Interface Consumable

All Known Subinterfaces:
CharSeq, Sequence
All Known Implementing Classes:
BitVector, Buffer, BufferContent, CharBuffer, F32Vector, F64Vector, FString, FVector, GapVector, GeneralArray1, KAttr, KCDATASection, KCharacterData, KComment, KDocument, KElement, KNode, KProcessingInstruction, KText, LineOffsets, LList, Nodes, NodeTree, Pair, PairWithPosition, S16Vector, S32Vector, S64Vector, S8Vector, SimpleVector, SortedNodes, StableVector, SubCharSeq, SubSequence, SwingBuffer, SwtBuffer, SwtCharBuffer, TreeList, U16Vector, U32Vector, U64Vector, U8Vector, Values, ValueStack

public interface Consumable

An object that can send its contents to a Consumer.

Method Summary
 void consume(Consumer out)

Method Detail


void consume(Consumer out)