RE: problems with the MAKER utility

From: Kautzmann Gerd (
Date: Thu Dec 05 2002 - 12:09:01 CET

> With lowmem.bat I can proceed for a while, I get the "Welcome to
> Mulinux" screen, I choose option [2] "uncompress and install
> the image
> files directly in c:\linux". It works for a while, it activates the
> swap, then, when it comes to the "Installing BOOT segment"
> phase I get
> this error:
> BOOT: no such file or directory
> abort: mounting BOOT segment
> s)hell r)eboot
> Any hints?

Normal ISA, PCI Board or something special like EISA, MICROCHANNEL,
any possibilities to get more RAM ? ( some old modules are cheap if you can
get them )
> Thank you.
> Kind regards, Cristian

with kind regards / mit freundlichen GrĂ¼ssen

Gerd Kautzmann

*  Gerd Kautzmann
*  Software Entwicklung
*  Baumer Ident GmbH
*  Hertzstr. 10
*  D-69469 Weinheim
*  +49 (0) 6201 / 9957 15
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