword converted to a BigInt.
 operator std::string () const
 Returns the first value in this keyword converted to a std::string.
 operator QString () const
const Isis::iStringoperator[] (const int index) const
 Gets value for this object at specified index.
Isis::iStringoperator[] (const int index)
 Gets value for this object at specified index.
std::string Unit (const int index=0) const
 Returns the units of measurement of the element of the array of values for the object at the specified index.
void AddComment (const std::string &comment)
 Add a comment to the PvlKeyword.
void AddCommentWrapped (const std::string &comment)
 Automatically wraps and adds long comments to the PvlKeyword.
void AddComments (const std::vector< std::string > &comments)
 This method adds multiple comments at once by calling AddComments on each element in the vector.
int Comments () const
 Returns the number of lines of comments associated with this keyword.
std::string Comment (const int index) const
 Return a comment at the specified index.
void ClearComments ()
 Clears the current comments.
bool operator== (const PvlKeyword &key) const
 Returns true of the keyword names match.
bool operator!= (const PvlKeyword &key) const
 Returns true of the keyword names do not match.
bool IsEquivalent (const std::string &string1, int index=0) const
 Checks to see if a value with a specified index is equivalent to another string.
void SetWidth (int width)
 The width of the longest keyword name (for formatting).
void SetIndent (int indent)
 Sets the indent level when outputted(for formatting).
int Width () const
 Returns the current set longest keyword name.
int Indent () const
 Returns the current indent level.
PvlKeywordoperator= (Isis::PvlSequence &seq)
 Add values and units from a PvlSequence.
void SetFormat (PvlFormat *formatter)
 Set the PvlFormatter used to format the keyword name and value(s).
PvlFormatGetFormat ()
 Get the current PvlFormat or create one.
const PvlKeywordoperator= (const PvlKeyword &other)
 This is an assignment operator.
void ValidateKeyword (PvlKeyword &pvlKwrd, std::string psValueType="", PvlKeyword *pvlKwrdRange=NULL)
 Validate Keyword for type and required values.

Static Public Member Functions

static bool StringEqual (const std::string &string1, const std::string &string2)
 Checks to see if two strings are equal.
static std::string ReadLine (std::istream &is, bool insideComment)
 This method reads one line of data from the input stream.
static bool ReadCleanKeyword (std::string keyword, std::vector< std::string > &keywordComments, std::string &keywordName, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > &keywordValues)
 This reads a keyword compressed back to 1 line of data (excluding comments, which are included on separate lines of data before the keyword).
static std::string ReadValue (std::string &keyword, bool &quoteProblem)
static std::string ReadValue (std::string &keyword, bool &quoteProblem, const std::vector< std::pair< char, char > > &otherDelimiters)
 This method looks for a data element in the string.

Protected Member Functions

std::string Reform (const std::string &value) const
 Checks if the value needs to be converted to PVL or iPVL and returns it in the correct format.
std::string ToPvl (const std::string &value) const
 Converts a value to PVL format.
std::string ToIPvl (const std::string &value) const
 Converts a value to iPVL format.
std::ostream & WriteWithWrap (std::ostream &os, const std::string &textToWrite, int startColumn, PvlFormat &format) const
 Wraps output so that length doesn't exceed the character limit.

Protected Attributes

 Formatter object.


std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, PvlKeyword &result)
 Read in a keyword.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const PvlKeyword &keyword)
 Write out the keyword.

Detailed Description

A single keyword-value pair.

This class is used to create a single PVL keyword-value pair. PvlContainer can combine PvlKeyword objects and organize them so they look clean on output.

2002-10-11 Jeff Anderson

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Isis::PvlKeyword::PvlKeyword (  ) 

Constructs a blank PvlKeyword object.

Isis::PvlKeyword::PvlKeyword ( const std::string &  name  ) 

Constructs a PvlKeyword object with a name.

name The keyword name

References SetName().

Isis::PvlKeyword::PvlKeyword ( const std::string &  name,
const Isis::iString  value,
const std::string  unit = "" 

Constructs a PvlKeyword object with a name, value and units.

Defaults to unit="".

name The keyword name.
value The keyword values.
unit The units the values are given in.

References AddValue(), and SetName().

Isis::PvlKeyword::PvlKeyword ( const PvlKeyword other  ) 

Copy constructor.

Isis::PvlKeyword::~PvlKeyword (  ) 

Destructs a PvlKeyword object.

Member Function Documentation

void Isis::PvlKeyword::AddComment ( const std::string &  comment  ) 
void Isis::PvlKeyword::AddComments ( const std::vector< std::string > &  comments  ) 

This method adds multiple comments at once by calling AddComments on each element in the vector.

comments Comments to associate with this keyword

References AddComment().

Referenced by Isis::operator>>().

void Isis::PvlKeyword::AddCommentWrapped ( const std::string &  comment  ) 

Automatically wraps and adds long comments to the PvlKeyword.

comment The new comment to add
See also:

References AddComment(), and Isis::iString::Token().

void Isis::PvlKeyword::AddValue ( const Isis::iString  value,
const std::string  unit = "" 

Adds a value with units.

If no current value exists, this method sets the given value. Otherwise, it retains any current values and adds the value given to the array of values for this PvlKeyword object. Defaults to unit = "" (empty string).

value New value to be assigned.
unit Units of measurement corresponding to the value.
See also:

Referenced by Isis::PvlFormat::Add(), IsisAml::CommandLine(), operator+=(), operator=(), Isis::operator>>(), PvlKeyword(), Isis::Stretch::Save(), SetValue(), and Isis::Spice::storeValue().

void Isis::PvlKeyword::Clear (  ) 

Clears all values and units for this PvlKeyword object.

Referenced by operator=(), and SetValue().

void Isis::PvlKeyword::ClearComments (  ) 

Clears the current comments.

string Isis::PvlKeyword::Comment ( const int  index  )  const

Return a comment at the specified index.

index The index of the comment.
string The comment at the index.
iException ArraySubscriptNotInRange (index) Index out of bounds.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::Message::ArraySubscriptNotInRange(), Isis::iException::Message(), and Isis::iException::Programmer.

Referenced by Isis::PvlContainer::Comment(), and Isis::operator<<().

int Isis::PvlKeyword::Comments (  )  const [inline]

Returns the number of lines of comments associated with this keyword.

Referenced by Isis::PvlContainer::Comments(), and Isis::operator<<().

PvlFormat * Isis::PvlKeyword::GetFormat (  ) 

Get the current PvlFormat or create one.

PvlFormat* Pointer to PvlFormat.

References p_formatter.

Referenced by Isis::PvlContainer::GetFormat().

int Isis::PvlKeyword::Indent (  )  const [inline]

Returns the current indent level.

Referenced by Isis::PvlContainer::Indent(), and Isis::operator<<().

bool Isis::PvlKeyword::IsEquivalent ( const std::string &  string1,
int  index = 0 
) const

Checks to see if a value with a specified index is equivalent to another string.

string1 The string to compare the value to.
index The index of the existing value.
bool True if the two strings are equivalent, false if they're not.
iException ArraySubscriptNotInRange (index) Index out of bounds.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::Message::ArraySubscriptNotInRange(), Isis::iException::Message(), Isis::iException::Programmer, and StringEqual().

bool Isis::PvlKeyword::IsNamed ( const std::string &  name  )  const [inline]

Determines whether two PvlKeywords have the same name or not.

name The name of the keyword to compare with this one.
True if the names are equal, false if not.

References Name(), and StringEqual().

Referenced by KernelDb::FindAll(), and KernelDb::Matches().

bool Isis::PvlKeyword::IsNull ( const int  index = 0  )  const

Decides whether a value is null or not at a given index.

Defaults to index = 0.

index The value index
bool True if the value is null, false if it's not.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::Message::ArraySubscriptNotInRange(), Isis::iException::Message(), Isis::iException::Programmer, Size(), and StringEqual().

std::string Isis::PvlKeyword::Name (  )  const [inline]
Isis::PvlKeyword::operator double (  )  const [inline]

Returns the first value in this keyword converted to a double.

References operator[]().

Isis::PvlKeyword::operator int (  )  const [inline]

Returns the first value in this keyword converted to an integer.

References operator[]().

Isis::PvlKeyword::operator Isis::BigInt (  )  const [inline]

Returns the first value in this keyword converted to a BigInt.

References operator[]().

Isis::PvlKeyword::operator QString (  )  const
Isis::PvlKeyword::operator std::string (  )  const [inline]

Returns the first value in this keyword converted to a std::string.

References operator[]().

bool Isis::PvlKeyword::operator!= ( const PvlKeyword key  )  const [inline]

Returns true of the keyword names do not match.

key The keyword to compare names with
PvlKeyword & Isis::PvlKeyword::operator+= ( const Isis::iString  value  ) 

Adds a value.

Overwrites the '+=' operators to add a new value. Like AddValue(), this method keeps any previously existing values and adds the new value with unit = "" (empty string) to the array of values for this PvlKeyword object.

value The new value.
PvlKeyword& Reference to PvlKeyword object.
See also:

References AddValue().

Referenced by operator=().

const PvlKeyword & Isis::PvlKeyword::operator= ( const PvlKeyword other  ) 

This is an assignment operator.

References p_formatter, and SetName().

PvlKeyword & Isis::PvlKeyword::operator= ( Isis::PvlSequence seq  ) 

Add values and units from a PvlSequence.

(Clears current values and units)

seq The PvlSequence to add from.
PvlKeyword& Reference to PvlKeyword object.

References Clear(), operator+=(), size, and Isis::PvlSequence::Size().

PvlKeyword & Isis::PvlKeyword::operator= ( const Isis::iString  value  ) 

Sets new values.

Overwrites the '=' operator to add a new value using AddValue(). Like SetValue(), this method clears any previously existing values and resets to the given value with unit = "" (empty string).

value The value to be added.
PvlKeyword& Reference to PvlKeyword object.
See also:

References AddValue(), and Clear().

bool Isis::PvlKeyword::operator== ( const PvlKeyword key  )  const [inline]

Returns true of the keyword names match.

key The keyword to compare names with
Isis::iString & Isis::PvlKeyword::operator[] ( const int  index  ) 

Gets value for this object at specified index.

Overrides the '[]' operator to return the element in the array of values at the specified index.

index The index of the value.
iString The value at the index.
iException ArraySubscriptNotInRange (index) Index out of bounds.
See also:
const operator[]

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::Message::ArraySubscriptNotInRange(), Isis::iException::Message(), and Isis::iException::Programmer.

const Isis::iString & Isis::PvlKeyword::operator[] ( const int  index  )  const

Gets value for this object at specified index.

Overrides the '[]' operator to return the element in the array of values at the specified index.

index The index of the value.
iString The value at the index.
iException ArraySubscriptNotInRange (index) Index out of bounds.
See also:

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::Message::ArraySubscriptNotInRange(), Isis::iException::Message(), and Isis::iException::Programmer.

Referenced by operator double(), operator int(), operator Isis::BigInt(), and operator std::string().

bool Isis::PvlKeyword::ReadCleanKeyword ( std::string  keyword,
std::vector< std::string > &  keywordComments,
std::string &  keywordName,
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > &  keywordValues 
) [static]

This reads a keyword compressed back to 1 line of data (excluding comments, which are included on separate lines of data before the keyword).

Line concatenations must have already been handled. This returns the data of the keyword (if valid) and its status.

keyword Pvl "#COMMENT\n//COMMENT\nKeyword = (Value1,Value2,...)" string
keywordComments Output: Lines of data that are comments
keywordName Output: Name of keyword
keywordValues Output: vector< pair<Value, Units> >
bool false if it is invalid but could become valid given more data, true if it is a valid keyword and successful

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::iException::Message(), Isis::iException::Pvl, ReadValue(), and Isis::iString::Trim().

Referenced by Isis::operator>>().

std::string Isis::PvlKeyword::ReadLine ( std::istream &  is,
bool  insideComment 
) [static]

This method reads one line of data from the input stream.

All spaces, newlines, returns and tabs are trimmed from the result. Once a newline is encountered, if the line we read is blank, we keep reading. Once a line with data is encountered, that is the result. All newlines, spaces, returns and tabs are consumed past this line of data until the next different character (seeks to next valid data).

is The stream to read from
std::string The first encountered line of data

References Isis::iString::Trim().

Referenced by Isis::operator>>().

std::string Isis::PvlKeyword::ReadValue ( std::string &  keyword,
bool &  quoteProblem,
const std::vector< std::pair< char, char > > &  otherDelimiters 
) [static]

This method looks for a data element in the string.

A data element is a quoted string, a units value, or one value of an array (not including units). As an example, each value in the following string is quoted:



The returned values of each of these elements is VALUE. Explicitly defined quotes (', ", <>) are stripped from the return value.

keyword Input/Output: The keyword to get the next value from (DESTRUCTIVE)
quoteProblem Output: The string has an unclosed quote character
std::string The stripped out token.

References value.

std::string Isis::PvlKeyword::ReadValue ( std::string &  keyword,
bool &  quoteProblem 
) [static]

Referenced by ReadCleanKeyword().

string Isis::PvlKeyword::Reform ( const std::string &  value  )  const [protected]

Checks if the value needs to be converted to PVL or iPVL and returns it in the correct format.

value The value to be converted.
string The value in its proper format (iPVL or PVL).

References Isis::PvlObject::FindGroup(), g, Isis::Preference::Preferences(), ToIPvl(), ToPvl(), Isis::PvlObject::Traverse, and Isis::iString::UpCase().

void Isis::PvlKeyword::SetFormat ( PvlFormat formatter  ) 

Set the PvlFormatter used to format the keyword name and value(s).

formatter A pointer to the formatter to be used

References p_formatter.

Referenced by Isis::PvlContainer::SetFormat().

void Isis::PvlKeyword::SetIndent ( int  indent  )  [inline]

Sets the indent level when outputted(for formatting).

indent The new indent

Referenced by Isis::PvlContainer::SetIndent().

void Isis::PvlKeyword::SetName ( const std::string &  name  ) 

Sets the keyword name.

name The new keyword name.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::iException::Message(), size, and Isis::iException::User.

Referenced by operator=(), Isis::operator>>(), Isis::PvlContainer::PvlContainer(), and PvlKeyword().

void Isis::PvlKeyword::SetUnits ( const iString value,
const iString units 

Sets the unit of measure for a given value.

value The value to match
units New units to be assigned.
Isis::iException::Programmer - Given value must exist

References _FILEINFO_, ASSERT, Isis::iException::Message(), and Isis::iException::Programmer.

void Isis::PvlKeyword::SetUnits ( const iString units  ) 

Sets the unit of measure for all current values if any exist.

units New units to be assigned.

Referenced by Isis::ProcessMosaic::AddBandBinGroup().

void Isis::PvlKeyword::SetValue ( const Isis::iString  value,
const std::string  unit = "" 

Sets new values.

If no current value exists, this method sets the given value to the PvlKeyword. Otherwise, it clears any existing values and resets to the value given using AddValue(). Defaults to unit = "" (empty string).

value New value to be assigned.
unit Units of measurement corresponding to the value.
See also:

References AddValue(), and Clear().

Referenced by Isis::PvlContainer::SetName().

void Isis::PvlKeyword::SetWidth ( int  width  )  [inline]

The width of the longest keyword name (for formatting).

width the new width
int Isis::PvlKeyword::Size (  )  const [inline]
bool Isis::PvlKeyword::StringEqual ( const std::string &  string1,
const std::string &  string2 
) [static]

Checks to see if two strings are equal.

Each is converted to uppercase and removed of underscores and whitespaces.

string1 The first string
string2 The second string
bool True or false, depending on whether the string values are equal.

References Isis::iString::ConvertWhiteSpace(), Isis::iString::Remove(), s1, s2, and Isis::iString::UpCase().

Referenced by IsEquivalent(), IsNamed(), Isis::PvlContainer::IsNamed(), IsNull(), Isis::PvlFormat::IsSingleUnit(), Isis::PvlObject::operator==(), and Isis::PvlGroup::operator==().

string Isis::PvlKeyword::ToIPvl ( const std::string &  value  )  const [protected]

Converts a value to iPVL format.

value The value to be converted.
string The value in iPVL format.

References out.

Referenced by Reform().

string Isis::PvlKeyword::ToPvl ( const std::string &  value  )  const [protected]

Converts a value to PVL format.

value The value to be converted.
string The value in PVL format.

References out.

Referenced by Reform().

string Isis::PvlKeyword::Unit ( const int  index = 0  )  const

Returns the units of measurement of the element of the array of values for the object at the specified index.

Defaults to index = 0.

index The index of the unit.
string The unit at the index.
iException ArraySubscriptNotInRange (index) Index out of bounds.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::Message::ArraySubscriptNotInRange(), Isis::iException::Message(), and Isis::iException::Programmer.

Referenced by Isis::ProcessMosaic::AddBandBinGroup(), Isis::PvlFormatPds::FormatBinary(), Isis::PvlFormatPds::FormatEnum(), Isis::PvlFormatPds::FormatHex(), Isis::PvlFormatPds::FormatInteger(), Isis::PvlFormatPds::FormatReal(), Isis::PvlFormatPds::FormatString(), Isis::PvlFormatPds::FormatUnknown(), Isis::PvlFormat::FormatValue(), Isis::PvlFormat::IsSingleUnit(), and Isis::Cube::open().

void Isis::PvlKeyword::ValidateKeyword ( PvlKeyword pvlKwrd,
std::string  psValueType = "",
PvlKeyword pvlKwrdValue = NULL 

Validate Keyword for type and required values.

Validate a Keyword, comparing against corresponding Template Keyword.

Template Keyword has the format: keyName = (valueType, optional/required, Values allowed separated by comma)

Sharmila Prasad (9/22/2010)
pvlKwrd - Keyword to be validated
psValueType - Value Type (positive / negative) for numbers
pvlKwrdValue - Template Keyword __Value or __Range to validate keyword's value

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::iString::DownCase(), Isis::iException::Message(), Name(), Size(), Isis::iString::ToDouble(), Isis::iString::ToInteger(), and Isis::iException::User.

Referenced by Isis::PvlContainer::ValidateAllKeywords(), and Isis::PvlContainer::ValidateRepeatOption().

int Isis::PvlKeyword::Width (  )  const [inline]

Returns the current set longest keyword name.

Referenced by Isis::operator<<().

ostream & Isis::PvlKeyword::WriteWithWrap ( std::ostream &  os,
const std::string &  textToWrite,
int  startColumn,
PvlFormat format 
) const [protected]

Wraps output so that length doesn't exceed the character limit.

By default, the character limit is set to 80, and can be changed with the method SetCharLimit. Used as a helper method for output of PvlKeyword.

os Designated output stream
textToWrite The text to be written
startColumn The starting column after the "=" sign.
endOfLine The EOL character
ostream& Reference to ostream.
See also:

References Isis::PvlFormat::CharLimit(), Isis::PvlFormat::FormatEOL(), and pos.

Referenced by Isis::operator<<().

Friends And Related Function Documentation

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const PvlKeyword keyword 
) [friend]

Write out the keyword.

os The output stream.
keyword The PvlKeyword object to output.
ostream& Reference to ostream.
See also:
std::istream& operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
PvlKeyword result 
) [friend]

Read in a keyword.

is The input stream
result The keyword to read into (OUTPUT)

Member Data Documentation

Formatter object.

Referenced by GetFormat(), Isis::operator<<(), operator=(), and SetFormat().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: