Applications of Bott connection to Finsler geometry |
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Reiko Aiyama:
Totally real surfaces in the complex 2-space |
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D. V. Alekseevsky and
S. Marchiafava:
Almost complex submanifolds of quaternionic manifolds |
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P. L. Antonelli and I.
On Holland’s frame for Randers space and its applications in physics |
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Akira Asada:
Regularization of differential operators on a Hilbert space and geometric meaning of zeta-regularization |
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Wlodzimierz Borgiel:
On certain property of a closed 2-form |
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Castrillon Lopez, J. Munoz Masque and T. S. Ratiu:
Trivial Lagrangians on connections and invariance under automorphisms |
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Distributions via seminorms and Frolicher spaces |
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Structure of geodesics in a 13-dimensional group of Heisenberg type |
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Jozsef Z. Farkas and
Emil Molnar:
Similarity and diffeomorphism classification of S2×R manifolds |
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Mauro Francaviglia and
Marcella Palese:
Second order variations in variational sequences |
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Joseph Grifone, J. Munoz
Masque and L. M. Pozo Coronado:
Variational first-order quasilinear equations |
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Szilvia Homolya:
Geodesic vectors of the six-dimensional spaces |
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Krbek, Jana Musilova and Jana Kasparova:
Representation of the variational sequence in field theory |
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Krupka and Jana Musilova:
Recent results in variational sequence theory |
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Olga Krupkova:
Hamiltonian field theory revisited: A geometric approach to regularity |
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Josef Mikes, Vera Malickova
and Olga Pokorna:
On F-planar mappings onto Riemannian spaces |
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Josef Mikes and Lukas
Torse-forming vector fields in T-semisymmetric Riemannian spaces |
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On the geometrical theory of higher-order Hamilton spaces |
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Gheorghe Munteanu:
On Chern-Lagrange complex connection |
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Fusun Ozen and Sezgin
On totally umbilical hypersurface with conharmonic curvature tensor |
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M. H. Papatriantafillou:
Projective and inductive limits of differential triads |
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A. Prastaro:
Local and global solutions of the Navier-Stokes equation |
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Symmetry algebra for control systems |
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Sarlet and T. Mestdag:
Aspects of time-dependent second-order differential equations: Berwald-type connections. |
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Alessandro Savo:
Eigenvalue estimates and nodal length of eigenfunctions |
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Zeliha Senturk and Abdulkadir
Spheres in a Weyl space |
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Absos Ali Shaikh, U.
C. De and T. Q. Binh:
On K-contact eta-Einstein manifolds |
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Karina Sluka:
Properties of the Weyl conformal curvature of Kahler-Norden manifolds |
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Dana Smetanova:
On Hamilton p2–equations in second-order field theory |
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M. Tarafdar and A. Bhattacharyya:
On Lorentzian para-Sasakian manifolds |
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Hiroyuki Tasaki:
Generalization of Kahler angle and integral geometry in complex projective spaces |
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Jiri Tomas:
Some classification problem on Weil bundles associated to monomial Weil algebras |
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Jiri Vanzura:
One kind of multisymplectic structures on 6-manifolds |
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A. Vanzurova:
A contribution to local Bol loops |
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Tan Zhang:
Manifolds with indefinite metrics whose skew-symmetric curvature operator has constant eigenvalues |
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