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[openrisc] ORP_SOC RTL Regression


I am trying to reproduce the orp_soc rtl regression (using the January 
CD release) and running into problems, all tests failed with this message:
### FAILED (@time , magic# 0x).
According to the forum, I undestand you did re-run the whole regression 
some time in nov 2002. If you could shed some lights, I really appreciate 
it. Here are some questions I have:

1- How to use the or1k/orp/orp_soc/sim/run_rtl_regression script.
2- Which test suit to use for simpletests and complextests.
3- Which Iterations to use and important.
4- How to know the run time for each test.
5- Is there a new golden regression environment to verify the orp_soc, 
including test suits and scripts.

Your answers will be really valuable and appreciated,

Michael Phan
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