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RE: [oc] Power Calculations in ASIC

Indeed and this is why I wrote 3.3 volt ! tho maybe to make it more clear I would add 0.35u.

have a nice day


-----Original Message-----
From: Rudolf Usselmann [mailto:rudi@asics.ws]
Sent: Friday, July 05, 2002 6:23 PM
To: cores@opencores.org
Subject: Re: [oc] Power Calculations in ASIC

On Saturday 06 July 2002 06:42 am, Illan Glasner wrote:
> RRK Hi,
>         For general estimation tho' it depend on verius of thing and you
> should get the "factors" from the vendor you work with, but for general
> feeling you can use :
> for logic gate:
> 0.33uW/Gate/MHz (3.3V)
> for memories and again it depend but to start with :
> The current consumption ranges from 0.09mA/MHz to 0.5mA/MHz .
> have a nice day
>    Illan

Sorry, but this is VERY BAD advice !  Even though your formulas
are correct, you assume that his typical gate power is 0.33uw per
gate per MHz. The power consumption depends on the technology
and on the gate size. Taking some random number doesn't help


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