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[oc] "case" synthsis and netlist simulation

> Hello everyone,
> I am just trying to see how the synthesis
> tool(design
> compiler ) will implment the following "case":
> ************************************************
> module case_try(GRANT,REQUEST);
> input [3:1] REQUEST;
> output [3:1] GRANT;
> reg  [3:1] GRANT;
> always @(REQUEST)
> casez(REQUEST)
> 3'b1??: GRANT = 3'b100;
> 3'b01?: GRANT = 3'b010;
> 3'b001: GRANT = 3'b001;
> default: GRANT = 3'b000;
> endcase
> endmodule
> ******************************************
> after synthsis, how can I tell if it is implemented
> as
> priorized one or MUX? and what is supposed to be?
> Now I have the netlist of the module based on
> "class.db" library from synopsys. How can I test it
> with my simulation level testbench? suppose the
> class.db library is in the
> /home/hwang/synopsys/libaries/class.db, should I
> just
> put:
> `include "/home/hwang/synopsys/libaries/class.db"
> into my testbench(which also includes the netlist
> file)? and if this is the case, how can I write the
> sdf annoate? 
> I am pretty new in this area, thank you for your
> paticience...
> Have a nice day!
> Jay
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