Class PatternScope

  extended by gnu.mapping.PropertySet
      extended by gnu.mapping.Procedure
          extended by gnu.mapping.Procedure0
              extended by gnu.expr.Expression
                  extended by gnu.expr.ScopeExp
                      extended by gnu.expr.LetExp
                          extended by kawa.lang.PatternScope
All Implemented Interfaces:
Named, Printable, SourceLocator, org.xml.sax.Locator

public class PatternScope
extends LetExp

Bindings from a syntax-case/syntax-rules pattern.

Field Summary
 Declaration matchArray
 java.util.Vector pattern_names
          Currently visible macro pattern names.
 java.lang.StringBuffer patternNesting
          Nesting of currently visible macro pattern names.
Fields inherited from class gnu.expr.LetExp
body, inits
Fields inherited from class gnu.expr.ScopeExp
frameSize, id, outer
Fields inherited from class gnu.expr.Expression
flags, NEXT_AVAIL_FLAG, noExpressions
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void pop(Translator tr)
static PatternScope push(Translator tr)
Methods inherited from class gnu.expr.LetExp
apply, compile, getBody, getType, mustCompile, print, print, setBody, walk, walkChildren, walkInitializers
Methods inherited from class gnu.expr.ScopeExp
add, add, addDeclaration, addDeclaration, addDeclaration, countDecls, currentLambda, currentModule, duplicateDeclarationError, firstDecl, getDefine, getNoDefine, getVarScope, lookup, lookup, nesting, popScope, remove, remove, replaceFollowing, setIndexes, toString
Methods inherited from class gnu.expr.Expression
apply0, compile, compile, compileButFirst, compileNotePosition, compileWithPosition, compileWithPosition, eval, eval, getColumnNumber, getFileName, getFlag, getFlags, getLineNumber, getPublicId, getSystemId, inline, isStableSourceLocation, makeWhile, match0, print, printLineColumn, setFile, setFlag, setFlag, setLine, setLine, setLine, setLine, setLocation, side_effects, valueIfConstant
Methods inherited from class gnu.mapping.Procedure0
apply1, apply2, apply3, apply4, applyN, numArgs
Methods inherited from class gnu.mapping.Procedure
apply, check0, check1, check2, check3, check4, checkArgCount, checkN, getSetter, getSourceLocation, match1, match2, match3, match4, matchN, maxArgs, minArgs, set0, set1, setN, setSetter, setSourceLocation
Methods inherited from class gnu.mapping.PropertySet
getName, getProperty, getSymbol, removeProperty, setName, setProperty, setProperty, setSymbol
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public java.util.Vector pattern_names
Currently visible macro pattern names. For the i'th pattern variable, pattern_names.elementAt(i) is the name of the variable,


public java.lang.StringBuffer patternNesting
Nesting of currently visible macro pattern names. For the i'th pattern variable, (int) patternNesting.charAt(i)/2 is the nesting (in terms of number of ellipsis that indicate the variable is repeated). The low-order bit indicates that if matched value is the car of the value saved in the vars array.


public Declaration matchArray
Constructor Detail


public PatternScope()
Method Detail


public static PatternScope push(Translator tr)


public static void pop(Translator tr)