Isis 3.0 Object Programmers' Reference


Isis::OverlapStatistics Class Reference

Calculates statistics in the area of overlap between two projected cubes. More...

#include <OverlapStatistics.h>

Collaboration diagram for Isis::OverlapStatistics:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 OverlapStatistics (Isis::Cube &x, Isis::Cube &y, QString progressMsg="Gathering Overlap Statistics", double sampPercent=100.0)
 Constructs an OverlapStatistics object.
bool HasOverlap (int band) const
 Checks the specified band for an overlap.
bool HasOverlap () const
 Checks all bands of the cubes for an overlap, and will only return false if none of the bands overlap.
Isis::FileName FileNameX () const
 Returns the filename of the first cube.
Isis::FileName FileNameY () const
 Returns the filename of the second cube.
Isis::MultivariateStatistics GetMStats (int band) const
 Returns the MultivariateStatistics object containing all the data from both cubes in the overlapping area.
int Lines () const
 Returns the number of lines in the overlapping area.
int Samples () const
 Returns the number of samples in the overlapping area.
int Bands () const
 Returns the number of bands both cubes have.
double SampPercent () const
 Returns the percentage of cube lines sampled.
int StartSampleX () const
 Returns the starting sample position of the overlap in the first cube.
int EndSampleX () const
 Returns the ending sample position of the overlap in the first cube.
int StartLineX () const
 Returns the starting line position of the overlap in the first cube.
int EndLineX () const
 Returns the ending line position of the overlap in the first cube.
int StartSampleY () const
 Returns the starting sample position of the overlap in the second cube.
int EndSampleY () const
 Returns the ending sample position of the overlap in the second cube.
int StartLineY () const
 Returns the starting line position of the overlap in the second cube.
int EndLineY () const
 Returns the ending line position of the overlap in the second cube.
void SetMincount (unsigned int mincnt)
 Sets the minimum number of valid pixels for the overlap to be considered valid for PVL output.
bool IsValid (unsigned int band) const
 Returns whether the overlap meets the minimum valid pixel requirement.
PvlObject toPvl () const
 Creates a Pvl containing the following Overlap Statistics information.

Private Attributes

int p_bands
 Number of bands.
double p_sampPercent
 Percentage of lines sampled.
Isis::FileName p_xFile
 FileName of X cube.
Isis::FileName p_yFile
 FileName of Y cube.
int p_sampRange
 Sample range of overlap.
int p_lineRange
 Line range of overlap.
int p_minSampX
 Starting Sample of overlap in X cube.
int p_maxSampX
 Ending Sample of overlap in X cube.
int p_minSampY
 Starting Sample of overlap in Y cube.
int p_maxSampY
 Ending Sample of overlap in Y cube.
int p_minLineX
 Starting Line of overlap in X cube.
int p_maxLineX
 Ending Line of overlap in X cube.
int p_minLineY
 Starting Line of overlap in Y cube.
int p_maxLineY
 Ending Line of overlap in Y cube.
int p_mincnt
 Minimum valid pixels to be valid overlap.
< Isis::MultivariateStatistics
 Multivariate Stats object for overlap data from both cubes.

Detailed Description

Calculates statistics in the area of overlap between two projected cubes.

This class finds the overlap between two cubes. It allows the user to check whether or not two cubes overlap, and also creates a MultivariateStatistics object containing the data from each cube in the overlapping area. The cubes entered into the constructor for this class must both be projections, and must have the same projection parameters.

If you would like to see OverlapStatistics being used in implementation, see equalizer.cpp

2005-07-18 Elizabeth Ribelin

2005-11-18 Elizabeth Miller - added 1e-9 to the min and max values when computing the ranges to fix rounding issue

2006-01-12 Elizabeth Miller - removed unwanted print statements

2006-03-31 Elizabeth Miller - added unitTest

2006-04-03 Elizabeth Miller - added .001 to the min and max values when computing the ranges to re-fix rounding issue

2007-08-27 Steven Koechle - removed space from standard deviation keyword

2008-06-18 Steven Koechle - fixed Documentation Errors

2009-03-12 Travis Addair - added tracking for percent processed

2009-06-24 Travis Addair - optimized statistic gathering, changed PVL print-out for readability, and added functionality to allow the user to specify a "sampling percent" when gathering statistics to save processing time

2012-04-16 Jeannie Backer - Added forward declaration for PvlObject and ordered #includes in the implementation file. Added documentation.

Definition at line 70 of file OverlapStatistics.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Isis::OverlapStatistics::OverlapStatistics ( Isis::Cube x,
Isis::Cube y,
QString  progressMsg = "Gathering Overlap Statistics",
double  sampPercent = 100.0 

Constructs an OverlapStatistics object.

Compares the two input cubes and finds where they overlap.

xThe first input cube
yThe second input cube
progressMsg(Default value of "Gathering Overlap Statistics") Text for indicating progress during statistic gathering
sampPercent(Default value of 100.0) Sampling percent, or the percentage of lines to consider during the statistic gathering procedure
Isis::iException::User- All images must have the same number of bands

Definition at line 55 of file OverlapStatistics.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::Progress::AddSteps(), Isis::Cube::bandCount(), Isis::Progress::CheckStatus(), Isis::Cube::fileName(), Isis::Cube::lineCount(), Isis::Cube::pixelType(), Isis::Cube::projection(), Isis::Cube::read(), Isis::Cube::sampleCount(), Isis::Brick::SetBasePosition(), Isis::Progress::SetMaximumSteps(), Isis::Progress::SetText(), Isis::Projection::ToProjectionX(), Isis::Projection::ToProjectionY(), Isis::Projection::ToWorldX(), and Isis::Projection::ToWorldY().

Member Function Documentation

int Isis::OverlapStatistics::Bands ( ) const

Returns the number of bands both cubes have.

int The number of bands both cubes have

Definition at line 146 of file OverlapStatistics.h.

References p_bands.

int Isis::OverlapStatistics::EndLineX ( ) const

Returns the ending line position of the overlap in the first cube.

int The ending line of the overlap in the first cube

Definition at line 191 of file OverlapStatistics.h.

References p_maxLineX.

int Isis::OverlapStatistics::EndLineY ( ) const

Returns the ending line position of the overlap in the second cube.

int The ending line of the overlap in the second cube

Definition at line 227 of file OverlapStatistics.h.

References p_maxLineY.

int Isis::OverlapStatistics::EndSampleX ( ) const

Returns the ending sample position of the overlap in the first cube.

int The ending sample of the overlap in the first cube

Definition at line 173 of file OverlapStatistics.h.

References p_maxSampX.

int Isis::OverlapStatistics::EndSampleY ( ) const

Returns the ending sample position of the overlap in the second cube.

int The ending sample of the overlap in the second cube

Definition at line 209 of file OverlapStatistics.h.

References p_maxSampY.

Isis::FileName Isis::OverlapStatistics::FileNameX ( ) const

Returns the filename of the first cube.

QString The name of the first cube

Definition at line 95 of file OverlapStatistics.h.

References p_xFile.

Isis::FileName Isis::OverlapStatistics::FileNameY ( ) const

Returns the filename of the second cube.

QString The name of the second cube

Definition at line 104 of file OverlapStatistics.h.

References p_yFile.

Isis::MultivariateStatistics Isis::OverlapStatistics::GetMStats ( int  band) const

Returns the MultivariateStatistics object containing all the data from both cubes in the overlapping area.

bandThe band number the MultivariateStatistics object needs to contain data from
MultivariateStatistics The MultivariateStatistics object containing all data from both cubes in the overlapping area from the specified band

Definition at line 119 of file OverlapStatistics.h.

References p_stats.

Referenced by Isis::Equalization::calculateStatistics(), and IsValid().

bool Isis::OverlapStatistics::HasOverlap ( int  band) const

Checks the specified band for an overlap.

bandThe band number of the cubes to be checked for an overlap
bool Returns true if the cubes overlap in the specified band, and false if they do not overlap

Definition at line 84 of file OverlapStatistics.h.

References p_stats.

Referenced by Isis::Equalization::calculateStatistics().

bool Isis::OverlapStatistics::HasOverlap ( ) const

Checks all bands of the cubes for an overlap, and will only return false if none of the bands overlap.

bool Returns true if any of the bands overlap, and false if none of the bands overlap

Definition at line 175 of file OverlapStatistics.cpp.

bool Isis::OverlapStatistics::IsValid ( unsigned int  band) const

Returns whether the overlap meets the minimum valid pixel requirement.

bandThe band to check
bool Is minimum requirement met

Definition at line 248 of file OverlapStatistics.h.

References GetMStats(), p_mincnt, and Isis::MultivariateStatistics::ValidPixels().

int Isis::OverlapStatistics::Lines ( ) const

Returns the number of lines in the overlapping area.

int The number of lines in the overlapping area

Definition at line 128 of file OverlapStatistics.h.

References p_lineRange.

int Isis::OverlapStatistics::Samples ( ) const

Returns the number of samples in the overlapping area.

int The number of samples in the overlapping area

Definition at line 137 of file OverlapStatistics.h.

References p_sampRange.

double Isis::OverlapStatistics::SampPercent ( ) const

Returns the percentage of cube lines sampled.

int The percentage of lines sampled

Definition at line 155 of file OverlapStatistics.h.

References p_sampPercent.

void Isis::OverlapStatistics::SetMincount ( unsigned int  mincnt)

Sets the minimum number of valid pixels for the overlap to be considered valid for PVL output.

mincntThe minimum valid pixel value to set

Definition at line 237 of file OverlapStatistics.h.

References p_mincnt.

Referenced by Isis::Equalization::calculateStatistics().

int Isis::OverlapStatistics::StartLineX ( ) const

Returns the starting line position of the overlap in the first cube.

int The starting line of the overlap in the first cube

Definition at line 182 of file OverlapStatistics.h.

References p_minLineX.

int Isis::OverlapStatistics::StartLineY ( ) const

Returns the starting line position of the overlap in the second cube.

int The starting line of the overlap in the second cube

Definition at line 218 of file OverlapStatistics.h.

References p_minLineY.

int Isis::OverlapStatistics::StartSampleX ( ) const

Returns the starting sample position of the overlap in the first cube.

int The starting sample of the overlap in the first cube

Definition at line 164 of file OverlapStatistics.h.

References p_minSampX.

int Isis::OverlapStatistics::StartSampleY ( ) const

Returns the starting sample position of the overlap in the second cube.

int The starting sample of the overlap in the second cube

Definition at line 200 of file OverlapStatistics.h.

References p_minSampY.

PvlObject Isis::OverlapStatistics::toPvl ( ) const

Creates a Pvl containing the following Overlap Statistics information.

File1 StartSample EndSample StartLine EndLine Average StandardDeviation Variance File2 StartSample EndSample StartLine EndLine Average StandardDeviation Variance Width Height SamplingPercent Covariance Correlation ValidOverlap ValidPixels InvalidPixels TotalPixels

PvlObject PvlObject containing the information for the Overlap Statistics.

Definition at line 183 of file OverlapStatistics.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::PvlObject::addGroup(), Isis::PvlContainer::name(), and Isis::toString().

Referenced by Isis::operator<<().

Member Data Documentation

int Isis::OverlapStatistics::p_bands

Number of bands.

Definition at line 289 of file OverlapStatistics.h.

Referenced by Bands().

int Isis::OverlapStatistics::p_lineRange

Line range of overlap.

Definition at line 294 of file OverlapStatistics.h.

Referenced by Lines().

int Isis::OverlapStatistics::p_maxLineX

Ending Line of overlap in X cube.

Definition at line 300 of file OverlapStatistics.h.

Referenced by EndLineX().

int Isis::OverlapStatistics::p_maxLineY

Ending Line of overlap in Y cube.

Definition at line 302 of file OverlapStatistics.h.

Referenced by EndLineY().

int Isis::OverlapStatistics::p_maxSampX

Ending Sample of overlap in X cube.

Definition at line 296 of file OverlapStatistics.h.

Referenced by EndSampleX().

int Isis::OverlapStatistics::p_maxSampY

Ending Sample of overlap in Y cube.

Definition at line 298 of file OverlapStatistics.h.

Referenced by EndSampleY().

int Isis::OverlapStatistics::p_mincnt

Minimum valid pixels to be valid overlap.

Definition at line 303 of file OverlapStatistics.h.

Referenced by IsValid(), and SetMincount().

int Isis::OverlapStatistics::p_minLineX

Starting Line of overlap in X cube.

Definition at line 299 of file OverlapStatistics.h.

Referenced by StartLineX().

int Isis::OverlapStatistics::p_minLineY

Starting Line of overlap in Y cube.

Definition at line 301 of file OverlapStatistics.h.

Referenced by StartLineY().

int Isis::OverlapStatistics::p_minSampX

Starting Sample of overlap in X cube.

Definition at line 295 of file OverlapStatistics.h.

Referenced by StartSampleX().

int Isis::OverlapStatistics::p_minSampY

Starting Sample of overlap in Y cube.

Definition at line 297 of file OverlapStatistics.h.

Referenced by StartSampleY().

double Isis::OverlapStatistics::p_sampPercent

Percentage of lines sampled.

Definition at line 290 of file OverlapStatistics.h.

Referenced by SampPercent().

int Isis::OverlapStatistics::p_sampRange

Sample range of overlap.

Definition at line 293 of file OverlapStatistics.h.

Referenced by Samples().

std::vector<Isis::MultivariateStatistics> Isis::OverlapStatistics::p_stats

Multivariate Stats object for overlap data from both cubes.

Definition at line 306 of file OverlapStatistics.h.

Referenced by GetMStats(), and HasOverlap().

Isis::FileName Isis::OverlapStatistics::p_xFile

FileName of X cube.

Definition at line 291 of file OverlapStatistics.h.

Referenced by FileNameX().

Isis::FileName Isis::OverlapStatistics::p_yFile

FileName of Y cube.

Definition at line 292 of file OverlapStatistics.h.

Referenced by FileNameY().

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