Isis 3.0 Developer's Reference (API)


Isis::PvlSequence Class Reference

Parse and return elements of a Pvl sequence. More...

#include <PvlSequence.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 PvlSequence ()
 Construct an empty sequence.
 ~PvlSequence ()
 Destruct sequence.
PvlSequenceoperator= (PvlKeyword &key)
 Load a sequence using a Pvl keyword.
PvlSequenceoperator+= (const std::string &array)
 Add a string array to the sequence.
PvlSequenceoperator+= (std::vector< std::string > &array)
 Add a vector of strings to the sequence.
PvlSequenceoperator+= (std::vector< int > &array)
 Add a vector of ints to the sequence.
PvlSequenceoperator+= (std::vector< double > &array)
 Add a vector of ints to the sequence.
std::vector< iString > & operator[] (int i)
 Return the ith Array of the sequence.
int Size () const
 Number of arrays in the sequence.
void Clear ()
 Clear the sequence.

Detailed Description

Parse and return elements of a Pvl sequence.

A Pvl sequence is essentially an array of arrays. For example,

 Keyword = ((a,b,c), (d,e))

To extract the invidual arrays from a PvlKeyword you must use a PvlSequence.

Here is an example of how to use PvlSequence

 PvlKeyword k;
 k += "(a,b,c)";
 k += "(d,e)";

 PvlSequence s = k;
 cout << s.Size() << endl; // should be 2
 cout << s[0][0] << endl;  // should be a
 cout << s[1][1] << endl;  // should be e
2005-02-16 Jeff Anderson

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Isis::PvlSequence::PvlSequence (  )  [inline]

Construct an empty sequence.

Isis::PvlSequence::~PvlSequence (  )  [inline]

Destruct sequence.

Member Function Documentation

void Isis::PvlSequence::Clear (  )  [inline]

Clear the sequence.

PvlSequence & Isis::PvlSequence::operator+= ( std::vector< double > &  array  ) 

Add a vector of ints to the sequence.

This adds another array to the sequence whose values are all doubles.

array vector of doubles
PvlSequence & Isis::PvlSequence::operator+= ( std::vector< int > &  array  ) 

Add a vector of ints to the sequence.

This adds another array to the sequence whose values are all integers.

array vector of integers
PvlSequence & Isis::PvlSequence::operator+= ( std::vector< std::string > &  array  ) 

Add a vector of strings to the sequence.

This adds another array to the sequence whose values are all strings

array vector of strings
PvlSequence & Isis::PvlSequence::operator+= ( const std::string &  array  ) 

Add a string array to the sequence.

The values in the string must be enclosed in parens and comma separated. For example, (1,2,3).

array A string representing an array.
PvlSequence & Isis::PvlSequence::operator= ( PvlKeyword key  ) 

Load a sequence using a Pvl keyword.

Each value of the PvlKeyword will be treated as an array for a sequence. Typically, the values in the PvlKeyword should be enclosed in parens and comma separated. For example, (a,b,c).

key keyword containing sequence
std::vector<iString>& Isis::PvlSequence::operator[] ( int  i  )  [inline]

Return the ith Array of the sequence.

int Isis::PvlSequence::Size (  )  const [inline]

Number of arrays in the sequence.

Referenced by Isis::PvlKeyword::operator=(), and Isis::RadarSlantRangeMap::SetCoefficients().

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