Isis 3.0 Object Programmers' Reference


Isis::Pvl Class Reference

Container for cube-like labels. More...

#include <Pvl.h>

Inheritance diagram for Isis::Pvl:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Isis::Pvl:
Collaboration graph

Public Types

enum  FindOptions { None, Traverse }
 A collection of options to use when finding. More...
typedef QList< Isis::PvlGroup >
 The counter for groups.
typedef QList< Isis::PvlGroup >
typedef QList< PvlObject >
 The counter for objects.
typedef QList< PvlObject >
enum  InsertMode { Append, Replace }
 Contains both modes: Append or Replace. More...
typedef QList< PvlKeyword >
 The keyword iterator.
typedef QList< PvlKeyword >
 The const keyword iterator.

Public Member Functions

 Pvl ()
 Constructs an empty Pvl object.
 Pvl (const QString &file)
 Constructs a Pvl from a file.
 Pvl (const Pvl &other)
 Copy constructor.
void read (const QString &file)
 Loads PVL information from a stream.
void write (const QString &file)
 Opens and writes PVL information to a file and handles the end of line sequence.
void append (const QString &file)
 Appends PVL information to a file and handles the end of line sequence.
void setTerminator (const QString &term)
 Sets the terminator used to signify the end of the PVL informationDefaults to "END".
QString terminator () const
 Returns the terminator used to signify the end of the PVL informationDefaults to "END".
void setFormatTemplate (Isis::Pvl &temp)
void setFormatTemplate (const QString &filename)
const Pvloperator= (const Pvl &other)
 This is an assignment operator.
void validatePvl (const Pvl &pPvl, Pvl &pPvlResults)
 Validate a Pvl with the Template Pvl.
int groups () const
 Returns the number of groups contained.
PvlGroupgroup (const int index)
 Return the group at the specified index.
const PvlGroupgroup (const int index) const
 Return the group at the specified index.
PvlGroupIterator beginGroup ()
 Returns the beginning group index.
ConstPvlGroupIterator beginGroup () const
 Returns the beginning group index.
PvlGroupIterator endGroup ()
 Returns the ending group index.
ConstPvlGroupIterator endGroup () const
 Returns the const ending group index.
PvlGroupIterator findGroup (const QString &name, PvlGroupIterator beg, PvlGroupIterator end)
 Find a group with the specified name, within these indexes.
ConstPvlGroupIterator findGroup (const QString &name, ConstPvlGroupIterator beg, ConstPvlGroupIterator end) const
 Find a group with the specified name, within these indexes.
Isis::PvlGroupfindGroup (const QString &name, FindOptions opts=None)
 Finds a group within the current PvlObject.
const Isis::PvlGroupfindGroup (const QString &name, FindOptions opts=None) const
 Finds a group within the current PvlObject.
PvlKeywordfindKeyword (const QString &kname, FindOptions opts)
 Finds a keyword in the current PvlObject, or deeper inside other PvlObjects and Pvlgroups within this one.
PvlKeywordfindKeyword (const QString &name)
 Find a keyword with a specified name.
const PvlKeywordfindKeyword (const QString &name) const
 Find a keyword with a specified name.
PvlKeywordIterator findKeyword (const QString &name, PvlKeywordIterator beg, PvlKeywordIterator end)
 Find the index of a keyword, using iterators.
ConstPvlKeywordIterator findKeyword (const QString &name, ConstPvlKeywordIterator beg, ConstPvlKeywordIterator end) const
 Find the index of a keyword, using iterators.
bool hasKeyword (const QString &kname, FindOptions opts) const
 See if a keyword is in the current PvlObject, or deeper inside other PvlObjects and Pvlgroups within this one.
bool hasKeyword (const QString &name) const
 Check to see if a keyword exists.
void addGroup (const Isis::PvlGroup &group)
 Add a group to the object.
void operator+= (const Isis::PvlGroup &group)
void operator+= (const Isis::PvlObject &obj)
void operator+= (const PvlKeyword &keyword)
 When you use the += operator with a PvlKeyword, it will call the addKeyword() method.
void deleteGroup (const QString &name)
 Remove a group from the current PvlObject.
void deleteGroup (const int index)
 Remove a group from the current PvlObject.
bool hasGroup (const QString &name) const
 Returns a boolean value based on whether the object has the specified group or not.
int objects () const
 Returns the number of objects.
PvlObjectobject (const int index)
 Return the object at the specified index.
const PvlObjectobject (const int index) const
 Return the object at the specified index.
PvlObjectIterator beginObject ()
 Returns the index of the beginning object.
ConstPvlObjectIterator beginObject () const
 Returns the const index of the beginning object.
PvlObjectIterator endObject ()
 Returns the index of the ending object.
ConstPvlObjectIterator endObject () const
 Returns the const index of the ending object.
PvlObjectIterator findObject (const QString &name, PvlObjectIterator beg, PvlObjectIterator end)
 Find the index of object with a specified name, between two indexes.
ConstPvlObjectIterator findObject (const QString &name, ConstPvlObjectIterator beg, ConstPvlObjectIterator end) const
 Find the index of object with a specified name, between two indexes.
PvlObjectfindObject (const QString &name, FindOptions opts=None)
 Find an object within the current PvlObject.
const PvlObjectfindObject (const QString &name, FindOptions opts=None) const
 Find an object within the current PvlObject.
void addObject (const PvlObject &object)
 Add a PvlObject.
void deleteObject (const QString &name)
 Remove an object from the current PvlObject.
void deleteObject (const int index)
 Remove an object from the current PvlObject.
bool hasObject (const QString &name) const
 Returns a boolean value based on whether the object exists in the current PvlObject or not.
bool operator== (const PvlObject &object) const
 Compares two PvlObjects.
void clear ()
 Remove everything from the current PvlObject.
void validateObject (PvlObject &pPvlObj)
 Validate Object.
void setName (const QString &name)
 Set the name of the container.
QString name () const
 Returns the container name.
bool isNamed (const QString &match) const
 Returns whether the given string is equal to the container name or not.
QString type () const
 Returns the container type.
int keywords () const
 Returns the number of keywords contained in the PvlContainer.
void addKeyword (const PvlKeyword &keyword, const InsertMode mode=Append)
 Add a keyword to the container.
PvlKeywordIterator addKeyword (const PvlKeyword &keyword, PvlKeywordIterator pos)
 Insert a keyword at the specified iterator position.
PvlKeywordoperator[] (const QString &name)
 When you use the [] operator with a (string) name, it will call the findKeyword() method.
PvlKeywordoperator[] (const int index)
 Return the PvlKeyword object at the specified index.
PvlKeywordoperator[] (const char *name)
 When you use the [] operator with a (char) name, it will call the findKeyword() method.
const PvlKeywordoperator[] (const QString &name) const
 When you use the [] operator with a (string) name, it will call the findKeyword() method.
const PvlKeywordoperator[] (const int index) const
 Return the PvlKeyword object at the specified index.
PvlKeyword operator[] (const char *name) const
 When you use the [] operator with a (char) name, it will call the findKeyword() method.
PvlKeywordIterator begin ()
 Return the beginning iterator.
ConstPvlKeywordIterator begin () const
 Return the const beginning iterator.
PvlKeywordIterator end ()
 Return the ending iterator.
ConstPvlKeywordIterator end () const
 Return the const ending iterator.
void deleteKeyword (const QString &name)
 Remove a specified keyword.
void deleteKeyword (const int index)
 Remove the specified keyword.
bool cleanDuplicateKeywords ()
 Removes keywords from the container that have BOTH the same name and value.
void operator-= (const QString &name)
 When you use the -= operator with a (string) name, it will call the deleteKeyword() method.
void operator-= (const PvlKeyword &key)
 When you use the -= operator with a PvlKeyword object, it will call the deleteKeyword() method.
QString fileName () const
 Returns the filename used to initialise the Pvl object.
void setFormatTemplate (PvlContainer &ref)
bool hasFormatTemplate ()
PvlContainerformatTemplate ()
PvlFormatformat ()
void setFormat (PvlFormat *format)
int indent ()
void setIndent (int indent)
int comments () const
QString comment (const int index) const
void addComment (const QString &comment)
PvlKeywordnameKeyword ()
const PvlKeywordnameKeyword () const

Protected Member Functions

void setFileName (const QString &filename)
 Sets the filename to the specified string.
void validateAllKeywords (PvlContainer &pPvlCont)
 Validate All the Keywords in a Container comparing with the Template.
void validateRepeatOption (PvlKeyword &pPvlTmplKwrd, PvlContainer &pPvlCont)
 Validate the Repeat Option for a Keyword.

Protected Attributes

QString m_filename
               This contains the filename

used to initialize the pvl object.

PvlKeyword m_name
 This is the name keyword.
QList< PvlKeywordm_keywords
 This is the vector of PvlKeywords the container is holding.

Private Member Functions

void init ()
 initializes the class

Private Attributes

bool m_internalTemplate
QString m_terminator
 Terminator used to signify the end of the PVL informationDefaults to "END".


std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, Pvl &pvl)
 Reads keywords from the instream and appends them to the Pvl object.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, Isis::Pvl &pvl)
 This stream will not handle the end of line sequence.

Detailed Description

Container for cube-like labels.

This class is used for creating, reading, and writing grouped labels generally from a file. An example of a label is:

Group = Cube
Samples = 512
Lines = 512
Bands = 1

There are three different groupings, "root", "object", and "group". The information is stored in "keywords". The root grouping can contain objects, groups, and keywords. Object groupings can contain other objects, groups and keywords. Group groupings can only contain keywords. Contents within the group are called keywords which can have integer, double, string values or no value. A keyword with no value is treated as a boolean.

If you would like to see Pvl being used in implementation, see class Cube or Preference

2002-10-11 Jeff Anderson

2003-01-31 Jeff Anderson - Added Keywords, Keyword, Groups, Group, and CopyGroup methods

2003-03-27 Jeff Anderson - Fixed problem caused by new compiler when attempting to left justify streams. Depricated the ReadInternal and WriteInternali methods. They were replaced by Read and Write methods.

2003-05-16 Stuart Sides - Modified schema from astrogeology... isis.astrogeology...

2003-08-18 Stuart Sides - Modified so labels with repeated objects, groups and keywords could be read in.

2003-09-25 Stuart Sides - Modified "keyword does not exist message" so it has two forms. One which says the keyword was not found at all and the other says the requested occurance was not found.

2003-09-26 Stuart Sides - Modified constructors to take a bool parameter which tells many member functions if they should allow duplacates or not. Also took the allowDuplicates parameter off all of the members who used it.

2003-10-15 Jeff Anderson - Modified write method to place quotes around null parameters (e.g. "")

2003-10-22 Stuart Sides - Added new method Insert.

2003-11-06 Jeff Anderson - Modify UpdateKeyword methods so that they do not throw errors if the keyword does not exist. That is, they simply add a new keyword.

2003-11-06 Jeff Anderson - Modify WriteContainer method to put a space between the value and unit of keywords.

2003-11-06 Jeff Anderson - Added Merge method

2003-12-01 Stuart Sides - Added new occurrence parameter to UseGroup. And added new member GroupOccurrences.

2004-01-22 Jeff Anderson - Fixed iterator out of bounds when parsing for units if the PVL terminated with and EOF instead of the usual END statement

2004-02-10 Jeff Anderson - Added new suite of AddKeyword methods for vectors which take a single unit instead of a vector of units

2004-02-10 Jeff Anderson - Modified parse and write methods to properly handle a single unit on vectors

2004-02-11 Jeff Anderson - Implemented GetUnits method and added AddKeyword method with a NULL value

2004-02-20 Jeff Anderson - Fixed a bug in the Merge method that was unwinding the container pointer too far.

2005-02-14 Elizabeth Ribelin - Modified file to support Doxygen documentation

2005-02-23 Elizabeth Ribelin - Fixed unitTest

2005-03-07 Leah Dahmer - Added missing documentation to class.

2006-04-21 Jacob Danton Added format templates abilities.

2006-08-30 Stuart Sides & Brendan George - Added ability to output in PDS format.

2007-04-13 Stuart Sides - Added new test for long strings

2008-02-27 Stuart Sides - Fixed memory leak in output operator

2008-07-10 Steven Lambright - Changed StringEqual to use PvlKeyword::StringEqual

2008-10-02 Christopher Austin - Replaced all std::endl in the << operator, Write() and Append() with PvlFormat.FormatEOL()

2009-12-17 Steven Lambright - Rewrote read (istream operator)

2010-04-13 Eric Hyer - Added copy constructor

  • Added assignment operator

2010-06-25 Steven Lambright - Quicker to give up counting line numbers on error

2010-07-12 Steven Lambright - It's a bad idea to copy m_internalTemplate in the copy constructor since it describes whether or not to delete an internal pointer.

2010-09-27 Sharmila Prasad - Validate a Pvl with the Template Pvl

2013-03-11 Steven Lambright and Mathew Eis - Brought method names and member variable names up to the current Isis 3 coding standards. Fixes #1533.

Definition at line 135 of file Pvl.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef QList<PvlKeyword>::const_iterator Isis::PvlContainer::ConstPvlKeywordIterator

The const keyword iterator.

Definition at line 175 of file PvlContainer.h.

The counter for groups.

Definition at line 92 of file PvlObject.h.

The keyword iterator.

Definition at line 172 of file PvlContainer.h.

typedef QList<PvlObject>::iterator Isis::PvlObject::PvlObjectIterator

The counter for objects.

Definition at line 236 of file PvlObject.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

A collection of options to use when finding.


Search only the current level.


Search child objects.

Definition at line 163 of file PvlObject.h.

Contains both modes: Append or Replace.

Definition at line 110 of file PvlContainer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Isis::Pvl::Pvl ( )

Constructs an empty Pvl object.

Definition at line 38 of file Pvl.cpp.

References init().

Referenced by validatePvl().

Isis::Pvl::Pvl ( const QString &  file)

Constructs a Pvl from a file.

fileThe file containing the pvl formatted information

Definition at line 48 of file Pvl.cpp.

References init(), and read().

Isis::Pvl::Pvl ( const Pvl other)

Copy constructor.

Definition at line 55 of file Pvl.cpp.

References m_terminator.

Member Function Documentation

void Isis::PvlContainer::addKeyword ( const PvlKeyword keyword,
const InsertMode  mode = Append 

Add a keyword to the container.

Add a keyword to the PvlContainer object.

keywordThe PvlKeyword object to append.
modeUsing the InsertMode value of Append.
keyThe PvlKeyword object to add.
modeThe enum InsertMode has two possible values, Append or Replace. Use Append if you just want to add it to the end, Replace if you want to replace it.

Definition at line 218 of file PvlContainer.cpp.

References Isis::PvlKeyword::name().

Referenced by Isis::ControlNetDiff::addUniqueMeasure(), Isis::ControlNetDiff::addUniquePoint(), Isis::NaifStatus::CheckErrors(), Isis::ControlNetDiff::compare(), Isis::ControlNetDiff::compareGroups(), Isis::ControlNetVersioner::ConvertVersion1ToVersion2(), Isis::CameraFactory::Create(), Isis::ProjectionFactory::CreateForCube(), Isis::ControlNetDiff::diff(), Isis::ProcessImportFits::extractFitsLabels(), Isis::ExportPdsTable::fillMetaData(), Isis::Application::GetEnviromentInfo(), Isis::CameraPointInfo::GetPointInfo(), Isis::Application::GetUnameInfo(), Isis::PvlContainer::operator+=(), Isis::operator<<(), Isis::operator>>(), Isis::LimitPolygonSeeder::PluginParameters(), Isis::GridPolygonSeeder::PluginParameters(), Isis::StripPolygonSeeder::PluginParameters(), Isis::PolygonSeeder::PluginParameters(), Isis::ProjectionFactory::RingsCreateForCube(), Isis::ProcessMapMosaic::RingsSetOutputCube(), Isis::ProcessMapMosaic::SetOutputCube(), Isis::Projection::SetUpperLeftCorner(), Isis::SubArea::UpdateLabel(), Isis::CubeTileHandler::updateLabels(), Isis::CubeBsqHandler::updateLabels(), and Isis::ControlNetFileV0002::Write().

PvlContainer::PvlKeywordIterator Isis::PvlContainer::addKeyword ( const PvlKeyword keyword,
PvlKeywordIterator  pos 

Insert a keyword at the specified iterator position.

This method provides the capability to insert a keyword at the specified iterator position. The process follows the description of the STL vector definition along with all the caveats (e.g., invalidation of iterators upon insert operations).

This method will not perform any checks for the existance of the keyword. This could lead to multiple instances of the same keyword in the same container. It is up to the caller to manage this issue.

keyKeyword to insert
posIterator position where to insert the new keyword
PvlContainer::PvlKeywordIterator Returns the position of the inserted keyword per the STL vector documentation.

Definition at line 249 of file PvlContainer.cpp.

void Isis::Pvl::append ( const QString &  file)

Appends PVL information to a file and handles the end of line sequence.

fileName of the file to append to.

Definition at line 170 of file Pvl.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::Message::FileOpen(), Isis::IException::Io, and terminator().

PvlKeywordIterator Isis::PvlContainer::begin ( )
ConstPvlKeywordIterator Isis::PvlContainer::begin ( ) const

Return the const beginning iterator.

The const beginning iterator.

Definition at line 201 of file PvlContainer.h.

References Isis::PvlContainer::m_keywords.

PvlGroupIterator Isis::PvlObject::beginGroup ( )

Returns the beginning group index.

The iterator of the beginning group..

Definition at line 100 of file PvlObject.h.

References Isis::PvlObject::m_groups.

Referenced by Isis::PvlObject::deleteGroup(), Isis::PvlObject::findGroup(), Isis::PvlObject::hasGroup(), and Isis::DbAccess::load().

ConstPvlGroupIterator Isis::PvlObject::beginGroup ( ) const

Returns the beginning group index.

The iterator of the beginning group..

Definition at line 109 of file PvlObject.h.

References Isis::PvlObject::m_groups.

PvlObjectIterator Isis::PvlObject::beginObject ( )

Returns the index of the beginning object.

The beginning object's index.

Definition at line 244 of file PvlObject.h.

References Isis::PvlObject::m_objects.

Referenced by Isis::PvlObject::deleteObject(), Isis::PvlObject::findObject(), Isis::PvlObject::hasObject(), and Isis::ImportPdsTable::loadLabel().

ConstPvlObjectIterator Isis::PvlObject::beginObject ( ) const

Returns the const index of the beginning object.

The beginning object's index.

Definition at line 253 of file PvlObject.h.

References Isis::PvlObject::m_objects.

bool Isis::PvlContainer::cleanDuplicateKeywords ( )

Removes keywords from the container that have BOTH the same name and value.

bool True if one or more keywords were deleted; False if no keywords were deleted.

Definition at line 152 of file PvlContainer.cpp.

void Isis::PvlObject::clear ( )

Remove everything from the current PvlObject.

Definition at line 350 of file PvlObject.h.

References Isis::PvlContainer::clear(), Isis::PvlObject::m_groups, and Isis::PvlObject::m_objects.

Referenced by IsisAml::CommandLine(), and Isis::ControlNetFileV0001::Read().

void Isis::PvlObject::deleteGroup ( const int  index)

Remove a group from the current PvlObject.

indexThe index of the PvlGroup to remove.

Definition at line 399 of file PvlObject.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::PvlObject::beginGroup(), Isis::PvlContainer::m_filename, Isis::PvlObject::m_groups, Isis::PvlContainer::name(), Isis::PvlContainer::type(), and Isis::IException::Unknown.

void Isis::PvlContainer::deleteKeyword ( const int  index)

Remove the specified keyword.

indexThe index of the keyword to remove.
iException::PvlKeyword doesn't exist.

Definition at line 131 of file PvlContainer.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_.

void Isis::PvlObject::deleteObject ( const QString &  name)
void Isis::PvlObject::deleteObject ( const int  index)

Remove an object from the current PvlObject.

indexThe index of the PvlObject to remove.

Definition at line 357 of file PvlObject.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::PvlObject::beginObject(), Isis::PvlContainer::m_filename, Isis::PvlObject::m_objects, Isis::PvlContainer::name(), Isis::PvlContainer::type(), and Isis::IException::Unknown.

PvlKeywordIterator Isis::PvlContainer::end ( )
ConstPvlKeywordIterator Isis::PvlContainer::end ( ) const

Return the const ending iterator.

The const ending iterator.

Definition at line 217 of file PvlContainer.h.

References Isis::PvlContainer::m_keywords.

PvlGroupIterator Isis::PvlObject::endGroup ( )

Returns the ending group index.

The iterator of the ending group.

Definition at line 118 of file PvlObject.h.

References Isis::PvlObject::m_groups.

Referenced by Isis::PvlObject::deleteGroup(), Isis::PvlObject::findGroup(), Isis::PvlObject::hasGroup(), and Isis::DbAccess::load().

ConstPvlGroupIterator Isis::PvlObject::endGroup ( ) const

Returns the const ending group index.

The iterator of the ending group.

Definition at line 127 of file PvlObject.h.

References Isis::PvlObject::m_groups.

PvlObjectIterator Isis::PvlObject::endObject ( )

Returns the index of the ending object.

The ending object's index.

Definition at line 262 of file PvlObject.h.

References Isis::PvlObject::m_objects.

Referenced by Isis::PvlObject::deleteObject(), Isis::PvlObject::findObject(), Isis::PvlObject::hasObject(), and Isis::ImportPdsTable::loadLabel().

ConstPvlObjectIterator Isis::PvlObject::endObject ( ) const

Returns the const index of the ending object.

The ending object's index.

Definition at line 271 of file PvlObject.h.

References Isis::PvlObject::m_objects.

PvlGroupIterator Isis::PvlObject::findGroup ( const QString &  name,
PvlGroupIterator  beg,
PvlGroupIterator  end 

Find a group with the specified name, within these indexes.

nameThe name of the group to look for.
begThe lower index
endThe higher index

Definition at line 138 of file PvlObject.h.

Referenced by Isis::SerialNumberList::Add(), Isis::ProcessMosaic::AddBandBinGroup(), Isis::ProjectionConfigDialog::addMissingKeywords(), Isis::ControlNetDiff::addTolerances(), Isis::AlphaCube::AlphaCube(), Isis::AmicaCamera::AmicaCamera(), Isis::ApolloMetricCamera::ApolloMetricCamera(), Isis::ApolloPanoramicCamera::ApolloPanoramicCamera(), Isis::Chandrayaan1M3Camera::Chandrayaan1M3Camera(), IsisAml::CheckFileNamePreference(), Isis::MdisCamera::computeFocalLength(), Isis::TiffImporter::convertProjection(), Isis::InterestOperatorFactory::Create(), Isis::CameraFactory::Create(), Isis::PolygonSeederFactory::Create(), Isis::AutoRegFactory::Create(), Isis::ProjectionFactory::Create(), Isis::ProjectionFactory::CreateForCube(), Isis::ProjectionFactory::CreateFromCube(), Isis::CrismCamera::CrismCamera(), Isis::CTXCamera::CTXCamera(), Isis::CubeIoHandler::CubeIoHandler(), Isis::DawnFcCamera::DawnFcCamera(), Isis::PvlObject::deleteGroup(), Isis::DemShape::DemShape(), Isis::Equirectangular::Equirectangular(), Isis::UserInterface::evaluateOption(), Isis::KernelDb::findAll(), Isis::Kernels::findKernels(), Isis::ObservationNumber::FindObservationTranslation(), Isis::SerialNumber::FindSerialTranslation(), Isis::MosaicSceneWidget::fromPvl(), Isis::TiffImporter::gdalItems(), Isis::CubeViewport::getBandFilterName(), Isis::ProcessMosaic::GetBandIndex(), Isis::Kernels::getCameraVersion(), Isis::Plugin::GetPlugin(), Isis::GroundGrid::GroundGrid(), Isis::Camera::GroundRange(), Isis::Cube::group(), Isis::PvlObject::hasGroup(), Isis::Spice::hasKernels(), Isis::HiresCamera::HiresCamera(), Isis::HiriseCamera::HiriseCamera(), Isis::HrscCamera::HrscCamera(), Isis::IdealCamera::IdealCamera(), Isis::VimsSkyMap::Init(), Isis::VimsGroundMap::Init(), Isis::Gruen::init(), Isis::Spice::init(), Isis::DatabaseFactory::initPreferences(), Isis::IssNACamera::IssNACamera(), Isis::IssWACamera::IssWACamera(), Isis::KaguyaMiCamera::KaguyaMiCamera(), Isis::LambertConformal::LambertConformal(), Isis::Stretch::Load(), Isis::DbAccess::load(), Isis::ProjectionConfigDialog::loadFromFile(), Isis::iTime::LoadLeapSecondKernel(), Isis::LoHighCamera::LoHighCamera(), Isis::LoMediumCamera::LoMediumCamera(), Isis::LroNarrowAngleCamera::LroNarrowAngleCamera(), Isis::LroWideAngleCamera::LroWideAngleCamera(), Isis::LunarAzimuthalEqualArea::LunarAzimuthalEqualArea(), Isis::LwirCamera::LwirCamera(), Isis::MarciCamera::MarciCamera(), Isis::Mariner10Camera::Mariner10Camera(), Isis::ProcessMosaic::MatchBandBinGroup(), Isis::KernelDb::matches(), Isis::MdisCamera::MdisCamera(), Isis::Mercator::Mercator(), Isis::MiniRF::MiniRF(), Isis::Process::MissionData(), Isis::MocNarrowAngleCamera::MocNarrowAngleCamera(), Isis::MocWideAngleCamera::MocWideAngleCamera(), Isis::MsiCamera::MsiCamera(), Isis::NaifDskShape::NaifDskShape(), Isis::NewHorizonsLeisaCamera::NewHorizonsLeisaCamera(), Isis::NewHorizonsLorriCamera::NewHorizonsLorriCamera(), Isis::NewHorizonsMvicFrameCamera::NewHorizonsMvicFrameCamera(), Isis::NewHorizonsMvicTdiCamera::NewHorizonsMvicTdiCamera(), Isis::NirCamera::NirCamera(), Isis::ObliqueCylindrical::ObliqueCylindrical(), Isis::Orthographic::Orthographic(), Isis::LimitPolygonSeeder::Parse(), Isis::StripPolygonSeeder::Parse(), Isis::GridPolygonSeeder::Parse(), Isis::PolygonSeeder::Parse(), Isis::ControlNetValidMeasure::Parse(), Isis::InterestOperator::Parse(), Isis::AutoReg::Parse(), Isis::Planar::Planar(), Isis::PointPerspective::PointPerspective(), Isis::PolarStereographic::PolarStereographic(), Isis::ProcessImportPds::ProcessImportPds(), Isis::Progress::Progress(), Isis::Projection::Projection(), Isis::Cube::putGroup(), Isis::ControlNetVersioner::ReadBinaryNetwork(), Isis::MocLabels::ReadLabels(), Isis::CissLabels::ReadLabels(), Isis::PvlKeyword::reform(), Isis::ReseauDistortionMap::ReseauDistortionMap(), Isis::TiffImporter::resolution(), Isis::RingCylindrical::RingCylindrical(), Isis::Camera::ringRange(), Isis::ProjectionFactory::RingsCreate(), Isis::ProjectionFactory::RingsCreateForCube(), Isis::ProjectionFactory::RingsCreateFromCube(), Isis::ProcessMapMosaic::RingsSetOutputCube(), Isis::Robinson::Robinson(), Isis::UserInterface::SaveHistory(), Isis::ProcessMosaic::SetInputCube(), Isis::ProcessMosaic::SetMosaicOrigin(), Isis::ProcessMapMosaic::SetOutputCube(), Isis::ProcessGroundPolygons::SetStatCubes(), Isis::SimpleCylindrical::SimpleCylindrical(), Isis::Sinusoidal::Sinusoidal(), Isis::Spice::Spice(), Isis::SsiCamera::SsiCamera(), Isis::ProcessExportPds::StandardAllMapping(), Isis::Target::Target(), Isis::TProjection::TargetRadii(), Isis::Pipeline::TemporaryFolder(), Isis::ThemisIrCamera::ThemisIrCamera(), Isis::ThemisVisCamera::ThemisVisCamera(), Isis::AdvancedTrackTool::TrackMosaicOrigin(), Isis::ProcessImportPds::TranslateIsis2BandBin(), Isis::ProcessImportPds::TranslateIsis2Instrument(), Isis::ProcessImportPds::TranslatePdsProjection(), Isis::TransverseMercator::TransverseMercator(), Isis::AlphaCube::UpdateGroup(), Isis::Gui::UpdateHistory(), Isis::TiffImporter::upperLeftXY(), Isis::UvvisCamera::UvvisCamera(), Isis::PvlObject::validateObject(), validatePvl(), Isis::VikingCamera::VikingCamera(), Isis::VimsCamera::VimsCamera(), and Isis::VoyagerCamera::VoyagerCamera().

ConstPvlGroupIterator Isis::PvlObject::findGroup ( const QString &  name,
ConstPvlGroupIterator  beg,
ConstPvlGroupIterator  end 
) const

Find a group with the specified name, within these indexes.

nameThe name of the group to look for.
begThe lower index
endThe higher index

Definition at line 152 of file PvlObject.h.

Isis::PvlGroup & Isis::PvlObject::findGroup ( const QString &  name,
PvlObject::FindOptions  opts = None 

Finds a group within the current PvlObject.

nameThe name of the group to look for.
optsThe FindOptions option (None or Traverse).
The PvlGroup object sought for.

Definition at line 72 of file PvlObject.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::PvlObject::beginGroup(), Isis::PvlObject::endGroup(), Isis::PvlContainer::m_filename, Isis::PvlObject::Traverse, and Isis::IException::Unknown.

const Isis::PvlGroup & Isis::PvlObject::findGroup ( const QString &  name,
PvlObject::FindOptions  opts = None 
) const

Finds a group within the current PvlObject.

nameThe name of the group to look for.
optsThe FindOptions option (None or Traverse).
The PvlGroup object sought for.

Definition at line 107 of file PvlObject.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::PvlObject::beginGroup(), Isis::PvlObject::endGroup(), Isis::PvlContainer::m_filename, Isis::PvlObject::Traverse, and Isis::IException::Unknown.

const Isis::PvlKeyword & Isis::PvlContainer::findKeyword ( const QString &  name) const

Find a keyword with a specified name.

nameThe name of the keyword to look for.
The PvlKeyword object.
IExceptionThe keyword doesn't exist.

Definition at line 96 of file PvlContainer.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_.

PvlKeyword & Isis::PvlObject::findKeyword ( const QString &  kname,
FindOptions  opts 

Finds a keyword in the current PvlObject, or deeper inside other PvlObjects and Pvlgroups within this one.

Note: This member has the same name as the PvlContainer and hides those implementations, but with the using statement the parents FindKeyword members ar made visible. Note: If more than one occurance of a Keyword appears below this Object no guarantee is made as to which one is returned.

knameThe name of the keyword to look for.
optsThe FindOptions option (None or Traverse).
The keyword sought

Definition at line 148 of file PvlObject.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::PvlContainer::begin(), Isis::PvlContainer::end(), Isis::PvlObject::group(), Isis::PvlContainer::m_filename, Isis::PvlObject::None, and Isis::IException::Unknown.

Referenced by Isis::ControlNetDiff::compare(), Isis::CubeIoHandler::CubeIoHandler(), Isis::Cube::deleteBlob(), Isis::ProcessMosaic::GetTrackStatus(), Isis::ControlNetVersioner::LatestPvlToBinary(), Isis::SpicePosition::LoadCache(), Isis::SpiceRotation::LoadCache(), Isis::ImportPdsTable::loadLabel(), Isis::LroWideAngleCamera::LroWideAngleCamera(), Isis::ProcessMosaic::SetMosaicOrigin(), Isis::SsiCamera::SsiCamera(), Isis::ProcessExportPds::StandardAllMapping(), Isis::PvlObject::validateObject(), and validatePvl().

PvlContainer::PvlKeywordIterator Isis::PvlContainer::findKeyword ( const QString &  name,
PvlContainer::PvlKeywordIterator  beg,
PvlContainer::PvlKeywordIterator  end 

Find the index of a keyword, using iterators.

nameThe name of the keyword.
begThe beginning iterator.
endThe ending iterator.
The keyword index.

Definition at line 367 of file PvlContainer.cpp.

PvlContainer::ConstPvlKeywordIterator Isis::PvlContainer::findKeyword ( const QString &  name,
PvlContainer::ConstPvlKeywordIterator  beg,
PvlContainer::ConstPvlKeywordIterator  end 
) const

Find the index of a keyword, using iterators.

nameThe name of the keyword.
begThe beginning iterator.
endThe ending iterator.
The keyword index.

Definition at line 382 of file PvlContainer.cpp.

PvlObjectIterator Isis::PvlObject::findObject ( const QString &  name,
PvlObjectIterator  beg,
PvlObjectIterator  end 

Find the index of object with a specified name, between two indexes.

nameThe name of the object to find.
begThe lower index.
endThe higher index.
The index of the object.

Definition at line 283 of file PvlObject.h.

Referenced by Isis::SerialNumberList::Add(), Isis::ProcessMosaic::AddBandBinGroup(), Isis::ProcessMosaic::AddDefaultBandBinGroup(), Isis::AlbedoAtm::AlbedoAtm(), Isis::AlphaCube::AlphaCube(), Isis::AtmosModel::AtmosModel(), Isis::AutoReg::AutoReg(), Isis::Camera::Camera(), Isis::ControlNetDiff::compare(), Isis::MosaicController::convertV1ToV2(), Isis::FileTool::copyCubeDetails(), Isis::AtmosModelFactory::Create(), Isis::PhotoModelFactory::Create(), Isis::NormModelFactory::Create(), Isis::ProcessExportPds::CreateQubeLabel(), Isis::ProcessExportPds::CreateSpectralQubeLabel(), Isis::CubeIoHandler::CubeIoHandler(), Isis::CubeTileHandler::CubeTileHandler(), Isis::Cube::deleteGroup(), Isis::PvlObject::deleteObject(), Isis::SpectralPlotWindow::drawBandMarkers(), Isis::Cube::externalCubeFileName(), Isis::KernelDb::findAll(), Isis::Image::fromPvl(), Isis::MosaicSceneWidget::fromPvl(), Isis::CubeViewport::getBandFilterName(), Isis::ProcessImportPds::GetProjectionOffsetMults(), Isis::SpectralPlotTool::getSpectralStatistics(), Isis::Cube::group(), Isis::Cube::hasGroup(), Isis::PvlObject::hasObject(), Isis::ImageImporter::import(), Isis::Spice::init(), Isis::DbAccess::load(), Isis::ImportPdsTable::loadLabel(), Isis::ProcessMosaic::MatchDEMShapeModel(), Isis::KernelDb::matches(), Isis::Cube::open(), Isis::AutoReg::Parse(), Isis::PhotoModel::PhotoModel(), Isis::Process::PropagateLabels(), Isis::Cube::putGroup(), Isis::ControlNetFileV0001::Read(), Isis::ControlNetFileV0002::Read(), Isis::ControlNetVersioner::ReadBinaryNetwork(), Isis::ControlNetVersioner::ReadPvlNetwork(), Isis::Cube::realDataFileName(), Isis::BandSpinBox::setBandBin(), Isis::BandTool::setBandBin(), Isis::BandTool::setList(), Isis::Process::SetOutputCube(), Isis::ProcessMosaic::SetOutputCube(), Isis::ProcessExportPds::StandardAllMapping(), Isis::ProcessExportPds::StandardImageImage(), Isis::ProcessExportPds::StandardJP2Image(), Isis::ProcessMosaic::StartProcess(), Isis::ControlNetFileV0002::toPvl(), Isis::ControlNetFileV0001::toPvl(), Isis::AdvancedTrackTool::TrackMosaicOrigin(), Isis::AlphaCube::UpdateGroup(), Isis::SubArea::UpdateLabel(), Isis::CubeTileHandler::updateLabels(), Isis::CubeBsqHandler::updateLabels(), Isis::SpectralPlotTool::updateTool(), Isis::PvlObject::validateObject(), validatePvl(), and Isis::Blob::Write().

ConstPvlObjectIterator Isis::PvlObject::findObject ( const QString &  name,
ConstPvlObjectIterator  beg,
ConstPvlObjectIterator  end 
) const

Find the index of object with a specified name, between two indexes.

nameThe name of the object to find.
begThe lower index.
endThe higher index.
The index of the object.

Definition at line 298 of file PvlObject.h.

PvlObject & Isis::PvlObject::findObject ( const QString &  name,
PvlObject::FindOptions  opts = None 

Find an object within the current PvlObject.

nameThe object name to look for.
optsThe FindOptions option (None or Traverse).
The PvlObject sought for.

Definition at line 261 of file PvlObject.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::PvlObject::beginObject(), Isis::PvlObject::endObject(), Isis::PvlContainer::m_filename, Isis::PvlObject::Traverse, and Isis::IException::Unknown.

const PvlObject & Isis::PvlObject::findObject ( const QString &  name,
FindOptions  opts = None 
) const

Find an object within the current PvlObject.

nameThe object name to look for.
optsThe FindOptions option (None or Traverse).
The PvlObject sought for.

Definition at line 296 of file PvlObject.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::PvlObject::beginObject(), Isis::PvlObject::endObject(), Isis::PvlContainer::m_filename, Isis::PvlObject::Traverse, and Isis::IException::Unknown.

const Isis::PvlGroup & Isis::PvlObject::group ( const int  index) const

Return the group at the specified index.

indexThe index of the group.
The PvlGroup sought for.

Definition at line 442 of file PvlObject.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::Message::ArraySubscriptNotInRange(), Isis::PvlObject::m_groups, and Isis::IException::Programmer.

bool Isis::PvlObject::hasGroup ( const QString &  name) const
bool Isis::PvlContainer::hasKeyword ( const QString &  name) const

Check to see if a keyword exists.

nameThe name of the keyword to check for.
True if the keyword exists, false if it doesn't.

Definition at line 175 of file PvlContainer.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::Latitude::add(), Isis::ProjectionConfigDialog::addMissingKeywords(), Isis::PvlTranslationTable::AddTable(), Isis::AlbedoAtm::AlbedoAtm(), Isis::AtmosModel::AtmosModel(), Isis::Camera::Camera(), IsisAml::CommandLine(), Isis::ControlNetDiff::compareGroups(), Isis::ControlNetVersioner::ConvertVersion1ToVersion2(), Isis::ControlNetVersioner::Copy(), Isis::CameraFactory::Create(), Isis::AtmosModelFactory::Create(), Isis::PhotoModelFactory::Create(), Isis::NormModelFactory::Create(), Isis::ControlNetFilter::CubeConvexHullFilter(), Isis::ControlNetFilter::CubeDistanceFilter(), Isis::ControlNetFilter::CubeNameExpressionFilter(), Isis::ControlNetFilter::CubeNumPointsFilter(), Isis::DemShape::DemShape(), Isis::PvlTranslationManager::DoTranslation(), Isis::SpectralPlotWindow::drawBandMarkers(), Isis::Equirectangular::Equirectangular(), Isis::ProcessImportFits::extractFitsLabels(), Isis::KernelDb::findAll(), Isis::Kernels::findKernels(), Isis::FeatureNomenclatureTool::findMissingNomenclature(), Isis::CubeViewport::getBandFilterName(), Isis::Kernels::getCameraVersion(), Isis::SpectralPlotTool::getSpectralStatistics(), Isis::UniversalGroundMap::GroundRange(), Isis::Camera::GroundRange(), Isis::Spice::hasKernels(), Isis::HiLab::HiLab(), Isis::IdealCamera::IdealCamera(), Isis::Spice::init(), Isis::DatabaseFactory::initPreferences(), Isis::PvlTranslationTable::InputDefault(), Isis::PvlTranslationManager::InputHasKeyword(), Isis::PvlTranslationManager::InputKeyword(), Isis::PvlTranslationTable::InputKeywordName(), Isis::LambertConformal::LambertConformal(), Isis::ControlNetVersioner::LatestPvlToBinary(), Isis::Latitude::Latitude(), Isis::LoMediumCamera::LoMediumCamera(), Isis::RingPlaneProjection::Mapping(), Isis::TProjection::Mapping(), Isis::ProcessMosaic::MatchBandBinGroup(), Isis::ProcessMosaic::MatchDEMShapeModel(), Isis::KernelDb::matches(), Isis::Mercator::Mercator(), Isis::NaifDskShape::NaifDskShape(), Isis::ObliqueCylindrical::ObliqueCylindrical(), Isis::operator<<(), Isis::Orthographic::Orthographic(), Isis::LimitPolygonSeeder::Parse(), Isis::GridPolygonSeeder::Parse(), Isis::StripPolygonSeeder::Parse(), Isis::PolygonSeeder::Parse(), Isis::AutoReg::Parse(), Isis::PhotoModel::PhotoModel(), Isis::Planar::Planar(), Isis::ControlNetFilter::PointDistanceFilter(), Isis::ControlNetFilter::PointEditLockFilter(), Isis::ControlNetFilter::PointGoodnessOfFitFilter(), Isis::ControlNetFilter::PointLatLonFilter(), Isis::ControlNetFilter::PointMeasurePropertiesFilter(), Isis::ControlNetFilter::PointMeasuresFilter(), Isis::ControlNetFilter::PointNumMeasuresEditLockFilter(), Isis::PointPerspective::PointPerspective(), Isis::ControlNetFilter::PointPixelShiftFilter(), Isis::ControlNetFilter::PointPropertiesFilter(), Isis::ControlNetFilter::PointResMagnitudeFilter(), Isis::PolarStereographic::PolarStereographic(), Isis::Projection::Projection(), Isis::ControlNetVersioner::ReadBinaryNetwork(), Isis::MocLabels::ReadLabels(), Isis::AutoReg::RegTemplate(), Isis::RingCylindrical::RingCylindrical(), Isis::RingPlaneProjection::RingPlaneProjection(), Isis::Camera::ringRange(), Isis::ProcessMapMosaic::RingsSetOutputCube(), Isis::Robinson::Robinson(), Isis::ProcessMapMosaic::SetOutputCube(), Isis::ProcessImportFits::setProcessFileStructure(), Isis::SimpleCylindrical::SimpleCylindrical(), Isis::Sinusoidal::Sinusoidal(), Isis::ProcessImportFits::standardInstrumentGroup(), Isis::Target::Target(), Isis::TProjection::TargetRadii(), Isis::ThemisIrCamera::ThemisIrCamera(), Isis::ControlNetFileV0002::toPvl(), Isis::IException::toString(), Isis::TProjection::TProjection(), Isis::PvlTranslationManager::Translate(), Isis::PvlTranslationTable::Translate(), Isis::ProcessImportPds::TranslateIsis2Instrument(), Isis::TransverseMercator::TransverseMercator(), Isis::SubArea::UpdateLabel(), Isis::SpectralPlotTool::updateTool(), Isis::TiffImporter::upperLeftXY(), Isis::PvlContainer::validateAllKeywords(), Isis::PvlObject::validateObject(), and validatePvl().

bool Isis::PvlObject::hasKeyword ( const QString &  kname,
FindOptions  opts 
) const
void Isis::Pvl::init ( )

initializes the class

Definition at line 62 of file Pvl.cpp.

References Isis::PvlContainer::m_filename, and m_terminator.

Referenced by Pvl().

bool Isis::PvlContainer::isNamed ( const QString &  match) const

Returns whether the given string is equal to the container name or not.

matchThe string to compare to the name.
True if the name and string are the same, false if they are not.

Definition at line 87 of file PvlContainer.h.

References Isis::PvlContainer::m_name, and Isis::PvlKeyword::stringEqual().

Referenced by Isis::FileTool::copyCubeDetails(), Isis::Blob::Find(), Isis::KernelDb::findAll(), Isis::Cube::hasTable(), Isis::IsBlob(), Isis::Image::isFootprintable(), Isis::UserInterface::loadHistory(), Isis::KernelDb::loadKernelDbFiles(), Isis::Table::ReadInit(), Isis::Process::SetOutputCube(), Isis::Gui::UpdateHistory(), and Isis::Process::WriteHistory().

const PvlObject & Isis::PvlObject::object ( const int  index) const

Return the object at the specified index.

indexThe index of the object.
The PvlObject sought for.

Definition at line 478 of file PvlObject.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::Message::ArraySubscriptNotInRange(), Isis::PvlObject::m_objects, and Isis::IException::Programmer.

void Isis::PvlContainer::operator+= ( const PvlKeyword keyword)

When you use the += operator with a PvlKeyword, it will call the addKeyword() method.

keywordThe PvlKeyword to be added.

Definition at line 125 of file PvlContainer.h.

References Isis::PvlContainer::addKeyword().

void Isis::PvlContainer::operator-= ( const QString &  name)

When you use the -= operator with a (string) name, it will call the deleteKeyword() method.

nameThe name of the keyword to remove.

Definition at line 231 of file PvlContainer.h.

References Isis::PvlContainer::deleteKeyword().

void Isis::PvlContainer::operator-= ( const PvlKeyword key)

When you use the -= operator with a PvlKeyword object, it will call the deleteKeyword() method.

keyThe PvlKeyword object to remove.

Definition at line 239 of file PvlContainer.h.

References Isis::PvlContainer::deleteKeyword(), and Isis::PvlKeyword::name().

const Pvl & Isis::Pvl::operator= ( const Pvl other)

This is an assignment operator.

Definition at line 496 of file Pvl.cpp.

References m_terminator, and Isis::PvlObject::operator=().

bool Isis::PvlObject::operator== ( const PvlObject object) const

Compares two PvlObjects.

Returns a boolean value based on the StringEqual() method.

objectThe PvlObject to compare.
True if they are equal, false if not.

Definition at line 344 of file PvlObject.h.

References Isis::PvlContainer::name(), and Isis::PvlKeyword::stringEqual().

PvlKeyword& Isis::PvlContainer::operator[] ( const QString &  name)

When you use the [] operator with a (string) name, it will call the findKeyword() method.

nameThe name of the keyword to find.

Definition at line 135 of file PvlContainer.h.

References Isis::PvlContainer::findKeyword().

Referenced by Isis::PvlContainer::operator[]().

PvlKeyword & Isis::PvlContainer::operator[] ( const int  index)

Return the PvlKeyword object at the specified index.

indexThe index to use.
The PvlKeyword at the specified index.
iException::MessageThe index is out of bounds.

Definition at line 188 of file PvlContainer.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, and Isis::Message::ArraySubscriptNotInRange().

PvlKeyword& Isis::PvlContainer::operator[] ( const char *  name)

When you use the [] operator with a (char) name, it will call the findKeyword() method.

nameThe name of the keyword to find.

Definition at line 145 of file PvlContainer.h.

References Isis::PvlContainer::operator[]().

const PvlKeyword& Isis::PvlContainer::operator[] ( const QString &  name) const

When you use the [] operator with a (string) name, it will call the findKeyword() method.

nameThe name of the keyword to find.

Definition at line 156 of file PvlContainer.h.

References Isis::PvlContainer::findKeyword().

const Isis::PvlKeyword & Isis::PvlContainer::operator[] ( const int  index) const

Return the PvlKeyword object at the specified index.

indexThe index to use.
The PvlKeyword at the specified index.
iException::MessageThe index is out of bounds.

Definition at line 203 of file PvlContainer.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, and Isis::Message::ArraySubscriptNotInRange().

PvlKeyword Isis::PvlContainer::operator[] ( const char *  name) const

When you use the [] operator with a (char) name, it will call the findKeyword() method.

nameThe name of the keyword to find.

Definition at line 166 of file PvlContainer.h.

References Isis::PvlContainer::operator[]().

void Isis::PvlContainer::setFileName ( const QString &  filename)

Sets the filename to the specified string.

filenameThe new filename to use.

Definition at line 316 of file PvlContainer.h.

References Isis::PvlContainer::m_filename.

void Isis::PvlContainer::setName ( const QString &  name)

Set the name of the container.

Definition at line 71 of file PvlContainer.h.

References Isis::PvlContainer::m_name, and Isis::PvlKeyword::setValue().

Referenced by Isis::MosaicController::convertV1ToV2(), and Isis::operator>>().

void Isis::Pvl::setTerminator ( const QString &  term)

Sets the terminator used to signify the end of the PVL informationDefaults to "END".

termThe user-defined terminator

Definition at line 159 of file Pvl.h.

References m_terminator.

Referenced by Isis::UserInterface::evaluateOption(), Isis::History::History(), Isis::OriginalLabel::OriginalLabel(), and Isis::CameraStatistics::toPvl().

QString Isis::Pvl::terminator ( ) const

Returns the terminator used to signify the end of the PVL informationDefaults to "END".

The terminator used by the Pvl object.

Definition at line 168 of file Pvl.h.

References m_terminator.

Referenced by append(), Isis::operator<<(), and write().

QString Isis::PvlContainer::type ( ) const

Returns the container type.

The container type.

Definition at line 94 of file PvlContainer.h.

References Isis::PvlContainer::m_name, and Isis::PvlKeyword::name().

Referenced by Isis::PvlObject::deleteGroup(), Isis::PvlObject::deleteObject(), and Isis::operator<<().

void Isis::PvlContainer::validateAllKeywords ( PvlContainer pPvlCont)

Validate All the Keywords in a Container comparing with the Template.

Validate all the PvlKeywords in this container.

Sharmila Prasad (9/24/2010)
pPvlCont- Container to be Validated
2010-10-18 Sharmila Prasad - Added options "Type", "Range", "Value" for the keyword validation

Definition at line 410 of file PvlContainer.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::PvlContainer::deleteKeyword(), Isis::PvlContainer::findKeyword(), Isis::PvlContainer::hasKeyword(), Isis::PvlKeyword::name(), and Isis::PvlKeyword::validateKeyword().

Referenced by Isis::PvlGroup::validateGroup(), Isis::PvlObject::validateObject(), and validatePvl().

void Isis::PvlContainer::validateRepeatOption ( PvlKeyword pPvlTmplKwrd,
PvlContainer pPvlCont 

Validate the Repeat Option for a Keyword.

Validate Repeat Option in the Template Group.

This option indicates that a particular keyname can be repeated several times

Sharmila Prasad (9/24/2010)
pPvlTmplKwrd- Template Keyword wit
pPvlCont- Container with all the Keywords
2010-10-18 Sharmila Prasad - Added option "Type" for the keyword validation

Definition at line 486 of file PvlContainer.cpp.

References Isis::PvlContainer::deleteKeyword(), Isis::PvlContainer::keywords(), Isis::PvlKeyword::name(), and Isis::PvlKeyword::validateKeyword().

void Isis::Pvl::write ( const QString &  file)

Opens and writes PVL information to a file and handles the end of line sequence.

fileName of the file to create. The method will overwrite any existing file.

Definition at line 116 of file Pvl.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::Message::FileCreate(), Isis::IException::Io, and terminator().

Referenced by Isis::Stretch::Save(), Isis::UserInterface::SaveHistory(), Isis::FileTool::saveInfo(), Isis::PvlEditDialog::saveTextEdit(), Isis::Blob::Write(), and Isis::ControlNetVersioner::Write().

Friends And Related Function Documentation

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
Isis::Pvl pvl 

This stream will not handle the end of line sequence.


Definition at line 235 of file Pvl.cpp.

std::istream& operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
Pvl pvl 

Reads keywords from the instream and appends them to the Pvl object.

isA specified instream to read from.
pvlThe Pvl object to append to.
iExceptionInvalid PVL format specified.
Returns the entered instream after reading from it.

Definition at line 389 of file Pvl.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

QString Isis::PvlContainer::m_filename

               This contains the filename

used to initialize the pvl object.

If the object was not initialized using a filename the string is empty.

Definition at line 298 of file PvlContainer.h.

Referenced by Isis::PvlObject::deleteGroup(), Isis::PvlObject::deleteObject(), Isis::PvlContainer::fileName(), Isis::PvlObject::findGroup(), Isis::PvlObject::findKeyword(), Isis::PvlObject::findObject(), init(), Isis::PvlContainer::operator=(), read(), and Isis::PvlContainer::setFileName().

QList<PvlKeyword> Isis::PvlContainer::m_keywords

This is the vector of PvlKeywords the container is holding.

Definition at line 305 of file PvlContainer.h.

Referenced by Isis::PvlContainer::begin(), Isis::PvlContainer::clear(), Isis::PvlContainer::end(), Isis::PvlContainer::keywords(), and Isis::PvlContainer::operator=().

PvlKeyword Isis::PvlContainer::m_name
QString Isis::Pvl::m_terminator

Terminator used to signify the end of the PVL informationDefaults to "END".

Definition at line 183 of file Pvl.h.

Referenced by init(), operator=(), Pvl(), setTerminator(), and terminator().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: