Class Translator

  extended by gnu.expr.Compilation
      extended by kawa.lang.Translator
All Implemented Interfaces:
SourceLocator, org.xml.sax.Locator

public class Translator
extends Compilation

Used to translate from source to Expression. The result has macros expanded, lexical names bound, etc, and is ready for code generation. This is sometimes called a "compilation environment", but we modify it as we go along - there is a single Translator for each top-level form.

Field Summary
 LambdaExp curMethodLambda
 Macro currentMacroDefinition
          Set if we're processing (as opposed to expanding) a define-syntax or defmacro.
 int firstForm
 java.util.Stack formStack
 Declaration matchArray
          A variable to hold the matched values for syntax-case pattern variables.
 PatternScope patternScope
          Innermost current scope of pattern variable, from a syntax-case.
 java.lang.Object pendingForm
 Declaration templateScopeDecl
Fields inherited from class gnu.expr.Compilation
apply0args, apply0method, apply1args, apply1method, apply2args, apply2method, apply3method, apply4method, applyCpsMethod, applymethods, applyNargs, applyNmethod, argsCallContextField, BODY_PARSED, CALL_WITH_CONSUMER, CALL_WITH_CONTINUATIONS, CALL_WITH_RETURN, CALL_WITH_TAILCALLS, CALL_WITH_UNSPECIFIED, CLASS_WRITTEN, classPrefix, classPrefixDefault, COMPILE_SETUP, COMPILED, curClass, curLambda, current_scope, currentOptions, debugPrintExpr, debugPrintFinalExpr, defaultCallConvention, emitSourceDebugExtAttr, ERROR_SEEN, exprStack, falseConstant, fewerClasses, generateApplet, generateAppletDefault, generateMain, generateMainDefault, generateServlet, generateServletDefault, getCallContextInstanceMethod, getCurrentEnvironmentMethod, getLocation1EnvironmentMethod, getLocation2EnvironmentMethod, getLocationMethod, getProcedureBindingMethod, getSymbolProcedureMethod, getSymbolValueMethod, immediate, inlineOk, int1Args, javaIntegerType, javaStringType, language, lexer, lexical, mainClass, mainLambda, messages, method, minfo, moduleClass, moduleStatic, mustCompile, noArgsField, objArrayType, options, pcCallContextField, pendingImports, procCallContextField, PROLOG_PARSED, PROLOG_PARSING, RESOLVED, scmBooleanType, scmKeywordType, scmListType, scmNamedType, scmPairType, scmSequenceType, string1Arg, sym1Arg, thisDecl, trueConstant, typeApplet, typeCallContext, typeClass, typeClassType, typeConsumer, typeEnvironment, typeLanguage, typeLocation, typeMethodProc, typeModuleBody, typeModuleMethod, typeModuleWithContext, typeObject, typeObjectType, typePair, typeProcedure, typeProcedure0, typeProcedure1, typeProcedure2, typeProcedure3, typeProcedure4, typeProcedureArray, typeProcedureN, typeRunnable, typeServlet, typeString, typeSymbol, typeType, typeValues, WALKED
Constructor Summary
Translator(Language language, SourceMessages messages)
Method Summary
 Declaration define(java.lang.Object name, SyntaxForm nameSyntax, ScopeExp defs)
 Type exp2Type(Pair typeSpecPair)
          Extract a type from the car of a pair.
 void finishModule(ModuleExp mexp)
 Syntax getCurrentSyntax()
 Environment getGlobalEnvironment()
 boolean isLexical(Declaration decl)
          Return true if decl is lexical and not fluid.
static int listLength(java.lang.Object obj)
          Returns the length of a syntax list.
 Declaration lookup(java.lang.Object name, int namespace)
 Declaration lookupGlobal(java.lang.Object name)
          Find global Declaration, creating one if not found.
 Declaration lookupGlobal(java.lang.Object name, int namespace)
          Find global Declaration, creating one if not found.
 Expression makeBody(int first, ScopeExp scope)
          Combine a list of zero or more expression forms into a "body".
static Pair makePair(Pair pair, java.lang.Object car, java.lang.Object cdr)
 Declaration makeRenamedAlias(Declaration decl, ScopeExp templateScope)
 Declaration makeRenamedAlias(java.lang.Object name, Declaration decl, ScopeExp templateScope)
 boolean matches(java.lang.Object form, java.lang.String literal)
          True iff a form matches a literal symbol.
 boolean matches(java.lang.Object form, SyntaxForm syntax, java.lang.String literal)
 Symbol namespaceResolve(Expression context, Expression member)
 java.lang.Object namespaceResolve(java.lang.Object name)
 void noteAccess(java.lang.Object name, ScopeExp scope)
          Note that we reference name in a given scope.
 Expression parse(java.lang.Object input)
          This may not make sense, except for Lisp-like languages.
 java.lang.Object popForms(int first)
 void popPositionOf(java.lang.Object saved)
          Restore line number position from a previous pushPositionOf.
 void popRenamedAlias(int count)
          Remove one or more aliases created by pushRenamedAlias.
 void processAccesses()
          Check references recorded by noteAccess.
 java.lang.Object pushPositionOf(java.lang.Object pair)
          Note current line number position from a PairWithPosition.
 void pushRenamedAlias(Declaration alias)
          Push an alias for a declaration in a scope.
 void resolveModule(ModuleExp mexp)
 Expression rewrite_body(java.lang.Object exp)
          Re-write a Scheme in S-expression format into internal form.
 Expression rewrite_car(Pair pair, boolean function)
 Expression rewrite_car(Pair pair, SyntaxForm syntax)
 Expression rewrite_pair(Pair p, boolean function)
 Expression rewrite_with_position(java.lang.Object exp, boolean function, PairWithPosition pair)
 Expression rewrite(java.lang.Object exp)
          Re-write a Scheme expression in S-expression format into internal form.
 Expression rewrite(java.lang.Object exp, boolean function)
          Re-write a Scheme expression in S-expression format into internal form.
 void rewriteBody(int first)
 void rewriteInBody(java.lang.Object exp)
static java.lang.Object safeCar(java.lang.Object obj)
static java.lang.Object safeCdr(java.lang.Object obj)
 java.lang.Object scanBody(java.lang.Object body, ScopeExp defs, boolean makeList)
          Recursive helper method for rewrite_body.
 void scanForm(java.lang.Object st, ScopeExp defs)
 void setCurrentScope(ScopeExp scope)
          Set currentScope().
static void setLine(Declaration decl, java.lang.Object location)
static void setLine(Expression exp, java.lang.Object location)
 void setLineOf(Expression exp)
          Set the line position of the argument to the current position.
static java.lang.Object stripSyntax(java.lang.Object obj)
static java.lang.Object wrapSyntax(java.lang.Object form, SyntaxForm syntax)
Methods inherited from class gnu.expr.Compilation
addClass, addMainClass, allocLocalField, compileConstant, compileConstant, compileConstantToField, compileToArchive, currentLambda, currentModule, currentScope, demangle2, demangleName, demangleName, error, error, error, error, findForImmediateLiterals, findNamedClass, freeLocalField, generateApplyMethodsWithContext, generateApplyMethodsWithoutContext, generateClassName, generateConstructor, generateConstructor, generateMatchMethods, getBooleanOption, getBooleanOption, getCode, getColumnNumber, getConstructor, getConstructor, getCurrent, getFileName, getForNameHelper, getLanguage, getLineNumber, getMessages, getModule, getModuleType, getPublicId, getState, getSystemId, inlineOk, inlineOk, isPedantic, isStableSourceLocation, isStatic, isValidJavaName, letDone, letEnter, letStart, letVariable, loadCallContext, loadClassRef, loadClassRef, loopBody, loopCond, loopEnter, loopRepeat, loopRepeat, loopRepeat, loopStart, loopVariable, mangleName, mangleName, mangleName, mangleNameIfNeeded, mangleURI, mustCompileHere, outputClass, pop, pop, process, push, push, pushNewModule, pushNewModule, pushPendingImport, pushScope, registerForImmediateLiterals, resolve, setColumn, setCurrent, setFile, setLine, setLine, setLine, setLine, setLocation, setMessages, setModule, setState, setupLiterals, syntaxError, toString, usedClass, usingCPStyle, usingTailCalls, walkModule
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public Macro currentMacroDefinition
Set if we're processing (as opposed to expanding) a define-syntax or defmacro.


public PatternScope patternScope
Innermost current scope of pattern variable, from a syntax-case.


public Declaration templateScopeDecl


public Declaration matchArray
A variable to hold the matched values for syntax-case pattern variables.


public java.util.Stack formStack


public int firstForm


public java.lang.Object pendingForm


public LambdaExp curMethodLambda
Constructor Detail


public Translator(Language language,
                  SourceMessages messages)
Method Detail


public boolean isLexical(Declaration decl)
Return true if decl is lexical and not fluid.


public final Environment getGlobalEnvironment()


public Expression parse(java.lang.Object input)
Description copied from class: Compilation
This may not make sense, except for Lisp-like languages. For those, 'input' an s-expression from the reader.

parse in class Compilation


public final Expression rewrite_car(Pair pair,
                                    SyntaxForm syntax)


public final Expression rewrite_car(Pair pair,
                                    boolean function)


public Syntax getCurrentSyntax()


public final boolean matches(java.lang.Object form,
                             java.lang.String literal)
True iff a form matches a literal symbol.


public boolean matches(java.lang.Object form,
                       SyntaxForm syntax,
                       java.lang.String literal)


public Declaration lookup(java.lang.Object name,
                          int namespace)
lookup in class Compilation


public Declaration lookupGlobal(java.lang.Object name)
Find global Declaration, creating one if not found.


public Declaration lookupGlobal(java.lang.Object name,
                                int namespace)
Find global Declaration, creating one if not found.


public Expression rewrite_pair(Pair p,
                               boolean function)


public Symbol namespaceResolve(Expression context,
                               Expression member)


public static java.lang.Object stripSyntax(java.lang.Object obj)


public static java.lang.Object safeCar(java.lang.Object obj)


public static java.lang.Object safeCdr(java.lang.Object obj)


public static int listLength(java.lang.Object obj)
Returns the length of a syntax list. Returns Integer.MIN_VALUE for cyclic lists. For impure lists returns the negative of one more than the number of pairs before the "dot". Similar to LList.listLength, but descends into SyntaxForm.


public void rewriteInBody(java.lang.Object exp)


public Expression rewrite(java.lang.Object exp)
Re-write a Scheme expression in S-expression format into internal form.


public java.lang.Object namespaceResolve(java.lang.Object name)


public void setCurrentScope(ScopeExp scope)
Description copied from class: Compilation
Set currentScope(). Also update the nesting object.

setCurrentScope in class Compilation


public Expression rewrite(java.lang.Object exp,
                          boolean function)
Re-write a Scheme expression in S-expression format into internal form.


public static void setLine(Expression exp,
                           java.lang.Object location)


public static void setLine(Declaration decl,
                           java.lang.Object location)


public java.lang.Object pushPositionOf(java.lang.Object pair)
Note current line number position from a PairWithPosition. Return an object to pass to popPositionOf.


public void popPositionOf(java.lang.Object saved)
Restore line number position from a previous pushPositionOf.

saved - value returned by matching pushPositionOf.


public void setLineOf(Expression exp)
Set the line position of the argument to the current position.


public Type exp2Type(Pair typeSpecPair)
Extract a type from the car of a pair.


public Expression rewrite_with_position(java.lang.Object exp,
                                        boolean function,
                                        PairWithPosition pair)


public static java.lang.Object wrapSyntax(java.lang.Object form,
                                          SyntaxForm syntax)


public java.lang.Object popForms(int first)


public void scanForm(java.lang.Object st,
                     ScopeExp defs)


public java.lang.Object scanBody(java.lang.Object body,
                                 ScopeExp defs,
                                 boolean makeList)
Recursive helper method for rewrite_body. Scan body for definitions, adding partially macro-expanded expressions into the formStack.

makeList - if true, return a list representation of the scanned forms (not including declarations); else forms are push on formStack
a list of forms if makeList (possibly wrapped in a SyntaxForm); otherwise null.


public static Pair makePair(Pair pair,
                            java.lang.Object car,
                            java.lang.Object cdr)


public Expression rewrite_body(java.lang.Object exp)
Re-write a Scheme in S-expression format into internal form.


public void rewriteBody(int first)


public Expression makeBody(int first,
                           ScopeExp scope)
Combine a list of zero or more expression forms into a "body".


public void noteAccess(java.lang.Object name,
                       ScopeExp scope)
Note that we reference name in a given scope. This may be called when defining a macro, at scan-time, and the name may be bound to a declaration we haven't seen yet.


public void processAccesses()
Check references recorded by noteAccess. Resolve now to a Declaration, and note the access. This is needed in case an exported macro references a private Declaration.


public void finishModule(ModuleExp mexp)


public void resolveModule(ModuleExp mexp)


public Declaration makeRenamedAlias(Declaration decl,
                                    ScopeExp templateScope)


public Declaration makeRenamedAlias(java.lang.Object name,
                                    Declaration decl,
                                    ScopeExp templateScope)


public void pushRenamedAlias(Declaration alias)
Push an alias for a declaration in a scope. If the name of decl came from a syntax template whose immediate scope is templateScope, then the same syntax template may contain local variable references that are also in the same templateScope. Such variable references will not look in the current "physical" scope, where we just created decl, but will instead search the "lexical" templateScope. So that such references can resolve to decl, we create an alias in templateScope that points to decl. We record that we did this in the renamedLiasStack, so we can remove the alias later.


public void popRenamedAlias(int count)
Remove one or more aliases created by pushRenamedAlias.


public Declaration define(java.lang.Object name,
                          SyntaxForm nameSyntax,
                          ScopeExp defs)