Ann. Funct. Anal.
Volume 5, Number 2, 2014
The second issue of the special
volume dedicated to Professor Tsuyoshi Ando
in celebration of his distinguished achievements in Matrix Analysis and Operator Theory
1 |
Some problems in functional
analysis inspired by Hahn-Banach type theorems M.A. Sofi
pp.1-29 |
2 |
On relations among
solutions of the Hermitian matrix equation AXA* = B
and its three small equations Y. Li; Y. Tian
pp. 30-46 |
3 |
Commutators of two compressed shifts and the Hardy space on the bidisc T. Nakazi
pp. 47-52 |
4 |
Characterization of
exponential polynomials on commutative hypergroups L. Szekelyhidi
pp. 53-60 |
5 |
Time scales Hardy-type
inequalities via superquadracity J.A. Oguntuase; L.E. Persson
pp. 61-73 |
6 |
perspectives E.G. Effros; F. Hansen
pp.74-79 |
7 |
Orthogonally additive and
orthogonally multiplicative holomorphic functions of matrices Q. Bu; C. Liao; N.-C. Wong
pp. 80-89 |
8 |
Actions of arithmetic
functions on matrices and corresponding representations I. Cho; P. Jorgensen |
pp. 90-117 |
9 |
Approximation problems in
the Riemannian matric on positive definite metrices R. Bhatia; T. Jain |
pp. 118-126 |
10 |
The roots and links in a class of M-matrices X.-D. Zhang |
pp.127-137 |
11 |
A normal variation of the Horn problem: the rank 1 case L. Cao; H.J. Woerdeman |
pp. 138-146 |
12 |
On f-connections of positive definite matrices M. Niezgoda |
pp.147-157 |
13 |
Conic structure of the non-negative operator convex
functions on (0,∞) U Franz; F. Hiai |
pp. 158-175 |
14 |
Principal angles and approximation for quaternionic projections T. Loring |
pp. 176-187 |
15 |
An interview with Tsuyoshi
Ando R.A. Brualdi; M.S. Moslehian
pp.188-206 |